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Ship Love.

First Encounter.

Niall POV

Who is this gorgeous girl, walking past me right now. I must snap out of my senses, she is coming right at me.

Me: “Hey… I…. am Niall”

Way to go Niall way to go, you just made a fool at yourself this is so bad. I must leave right now, I am to embarrassed to see her. She is so pretty, no words could describe her beauty…

Denise: “Hi pleasure to meet you Niall, my name is Denise. I am sorry if my grandmother, was interrupting you.”

Me: “It is absolutely fine, I love your grandmother she is a delight to talk to. Well I let you both go now, I have to go somewhere I will see you around soon. Pleasure talking to you Denise, and Grandma.”

I left without even getting her number yet, what in the world am I doing.

Me: “Denise!!, wait up I want to ask you something.”

Denise: “Oh hey, yeah sure what is up.”

Me: “Do you mind giving me your phone number, I mean so we could get to know each other more.”

She gave me her phone number, and she smiled at me. Her smile was so cute, and beautiful at the same time. I left with the boys, of course Harry is the one that notices me talking to the girl.

Harry: “Ahhh Niall lad, how was that girl you were talking to?.”

Me: “Her name is Denise lad, she is pretty and her grandmother is a delight to talk to. “

Harry: “She sure is a pretty girl, ahh Niall maybe found someone special.”

Me: “I barely know her lad, I would love to get to know her more. She is beautiful on the outside, what if she is something different on the inside.”

Harry: “Chill out mate, that is why you got her number text her something cute girls likes that stuff.”

Harry had a point, the whole point that I got her number was so I can get to know her.

Me: “Hey you, remember me blonde hair Irish guy. Well yeah here is my number, if you want something from me please don’t hesitate to text or call me.”

That was the lamest message I have ever written, why can’t I get my head all in one place.

Denise texted back, “hehe hey you, I remember you how can I forget you. I will let you know if I need anything take care, of yourself please.”

Me: “You too Denise, take care of yourself and see you around.”

She sounds so sweet and nice, I want to go on a date with her I would love to take her out on a date. I don’t know but so far, she has left a good impression on me. I am always looking for a girl, that wouldn’t freak out if they met me. I like a girl that is a fan of our music, and she is pretty as well that is a huge plus in my book.

End Of POV


Aww, Niall was stuttering when he saw Denise :'). Will Niall perception, about Denise be true?. Is Denise the girl that Niall has been looking for?.

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Thanks I'm still reading and loving it!

@Savanna and Niall
Thanks Love I appreciate the lovely comment :D X

Really like this story!

sooooooo good!

CrazyM0F0 CrazyM0F0

@Nialls Girl_25_10 @princesslingley @mrs j horan 4everxx @blonde rocks @Katie_Horan_01

I will think about a sequel lovlies no promises on that though, I am thinking of writing a new story but I will have to work on that in 3 months or more because university is just hectic right now. If anything changes I will let you all know in this story thank you so much for your support I love you all xoxo