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Zayns death

:*:Lucy POV :*:
Me and Thomas walk down the stairs together, not looking at each other and not talking. we stop at the bottom of the stairs followed by the doctor. she passes out masks and gloves to all of us. we put them on and walk out the door.
'' its cold!'' i mumble
'' didnt expect it to be fucking Hawaii did you?'' Louis exclaims
'' what the hell is your problem?'' i shout
'' i dont have a problem''
'' obviously you do''
'' CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!'' Thomas screams, making the birds fly away.
we all go silent. his eyes look like they are about to saw us in half. he turns back around and keeps walking forward.
'' jeasus pissy pants, who shit in your corn flakes?'' Louis says back at thomas
he stays silent, i talk for him.
'' you just dont know how to shut up do you?''
'' hey, why dont we all shut up'' Dr.vandore yells '' where do you live dick head?'' she asks
'' keep going strait, take a right at the stop sign'' Lou replies

A awkward silence filled the streets. the land is so empty... not another person in sight except us. The grass is brown and the streets are cracked. the side walk had weeds growing on the sides of it.
'' liam... was a nice guy?'' i whisper
'' very'' Louis says back to me
'' what happened... to the rest of you guys?''
'' really, after Liams death we broke up. but we still keep touch with each other''
''After liam died zayn did too''
'' zayn died. After Liams death and right before this virus happened, he flew to americ with his wife Perrie''
''and what happened?'' i say in suspense
'' He went their for a for a little mix concert''
'' how did he die tho?''
''shot. he was shot right in the chest.it was all over the news! he was shot in the chest for being a Muslum''
'' oh my god! what happened to his wife?''
'' she was devastated! i saw how much they were in love. they would die for each other! they were the happiest couple i have ever scene! when she found out he died, her heart shattered! sh was later put into a mental hospital''
'' oh my goodness! thats very depressing!''
'' indeed. his body was cremated and was shipped over seas. in return, the united states sent 100 soldiers on a boat to protect the ashes along with 10,000 green backs and a hand written apologize written by their president''
''wow'' i whisper in shock as we keep walking down the road.




haleystyles haleystyles


Waving_Snail Waving_Snail

Hey y'all! There will be a "PART 3" and maybe even a "PART 4" or "PART 5"! So be ready!!!!!!

Waving_Snail Waving_Snail

@southern cutie

Waving_Snail Waving_Snail

Hiiiiiiii, I really love this story! The line that talked about eleamors death bed was really dramatic! I can't get over that! Keep updating PLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!)?

southern cutie southern cutie