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The Past Can Never Be Forgotten


-Hannahly's POV-

I missed my Ni. I was 16 when he became famous. I'm 19. Fucking 19. I will always remember the day before he left.

~Flashback starts~

"Ni! Promise me one thing!" I said.

"Sure anything, Hannahbear!" He said.

"Promise you'll stay in touch with me?" I said.

"I could never ever forget you! Ill at least text you everyday. We can skype, FaceTime, and call!" He said.
We were sharing our last hug. Before my best friend in the whole world would be going off and being famous.

~Flashback ends~

~Flashback starts~

It's been 3 weeks after Niall left. Not one call. Not one text. Not one Skype. Not one FaceTime.

I decided to call him today.

*ring ring ring ring ring ring*

no answer goes straight to the voicemail. I listened to it just so I could hear his voice.

"Hey, it's Niall. Leave a message at the beep." *Beep!*

"Hey Niall! It's Hannahly. I haven't heard from you in awhile. I know your busy but I just Want to know your okay." I said I hung up. I was bawling.

~Flashback ends~

After having those flashbacks. I got up. Took a shower got dressed. Grabbed my Victorian Bulldog. Nandos. And we went down to he dog park. Nando was yanking on the leash. I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oops sorry!" I said


Hey hope you like it! :)



OMG update!!!!!!!!ยก



Note: 3 of your girls are played by the same person

Woah update update again

duhhlilah duhhlilah