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The Bad Boy Effect

Truth or Dare

I didn't think I'd be able to move from my bed for a while. What just happened? I swear that wasn't me. My phone rang,

I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world...

"Hey Oakley, what's up?" I sat up shaking off my feelings.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm about to start some homework. I haven't done anything all weekend."

"Oh, okay. I was going to see if you wanted to hang out but I can just do homework with you?"

"Oakley no--" and he hung up. I love how he always invited himself over.

I went into the bathroom and put on a few bracelets where Niall had grabbed me. I could see a faint spot and if Oakley saw that he would flip. I heard banging on the front door. How did he get here so fast? I ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey Oaks. You got here fast."

"Oh I've been here since I called you. I tried to pick your lock but it wouldn't work. When am I going to get that key?" I laughed,

"Hopefully before you break our door."

We sat down and began taking notes and going through the book we were reading: George Orwell, 1984. I looked up at Oakley as he stared at the book intensely. Every once in a while he'd blow his hair out of his face and then scratch his nose. I couldn't help but giggle, he's been doing it since I can remember. Though I never told him, he may stop if I did.

"Did you get number three?" I looked back at the assignment.

"Yeah, I think it's a simile."

"Hmm," he thought, "oh yeah, I see it now."

Luckily I was smart in literature and he was smart in chemistry. It really helped us out when we had tests. I was a little sad that I only had one class with Oakley this year. That was a big first. We kept working but I couldn't concentrate very well. I wanted to tell him so bad about Niall but I know he'd kick his ass--or at least try to. And I wanted to tell him about Harry....but what was there to tell? I like Harry, just not the way I liked Niall.

"Can I ask you something?" Oakley looked up at me.

"Sure, I'm doing all of the work anyway."

"Well something happened and I need to talk to someone about it. I normally go to my mom with all of this girly stuff but I don't think I can tell her this."

"Ada! What is that?" Oh no! Did he see one of my bruises? I thought I covered them!

He smiled, "Did Harry give you that hickey? You told me nothing happened!" I didn't know what to say,

"Yeah, he did." Shit, shit, shit. This was bad. "I'm sorry I lied, I just don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. He was really drunk and doesn't even remember it. Please don't say anything to him." Oakley laughed,

"Damn Ada! I didn't know you were turning into such a bad girl."

"I know, it's awful." I lied to Oakley, I lied to Liam, and now I was beginning to like a guy I shouldn't be hanging around. Oakley stopped laughing.

"What else did you two do?"

"Oh! Nothing! I swear, I just feel bad about it. Promise you won't say anything."

Oakley raised his hand, "Scouts honor." We laughed and kept working. I was so glad Harry was drunk that night. That way if he did find out, he wouldn't have remembered anything.

Today was going smoothly. I passed my first chemistry quiz with a B thanks to my lovely best friend and Elisha was keeping me alive in religions by passing notes back and forth. She threw a paper ball at my head and I opened it. Her purple sparkly pen made me laugh.

Are you excited for our church sesh Wed. night?
I can't wait! Who's going to be there?
I think I have a few kids from my study hall and then Oakley said he would come if I went to dinner with him.
HAHAHA, You have no idea how happy he's going to be. I can't believe he's actually going though!

I was pretty surprised myself. Oh, and Niall said he'd be there! I mean, he lives with us but he usually leaves for stuff like this.
Oh, cool. He's pretty nice. I know you are cousins, but how are you related? He's from Ireland right?
It's a long story...I'll tell you after class! :)

I was so anxious to hear about Niall. Maybe she'd tell me why he's such an ass. I watched the clock tick slowly while taking notes at the same time. I thought about what happened to him. Maybe he got in a fight and had to live with them like in Fresh Prince of Belaire. I chuckled to myself.

Is something funny Miss Payne?" I looked up as my face heated up. I never got in trouble.

"No, I'm sorry." I sat up in my seat and took notes until the class was over. When the bell rang I made sure to stick with El. We needed to talk. Once we got outside we sat on the brick wall surrounding the school.

"So why does he stay with you guys?"

"Well you can't tell anybody or bring it up." I nodded my head quickly. I needed to know. "Niall had an amazing life growing up. He lived with his mom and dad in Ireland. When he was twelve I remember visiting them for the first time in ages and seemed a little different. Apparently his dog died and that was his everything. Then a few months later he got in with the wrong crowd. He smoked pot and drank a lot." El shook her head and kept talking, "I don't know how he got with the wrong people because he had everything going for him. He was in a band and they were amazing--even though they were only fourteen or so. We used to talk on the phone all the time until one day he stopped calling. I don't know what happened but a few months later he moved in with our family and he was a completely different person." El wiped some tears from her face. "He was my best friend and now he looks at me like I'm a stranger."

