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Dreaming about London

Change of diaper

I don’t know what time it was but it was dark outside and I knew that I had to throw up, so I shook Niall awake vigorously.

“A bag!” I yelled and he immediately stumbled around the bed to get a bag and hold it under my chin still completely befuddled by sleep. He stood with his eyes closed looking like he was sleeping standing up as I took the usual few minutes of dry heaving in to the bag. I wouldn’t want to risk getting my shirt dirty and having to sit up straight more than absolutely necessary.

The cramp movements in my stomach didn’t hurt as much on my ribs as it’d done the night before and I actually managed to fall asleep again rather quickly, I could only hope that Niall did the same.

The following morning Harry arrived right after we had some breakfast that for me consisted of two sips of water after I’d brushed my teeth. For Niall it consisted of a huge cheese and ham sandwich that Liam had gotten from some small grocery store next to the hospital.

“Man, there are a lot of people out there!” Harry exclaimed as he took off his jacket and threw himself on the sofa. “Guess they know about our new favorite hot spot.”

I smiled at his little joke as I decided to get my phone out and call mum to tell her what had happened. She quickly picked probably very excited to hear what I had to tell her.

“Hi sweety! How are you?” I heard her exclaim from the other end.

“Uhm… How I am… Well,” I began and the boys laughed knowing what crazy answer I would have to give her. “I was… in an accident.”

And then I told her everything about the screaming scary girls, the run, my knee, the car, my damages and where I was now. She didn’t say anything except for a few frightened gushes every once in a while.

“Well, it’s nice to hear that you are surrounded by some lovely people over there, when I can’t be with you,” she said when I’d finished my sick story. “Tell them all I said hi.”

“Mum says hi,” I said turning towards the boys.

“HI MUM!” they all yelled at the same time and I heard her laugh through the phone.

“Oh, Laura looks like she really wants to talk to you,” she suddenly said and was quickly replaced by my younger sister, who practically screamed in to the phone:

“Maja, what the hell are you doing?! You’re all over Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook! I didn’t know if the thing about the accident was true, you can’t believe everything you read, but now I know that it is.”

“Yeah, it’s true.”

“Are you sleeping with Harry and Niall at the same time?” she asked out of the blue.

“What? I thought you just said that you shouldn’t believe everything you read?” I said a bit annoyed.

“I guess that’s a no. You’re with Niall, right?” she then asked.

“Yes. Yes I am.” I felt myself blush as I answered her last question.

“Good, then I’ll tell that to my friends, they all think that you’re a slut and sleeping with everyone and I knew that I was going to prove them wrong!”

“That’s nice,” I replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Oh, Niels wants to talk to you as well. Love you Maja, get better soon!”

And then she was replaced by the easy recognizable voice of my younger brother.

“What’s up?” he said.

“Yo nigga,” I said trying to imitate the slightly ghetto tone that he’d used.

“So… you’re with Niall? For real?” he asked without hiding any intentions with this conversation at all.

I felt my body get warm not feeling ready to answer that question. But as I took a quick glance at Harry I remembered our fight right before the accident and then realized that he’d been right about what he said.

“I would say so, yes,” I managed to reply before I would back out again. Wow, this felt weird.

“Congratulations!” he exclaimed. “I don’t think Laura would mind being a bridesmaid.”

“Oh God.” I knew that he couldn’t resist the urge of making fun of absolutely everything, that dork.

As I hung up a few minutes later I looked over at Niall sitting next to the bed looking at his phone as well and I felt calm. Not nervous or scared, just happy that I’d met a guy like him.

I tried to answer as many text messages as I could telling friends and family that I was okay – guess I was more famous than I would like to think, since even my grandparents had heard of my stunt already.

That was until I logged on to Twitter. My account in there had gone completely bonkers, whereas before I only had about 10 followers or something, since I didn’t use it that much. Now I had about… Holy crap! Over five thousand! Guess people had found out my name or something, this was just ridiculous! Tons of tweets both wishing me well, but also some rather rude ones that told what big a slut I apparently was.

