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Simon's Daughters

Starbucks and Tacobell

"Y-Y-es" he stuttered.
"Can you excuse us for a moment."
I dragged Paula and Sarah into the kitchen.
3-2-1 I counted down with my fingers. "EEEEKKKK"
"ow," the assistant chef said sarcastically.
"okay were back." Sarah said as we walked out of the kitchen. Simon just chuckled.
"How much?" He asked
"For you a deal, 100 each," he handed him a $500 bill. Those exist?
"Keep the change."
"Girls go pack your things."
"Yes sir." We all raced up the stairs and packed our things. It wasn't much. But It was all we could afford. MY bag consisted of http://www.polyvore.com/coras_past_closet/set?id=104648553 . Paula's is http://www.polyvore.com/paulas_begging/set?id=104654369 And Sarah's is http://www.polyvore.com/sarah_begging/set?id=104655594. We raced down the stairs with out suit cases packed.
"Ready" We nodded. trying not to ruin this chance. we've been in here since we were 13 and 14. Thanks to those boys we wouldn't be here

*Flash back* It took all my might but I got my eyes open. Only to see a blonde boy with the most gorgeous blue eyes. " Who are you?"
"I'm you night in shining armor" I didn't have the strength to smile.. or keep my eye's open. I hadn't eaten in forever it felt like. I didn't sleep again. All I know is that I heard some of the boys whispering. " She's so cute"
"She's so skinny"
"I can see her ribs"
" She won't let me go" It's true I had wrapped my arms around his neck and refused to let go. he was warm and I felt safe. I heard a door open and I could feel myself being carried. I didn't bother to stay wake anymore. I fell asleep again. Never getting the chance to say thank you.
*Flashback over*
"Cora, Cora" I was shaken awake... I fell asleep? "We're here"
"Where are we exactly?"
"The airport" I just nodded and smiled knowing we were going to London. This is a new start.
*Paula's P.O.V*
We got our tickets and had sat down. "Girl's want some Starbucks? Food? I could wrap my hand around your wrist."
"Please call me either Simon or Dad" I nodded
"Simon, isn't Starbucks a bit expensive? And I'd love something to eat. If that's alright. "
"No, Starbucks isn't too expensive. What do you want to eat" I looked at Cora and Sarah.
"Taco Bell" we said in unison.
"if that's not too much trouble" I added.
"Let's go. He said to Cora, Girl's if you could stay and watch the bags?" We nodded.
*Simons P.O.V*
"So let's talk" She nodded looking at the floor.
"What happened to your families"
"Well Sarah, Paula, and mine parents were abusive, so we all had the same idea to run away. We didn't know each other is the crazy part." That's so sad. We got to Taco Bell.
"What do you want?"
"Um a Dorito Loco taco for each."
"Water please"
"Alright so We'll have a twelve box Dorito's Loco's tacos for the ladies and for me a soda. with 3 waters please."
"Why did you order so much food"
"I know you're hungry" We got the food and headed towards Starbucks
"So how did you end up at the soup kitchen?"
"After being on the street for about a year. We all fell asleep, I woke up to being carried into a van by boys not that much older than we were. They brought us the kitchen. if it weren't for them we wouldn't be here." She explained.
"That's great. terrible, but great. 4 vanilla lattes, thanks" I paid and walked back to the chairs in an awkward silence.
*Sarah's P.O.V*
OMG. He got too much food. Cora will eat most of it. For sure. "Dig in girls" I got a taco and handed it to Paula then did the same for Cora. Then me. I ate three, Paula ate three and Cora ate three. We made Simon eat the rest because we didn't want to see selfish. "So tell me, how di you meet?"
"Well," Paula started " Cora was singing on stage for money I found her and asked if I could join her and split the profit-"
"Of coarse I agreed" Cora cut Paula off
" Soon enough Sarah came and did the same thing I did."
"Plane to London boarding now, First class board now"
Simon got up and we followed. As we boarded the plane we saw the first class area. This is too https://www.google.com/search?q=first+class+plane+seats&safe=active&rlz=1C1SFXN_enUS510US511&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=7_aPUqa0FIXXqAGO44GYAQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=922#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=MqaivKXwOnAOmM%3A%3Bbx8_cRl_3AaUFM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.rcuv.org%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F08%252Ffirst-class-seats_preview.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.rcuv.org%252Fwe-tested-the-plane-in-first-class.html%3B550%3B366


Awe Simon.. <3


That's so sad... I'm sorry.

I want you to know I get I understand I was going through the same thing. Only my older brother tried to kill me and my mom and dad multiple times well mainly me and my mom.

I wrote all of these

Niall's_Princess Niall's_Princess

did you write the chapter with the stuff about your brother if you did could you message me or have your other author message me

That was my thought... but there are ways I guess