I didn't know what to say. I felt bad for her but she still didn't really answer my question. What happened to him? Something had to have caused him to change. At least he was normal at some point in his life. I hugged El and changed the subject. She was really good at becoming happy again. I guess I was like that in a way. The difference was, my happiness was fake when I was sad. Hers seemed genuine.

El got in her car and drove home. Niall was no where to be found. I did see him a few times throughout the day but I made sure he didn't see me. He was beginning to make friends and it made me happy because he seemed happy. I had never seen him laugh like that before. I walked towards Liam's car and saw him leaning against it, furious.

"What's wrong Liam?"

"Let me see your arms."

"What?" No one saw, he couldn't have known.

"Let me see them Ada. Franky told me he saw Niall holding you against a wall." I kept a straight face,

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Then show me your arms and we can leave." I took off my jacket and slowly pulled my sleeves up. Liam's expression changed.

"I'm sorry Ada, I guess Franky was too drunk. He must have seen someone else." I smiled with relief,

"It's okay. Niall's a really nice guy. You should meet him." Thank you Jesus, the makeup hadn't worn off.

"Yeah, I saw him talking to Luke today. He said he's really funny."

I laughed, "Really?" Maybe he would change now that he was meeting friends.

"Yeah, and some of us are going to Harry's tonight. We invited Niall. You and El should come. Don't worry, they're won't be alcohol. I know Elisha isn't in to that stuff."

"I'm not either!"

"But you don't have a problem with it either." He raised his eyebrows and made a funny face. I laughed,

"Good point."

Liam blared music all the way home as we laughed at the cars around us, not amused.

I got to work and it was pretty empty. I put some new books on the shelf that just came in and wiped a few tables. The bell on the door rang, I looked up and spoke the same line every time someone walked in,

"Hi, how are you doing today?" Damn it. Why was he everywhere?

I looked around; people were surrounding me; I'd be okay. I walked to the other side of the counter and stood at the register. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, could I get a coffee or something?"

"So do you want a coffee or do you want something?" He laughed.....an actual laugh. He was human.

"A coffee will be great."

"You know it's already five. You won't be able to sleep if you drink this."

"I sleep when I want to sleep." Here we go again.

"Okay bad boy, here's your coffee." He laid five dollars on the counter.

"Just keep the change." I picked it up and nodded.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Yeah, I'm going to Harry's tonight. Will you be there?"

"Should I be?"

"Yes." I leaned against the counter trying to show my cleavage. I really wasn't myself around him,

"And why's that?"

He took a step back and ran his hand through his hair. "You keep surprising me Ada. Is that your full name?"

"Mhmm, just Ada."

"Well, just Ada. After we go to Harry's I'm going to meet up with some friends. You should come with me."

"You? Friends?"

"Ha ha, you're so funny. Seriously though, come with me."

"I'm not going with you. It's a school night, I shouldn't even be going to Harry's."

"You want to go."

"To Harry's, yes. With you, no. See I can be a 'bad girl' too. I'm not afraid of you Niall." He bent over and laughed,

"You should be." If he didn't scare me those words did. Why couldn't he be like Harry. I felt angry but I wanted to be good girl Ada, not the girl I acted like around Niall.

"Why are you still here? Your coffee's getting cold and I have tables to clean." He stopped laughing and looked at me again,

"When do you get off." I looked at the clock,

"About three hours."

He began walking towards the door. "I'll pick you up."

I laughed, "No you won't." He stopped and looked at me. "Harry's picking me up." His lips flared. Was he jealous? Harry wasn't really picking me up but I knew that would make him mad. "You can leave now." I shooed him with my hand and he slammed the door. All of the customers looked and I turned the music up a bit. What a jerk.

I walked home and changed into something cute. Some skinny jeans, boots, and a big sweater. Harry would like that. But would Niall? I don't know what Niall would like. I never had this problem. How could I be falling for two guys? Two completely opposite guys. I came to the conclusion that I liked Harry for his personality and Niall for his lust. I needed something in the middle. Maybe I'd just stick to Oakley.

"Huh?" Oakley said as he walked in my room.

"Oakley! What are you doing here? What if I was changing my clothes!"

