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The Journal

A Moment Like This


No. No. No. No.

This can not be happening!

How can I just wake up from my nap to remember I left my journal in the garden?

Why me?

Moments like this everything would be perfect if I could blame Jaxy.

Though right now, I have a journal I need to get back.

I reached the garden in a matter of minutes by running. It was near a recording studio and I hoped no one had found it yet. Approaching the small table I was writing at a few hours ago, i noticed a young man.... reading my journal!

Not just any young man, I'm sure I had seen him before somewhere.

Any other person and I would be clawing their head off, shouting at why they were reading my journal, even though I was the one to leave it there.

However, this one wasn't like that. He didn't seem nosy. He truely seemed... intrugued. Seeing him read my diary, I could tell he was imagining everything I wrote about. He wasn't just reading it, it was like he was actually communicating with me. Feeling what I felt. Like he understood me, for the first time someone actually got this close to me. No one in this entire world knows anything in that diary.

No one except my Mom knows I'm Jaxy's sister.

No one knows Jaxy sorta bullies me in school

No one knows I like Ed Sheeran. Everyone thinks I like rock n roll or something.

No one knows Im a natural ginger. They all think I have died red hair.

This boy- this, this stranger, now knows more about me in 5 minutes that anyone else in my life in 19 years.

And I liked the idea of that, because he was a stranger. How much harm can a stranger cause?

Apparently, a hell of a lot.


1) This isn't a journal entry. It's just the main charcters point of view but since Zayn doesnt know her name, you wont either ;)
so lets just call her MC for Main Character

2) I FORGOT TO MENTION!! THIS BOOK IS SEMI-FANTASY! They literelly communicate with the journal. Sort of like in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets with Tom Riddles diary? Basically, it has some magical elements in it, but its not like theyre fairies n all.... the girl just happened to stumble upon a magical journal.

3) Next chaper will be interactive again probably :)

4) Comment rate or subscibe?

5) Thank you!!

P.S. Sorry the chapters so short, I figured its better than nothing.


@Gotta love 1D
Thank you! What do you choose for chapter seven's choice
LyricJunky101 LyricJunky101
@Gotta love 1D
Thank you! What do you choose for chapter seven's choice?
LyricJunky101 LyricJunky101
@Gotta love 1D
Thank you! I will!
LyricJunky101 LyricJunky101
Itssss rlyyyy gd !!!! Keep it up.. :)
Gotta love 1D Gotta love 1D
Yay! Thank you! Im so happy :)
LyricJunky101 LyricJunky101