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A New Direction

Pretty Please?

Kay's POV

As soon as Cecily left and I was not allowed to go made me feel like a child. I was a teenager not a child. Plus they have no authority over me! Jumbled thoughts passed through my head.

"Kay?" David said standing in the doorway. I look up at him upset. He seemed to tell.

"Well you were thinking about cutting..." And that angered me to hear it!

"No I wasn't! In fact I was going to hand it over to you! Also have you thought I cut because of this messed up family? Maybe taking a walk with a friend might help!" I yelled at David when I should be yelling at Jared. I look down and start texting Cecily. David sits there shocked.

"Who you texting?" I look over to him and open my mouth but quickly shut it and look down to see a text.

To: Kay Horan
From: Cecily Payne
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Are you two?
Message: I honestly don't know.

"I asked you a question," I waved my hand at him and was about to send a text when the cell-phone was ripped out of my grip and into David's.

"You lost your phone for not telling me," And I just looked at him. I was going to tell him in a second. I got up and ran to my room yelling at David.

"I was going to tell you! I just couldn't lose my thought on what I was going to type!" I cried. I dashed into my room and flopped on my bed. Quiet footsteps followed in sending shivers down my spine. I felt David's hand rubbing my back.

"When I ask my little sister a question, I expect an honest truthful answer. I need to protect you," and we sat silently with only the whimpers I made to fill the room. Then Jared got home.

"Kay, David! I am back!!!" David looked at me giving me one more chance to say who was msging me.

"Cecily, Cecily Payne." I wiped me tears away while I whispered him the name.

"I am giving you your phone back but you must show me your PM's for now on. Now prove to me that it was Cecily!" He handed me my phone while I put the pass-code in and went to messages handing him back the phone. He was taking so long reading it. David handed me my cell when Jared came in.

David's POV

"Jared I need to speak with you," I said getting up and walking into the hallway. When he shut Kay's door behind him I spoke almost instantly.

"I did something to Kay's phone so now we can listen into her calls whenever and read her texts. To monitor her." I explained.

"She needs her privacy," Jared tried making a point.

"What if she is PM'ing someone she is going to kill herself, we can prevent it! It is only for safety purposes!" I said with a harsh tone.

"You on your man period? Okay than..." Jared said throwing his hands up in defeat and walking away like I was crazy.

I went to my room. Flip, flop!I walked to my master sized bed. I fell down onto my back and into a deep slumber.

When I awoke I found Kay hovering her head over my face with a grin.

"What is it Kay?" I asked rubbing my eyes and propping myself up on my elbows. She tosses me a newspaper. FUCK! Oh god. This isn't good! Not at all! Then I check my phone. I need to leave now! I have to get to the air port.

"Kay this will be dealt with when I get back. I rushed to get my leather jacket and boots on. I made a quick dash to my car without any goodbyes!

Zooming past cars, I look for my plane ticket while driving. Screech! I pull into the parking lot and pull into an empty spot when I suddenly find my plane ticket! I got out of my car, locked it, ran inside to my plane gate. I handed the man my ticket and got on the plane.

No luggage needed for this 'business' trip.

I awoke. We just landed. I rushed off the plane!

I had to go to the for Roski and I already knew where she was. I arrived to my destination...

“Party’s over people. Get out of my way.” I yelled at everyone.

“Rox?” Dani asked, Roski faintly as I looked over there.

“D-David?” Roski choked out. The last time we saw each other was two years ago…

“Your dad said you promised to be home by dinner. You missed curfew.” I said as simple but scary as I could. I looked down at Her. She crossed her arms.

“David, not now." She tried looking away from me.

“You can go willingly or forcefully.” I said. “And Kay told me you’ve been smoking again? And hanging around Roman?” I whispered the last part closely to her ear.

“Leave him out of this. Nothing I do is your concern. Not anymore.” She spat at me.

“You’re always gonna be my business, Roksi. Especially when your dad asks.” Then, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

“Put me down!” She punched my back, trying to get me to drop her. But she should have already known it was no use.But she got stronger I could tell...

“Put her d—“ Dani started but before she could finish, Zavier had come around the corner and picked her up the same way I had with Roksi.

“Z, you were in on this?” Roksi asked. I smiled knowing she must have been very embarrassed.

“God, I fucking hate you! Put me down, you asshole!” Dani screamed, kicking and punching him, she wasn't strong enough to beat down her brother.

“Calm down.” Z said, putting her down in one of our cars. I did the same with Roksi.

“God, I thought you were in New York with fucking Kay.” She grumbled at me.

“Yeah, well. I had business.” I said as snotty as I ever did.

“I can’t believe you. My own brother.”

“Hey, Dad asked. I just so happened to be with David at the time.” Zavier spat.

“This is so unfair.” Dani said to Roski as we walked through the front door. I laughed silently to myself.

“I said ‘or else’, didn’t I?” Her father said, setting the table. “Go change for dinner.” He said, barely looking at us.

“You guys are staying?” Dani and Roski said together, both looking at us.

“What fun would it be to leave?” I said. Roski narrowed her eyes at me.

“I hate you so much, right now.” Dani said to Zavier.

“Roksi! It’s so good to see you!” Madison said, as soon as she walked in the door.

“Hey, let’s go get ready!” Dani pulled Roski away from Madison,

Zavier and I decide to help Madison set the table while the girls got ready and Mr. Malik got the food over to the table.


I am back to write and to keep this story up. I AM BACK!!!!!



Niall, he has 3 kids. David, Jared, and Kay.

Also, I am soon coming back to the story! Just need to do things in life.

Lol working on it :) it'll take me a while... In the process of moving :)

Kay_Baby Kay_Baby

UPDATE this Story if different than the others XD


7 kids= Harry
1 kid= liam
1 kid= louis
1 kid= niall
2 kids= zayne