I decided to put away my phone again, it most certainly did not brighten up my mood to know that there were people outside able to make me feel even more humiliated than I already did.

Someone knocked on the door and the doctor that I recognized from waking up Saturday morning walked.

“Good morning, Maja,” he said and nodded towards me. “I’m here to check up on your scar.”

I didn’t say anything, I just realized that the scar was on the back of my left side and that I would have to sit up straight. Oh well, that’s just great!

“We’re going to have to move the bed upwards,” he said and I saw Niall widen his eyes probably remembering how I’d sounded the last time he witnessed a doctor doing that. He grabbed my hand for me to squeeze on his whenever I would need it.

And I did squeeze. A lot. But it actually didn’t hurt nearly as much as yesterday when the nurse had changed my shirt, and instead of screaming I only let out a couple of squeals every once in a while, which made Harry look at me curiously also thinking about how awful I’d sounded last time he’d had the privilege to help me.

When I sat up the doctor lifted up my shirt on the back and pulled off the big patch that protected the scar.

“Wow, the patch makes it look like you’ve gotten a huge tattoo,” Harry said looking at the patch. I didn’t have much overview to smile at his little joke trying to sit still.

“You’re healing nicely,” the doctor said. “No signs of infection at all, very good. In a few days we can take out the stiches.”

I nodded at the good news as he pulled my shirt again.

“Can I have a shower now?” was the first thing I said which made all of them laugh.

“Yes, you can,” the doctor smiled. “You just have to wait until there’s a nurse available.”

Well, that was easy for him to say, since it turned out that I ended up having to wait almost two hours before a nurse that I hadn’t seen before walked in with tub of warm water, sponges and some clean clothes. The boys left the room for a few minutes while I enjoyed the incredible feeling of getting just a little bit clean. But getting a sponge bath didn’t exactly make me feel less humiliated at all, especially not when she told me that she would have to remove the catheter that I’d been hospitalized until now.

“The doctor said that from now on you can go to the toilet sitting in a wheelchair, so I’m going to take it out,” the nurse said and I had to bite my lip and look away the entire time, since it wasn’t the most flattering scenario that I’d been participating during my miserable existence.

After a long fifteen minutes of having strange person searching through every part of my rather disgusting body I finally found myself wearing some clean clothes feeling a bit better, despite the uncomfortable experience that I concluded sponge baths to be.

The nurse gave me a wheelchair with a whole in the seat so that I could on that whenever I would have to go to the toilet.

“What about my hair? When do I get to wash that?” I asked feeling a bit disgusted by my still greasy scalp.

“When you get used to moving around a bit more and sit in the wheelchair you can wash your hair in the bathroom,” she answered with one of those kind smiles that only nurses knew how to pull off – they almost made you as calm as if had been your own mother.

The boys then came back inside the room.

“Wow, that helped!” Liam exclaimed with a smile that looked almost as kind as the nurse’s.
God, he was so perfect for Em, I thought to myself.

“What, you didn’t think I was looking absolutely gorgeous before?” I replied sarcastic.

“Excuse me?” a voice said from the door and we all turned to see a guy with dark hair and warm brown eyes stand in the doorway.

“Eric, hi!” I said cheerfully. “Come on in!”

He came towards me and gave me a hug. “So nice of you to visit me,” I added.

“Well, I was guessing that you’d had better conditions and that a polite visit wouldn’t ruin your mood too much. But I see that you’re not alone.” He turned towards the three boys and shook each of their hands. “Hi, I’m Eric.”

“Hanging out with the cool gang, huh?” he teased as he recognized their familiar faces. “How do you guys know Maja?”

“We met her on our vacation in Denmark this summer and her and her two friends happened to move to London this fall, so we kind of kept in touch that way,” Harry said.

“I see,” he said politely.

“And you?” Niall asked in a way that made me wonder for a few seconds if there were any hostile tone in his voice.

