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Reality Ruined My Life


*Calla`s POV*

I woke up curled up on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. A wave of panic went over me and I sat up straight and tugged the sheets up to my chin, trying to figure out where I was. Then I saw a dark figure shift in a chair across the room.

"Calla? Are you awake?" The figure whispered. When the figure stood and crossed the room over to me, I frowned.

"Louis? What are you doing in my room?" I blurted.

Louis chuckled and sat on the bed next to me. "First, this is my room. Second, you fell asleep at the bonfire last night and I didn`t want to barge into your house, so I carried you to my room. Don`t worry, I slept on the floor," He explained briefly, a smirk on his face.

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair, letting it fall back down and frame my face. "Okay, then. What time is it?" I mumbled, glancing around for my phone.

He grabbed my phone off of the bedside table and handed it to me. "It`s around nine in the morning. You missed a few calls from your mum," He added.

"Where`s Alli?"

"Is this twenty questions?" Louis complained, throwing his hands in the air in mock annoyance. I glared at him and he held his hands up in surrender. "She`s downstairs with the boys. I came to wake you up. She said your mom called her too and she needs you two to come home,"

Intrigued, I got out of Louis` bed, threw a hoodie on over my bikini and jean shorts, and went downstairs with Louis close behind me. "Morning," I yawned when I entered the living room. I smirked when I saw Alli curled up next to Harry on the loveseat. When she saw me, she stood up and straightened her jean shorts, her face bright red.

"Uhm, your mom called me. She wants us back at your house as soon as we can get there," Alli said briefly.

"You`ll come back soon, right?" Zayn asked, a pout on his face. I smiled and nodded.

"We`ll see you guys later, okay? Maybe we can go swimming later," I called as Alli pulled me out of the house. I walked with her back to my house, which was about six homes down. "Do you know what my mom wanted?" I asked.

Alli shook her head. "I have no clue, but she sounded excited,"

My nose crinkled up in a confused frown. "I guess we`ll see soon enough."

*Cameron`s POV*

"Are they on their way back?" I asked anxiously, looking out the window of the Stranjone`s beach home, searching for my two best friends.

"They should be here any moment," Calla`s mom said, glancing at me from where she perched at the dinner table, across from my parents.

I nodded and stared out the window. I just couldn`t believe that I was actually here! I missed them so much, and this was the perfect place to tell Calla how I feel about her.

"Mom?" I heard her call out from the foyer. My heart probably stopped beating when she came into the kitchen, Alli right behind her. Was it possible that she had gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw her? Our eyes locked at the exact same time, and her icy blue ones widened.

"Cameron?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper.


Sorry for the short update :3
What`s gonna happen between Calla and Cameron now?
What`s gonna happen between Calla and Louis?
What`s up with Alli and Harry?
These questions will all be answered soon, dearies c: Keep reading/subscribing/commenting! <3


awh, thank you! c:
It's mazing!!!!
Please update!!!!
I'll probably end up writing it (: