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The Unknown Fall

Chapter 6

Niall p.o.v

Its already light out and the girls and I went to explore the island. The boys and Ryan were to 'lazy' to come with us.
"Hey, I'm going to look for some food." I say.
"Ok, meet back where the lazy ass boys are." Megan says.
"Kay, see ya" I say. I walk around a bit. This island is easy to get lost on. It's very big. I keep walking. It's been thirty minutes now, and still no sign of food at all. I look up for the 9th time, and see some coconuts. Oh, that didn't take long at all.(note the sarcasum) I climb up to the top and reach for one. But, I want to see the view and see how far I am from the beach, so I climb up to the top. Oh, God, I'm far. I look around a little bit, and see a person. Wait a second, is that Annabeth? It is! I quickly slide down the trunk and run in the direction (ONE DIRECTION!) she is in. She is REALLY far away from the beach. She probably went to look for water or something. OH MY GOOOD SHE IS SO FAR! I finally get to her and yell, "Annabeth!"
"Huh?" She says fearfully.
"Its Niall!" I yell. She turns around.
"Ok. Where are we?" She asks.
"Hold on." I say. I climb up a near by tree and get to the top.
"We're pretty far." I say While climbing down.
"Which direction(ONE DIRECTION!) do we go?" She asks.
"That way" I say While pointing to the direction (ONE DIRECTION!) we need to go in. I start walking a bit, and then I realize I didn't get the coconuts. Oh poo. We get back to the beach and realize we've been gone for two hours.
"Where were you guys? We've been worried sick!" Megan yells.
"Well, I got lost. Then, this leprecraun over here came and got me." Annabeth explains.
"I don't see any food Niall." Ashley points out.
"Well, you see, I saw some food. But, before I got it, I wanted to see how far I was. So, I climbed to the top of the tree, and saw Anna,- I got cut of by Anna punching me in the face.


I really hope you guys like this chapter. And btw, it was night when they crashed.



Okay. :)

@Stampy Cat

WritingAddict55 WritingAddict55

You want me to add you as co author for this again?

Hey it's Natalia_Taylor_Zieroth I just got a new account so that's why I haven't talk to u guys in forever sorry

WritingAddict55 WritingAddict55

@Bmo Tomlinson
Yayyyyy!!!!!!! Thank You!!!!