“Uhm… I don’t know actually…” Eric looked at me wanting me to finish the sentence.

“He’s a regular at Aunt Betty and plays percussion in a folk band that I’m considering joining as soon as I can lift my arms again to play some violin,” I said smiling.

“Yeah, that’s right,” he then remembered. “So where are the rest?”

“Work and recording,” I answered.

We all sat and chatted incredibly politely with each other for a few moments before I suddenly noticed that I had a bladder – something that I’d kind of forgotten through the past couple of days.

“I… I have to go to the toilet,” I said a bit embarrassed since I knew that I would have to get out of bed for the first time in five long days.

“Ok,” Liam said without any emotion as he stood up to pull the wheelchair over to the bed. Niall and Harry jumped up as well and came over to help me in it, while Eric looked like he didn’t really know what to do, so he just sat staring at me.

“First time out the bed,” Niall said smirking. “Excited?”

“Scared to death,” I replied not being able to smile at all, which made all the boys laugh. Liam made sure that the chair didn’t go anywhere, as I placed one arm around Harry’s neck. It hurt to sit up this way, but I knew that I had to since the condition in the lower area of my body became more and more critical. Niall stood ready to receive my other arm around him after Harry had helped me out to the edge of the bed.

I couldn’t keep the squeals from coming out of my mouth, even though I tried my very best in order not to scare Eric too much, since he wasn’t as tuff yet as the boys who had spent most of the last week listening to my screaming.

I slowly moved to the edge with Harry’s help. He was really careful not to grab onto my ribs or touching the scar on the left side of my back.

It took quite a while to get me off the bed, since I also had to put my plaster-wrapped leg in some kind of a holder and Niall and Harry practically had to carry me because I found that I might feel a lot stronger, but I was definitely not strong enough to hold up my own weight. Guess I hadn’t lost as much as I’d hoped…

When I finally sat down I had to take a break, both because I was already exhausted but actually mostly because I wanted to enjoy my few moments of being out of the bed, it felt a bit weird – but very relieving!

Niall drove me to the bathroom where the chair fitted over the toilet, so that I didn’t have to get out of it more than necessary.

“Uhm… Niall?” I began as he was just about to walk out the door to give me some privacy. He turned around and looked at me. “I can’t get my diaper off.”

At first he just mainly looked confused but then he cracked up with me. The diaper was the word that I’d started using about the hospital clothing that I had to wear – the panties were like size 400 million which made them look like a giant diaper and make me feel like an old lady.

“Okay so… How do I do this?” he asked as he stood in front of me.

“Just… uhm. Pull it off? Oh God,” I stumbled as I started laughing with him again. “But I will tell you when it’s enough,” I added commanding.

“No I’m going to take advantage of the situation just to get to see you completely naked,” he said smiling sarcastic at my ridiculous requests.

He grabbed on to the back of it slowly pulling it off lifting my bum on the way, he had to do most of the job even though I helped lifting myself up as much as I could by the armrests on each side of the toilet.

“That’s enough,” I suddenly said blushing slightly as he smirked back at me.

“As you wish,” he said teasingly and left the bathroom.

Despite my bladder feeling like it was about to explode I only did the tiniest little wee and absolutely nothing more. But I had thrown up most of what had gone in to my system for the past couple of days and that probably also included the few drops of liquid that that contained. I dried off as best as I could, before calling Niall back in to help me put the diaper back on my bum.

“Well, aren’t you in a very compromising position,” a man’s voice said from the doorway to the bathroom and I looked up scared to see a couple of eyes staring at me.

They were definitely not the bright blue color that I’d expected to see.


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mcalanna22 mcalanna22

hey who's playing aida??

mcalanna22 mcalanna22

@The Renegade
Thanks guys, you are the best! I will let you all know!!!!

If you do put your story on Wattpad, make sure you let us know over here so we can all go and support you, follow you, vote your story up and give you a kick-start to your popularity :D

The Renegade The Renegade

You should, I'll be your first follower. I'm @noceur

svmmertime svmmertime