"It's not like I haven't seen it all before." I blushed.

"You were drunk and stumbled into my room. You saw nothing. Are you ready?"

"Yes, lets go!"

As we rode to Harry's house I was quiet. I still hadn't talked to Oaks about Niall and Harry....and my weird feelings for both of them. "What's up with you mate? You've been acting weird lately." We were too close to Harry's for me to tell him the whole story.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it this weekend." Then I would have plenty of time to figure out how to tell him.

We arrived at Harry's and the guys were there: Liam, Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Luke along with Maggie and Sarah. El would be here shortly with Niall. That should be fun.

We sat down in the living room and began playing games. You'd think we were a bunch of ten year old's--twister, candyland, scrabble. Shortly El and Niall walked in. Luke got up and greeted Niall while El ran and gave me a hug. I introduced her to the other girls since they really didn't meet yet.

"So what's next?" Liam asked when everyone settled down.

"I know what we should do," Sarah said in a giggly tone, "truth or dare!"

"No." I blurted out. Everyone looked at me with confusion? "I mean, we don't know how comfortable El and Niall will feel. They barely know us yet."

"That's why we should play!" Louis yelled! "This will definitely show who everyone really is." Everyone laughed and I faked it. I looked at Niall who was sitting across the room with a grin on his face. He saw me and moved his eyebrows up and down. His smile slowly slipped away when Harry came and sat on the couch behind me and put his hands on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled. "Massage?" He asked. This would definitely make Niall mad,

"Sure" I smiled. I just hoped I wasn't messing with Harry's heart.

Niall's Point of View

Was she really letting Harry massage her? I know she doesn't like him. She's doing it to make me mad. I couldn't stand that prick. He was supposedly the 'bad boy' of their school and he was drooling over my territory. I swear I'll kick his ass if he tries anything with her.

"Alright Liam, you spin first." Louis said. Hopefully it would land on Ada. He wouldn't make his sister do anything with Harry. It hit Luke,

"Dare" Luke said with a creepy grin. Liam laughed,

"Alright. I dare you to go into Harry's mom's room and wear a pair of her underwear on your head for the next twenty minutes." Everyone laughed and moaned.

"Dude I can't do that! Harry, tell him I can't!"

Harry shrugged, "It's truth or dare Luke. You gotta do it." Why did he speak so slowly? Maybe that's what the girls loved so much. Plus his tattoos. I always saw Ada staring at them. Luke huffed and ran up the stairs. When he got back he spun and the game kept going with some truths and some dares. Amateur stuff. Then it was Oakley's turn. It hit Sarah.

"Dare!" Sarah said. Oakley already new what he was going to ask and I had a feeling it would be a little bit harsher than the others."

"I dare you to make out with the hottest guy in this room." Fair play, I thought. I liked Oakley, he was similar to me. Just not as much of a dick. Maybe she'd pick me. I'm pretty sure she was head over heels for Oakley though.

"Okay," she smiled and walked towards Oakley, "no problem." She sat on his lap and grabbed his face. Everyone laughed. That was almost as sexy as yesterday when I was with Ada. I looked at El, I could tell she was upset. I rubbed her back. She looked at me with a small smile. I almost felt bad. We used to be really close but I pushed her away. She didn't need someone like me in her life anyway.Sarah got up and sat back down, Oakley was still in shock. She spun and it hit Harry. Of course he'd pick dare. No lad is going to pick truth.

"Dare." Like everyone else Sarah smiled, except she giggled a lot at the same time.

"I dare you to take the girl you fantasize about the most into that closet." Damn she was good. And it would definitely be Ada. I looked away and laughed. Sarah has got to be the most annoying, but sexiest girl I'd ever met....besides Ada of course. Maybe I'd settle for her. No way, she was already a bad girl. What's the fun in that?

Harry's face turned two shades paler. He wasn't expecting something that in depth. Ada's eyes were closed, she was hoping it wasn't her. "Come on Harry! You chose dare." Liam yelled. Was he encouraging this?

"Fine!" He said and stood up. He put his hand out for Ada to grab a hold of and she stared at it. Would she leave him hanging? Everyone waited and then she finally got up. "Ladies first," he said as he opened the closet door. That bastard.


@Irish Gal
your welcome and i was wondering if you could message me please

thank you so much :)

Irish Gal Irish Gal

@Irish Gal
I love the book I know I know I'm new to reading this but I love it so much

@DanishGirl - Ida
Thanks me too :)

I love ada´s tattoo :)