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7 Days In Heaven (Niall Fanfic)

Ch 15

Ch 15
Hannah’s POV
I just sat around after I got off of the phone with him because I wasn’t going to change into anything cute for dinner, too lazy. But I couldn’t help but think about that dream and what it could have meant. Maybe it was a sign?
Niall’s POV
I got in the shower and started to think about Hannah. I honestly did love her, but it’d only been a day.
This is crazy. I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. And I can’t believe I only have five more days with her. This isn’t going to work. I need to find a way to convince her that we could actually make this something real and make it last. Then a thought occurred to me.
Austin would probably do everything he could to make sure that doesn’t happen. He obviously likes her, but no. She’s mine. I can’t give this one up but I don’t want him coming between us.

Hannah’s POV
I dialed mom’s room and she finally picked up.
“Hey, honey! How has your day been going?”
“Good! I’m exhausted.”
“I just woke up from a long peaceful nap so I’m well rested.”
“That’s good. So, are you guys ready for dinner?”
“Yeah, we’re pretty much ready. Your dad and I are at least. Max is feeling a little sick so he’s still in bed.”
“Well, get him up because I’m starving.”
“We’re trying. Meet you down there in five.”
“Okay. See you.”
I hung up and then started to walk to the dinner room. It was called the Blue room. There were two places you could eat and two times. Either at six or at eight, and you could be in the Blue room or in the Sun Valley room. I walked slowly to waste time but didn’t see anyone I knew. I didn’t see Niall either. When I finally got in eye view of our table I saw my family waiting there. Mom and dad sipping on some wine already, and Max had his head down. Poor kid. Siiiiiiiiike.
I still didn’t see anyone I recognized, except for when I sat down I figured out that Austin was sitting right behind my parents. How in the hell? He just so happened to turn around when I got to the table and sat.
“Hey, Hannah!” he said, happy as always. He sat with his parents, I assumed, and a girl who looked about the same age as us with the same features as Austin, probably his sister.
“Hi.” I smiled slightly.
Max raised his head. “I heard you have a new boyfriend! Everyone keeps talking about you and him! Mom, that’s him!” He pointed to Austin, who obviously took that as a complimented and smiled even wider. But there was no way HE was the boy everyone was talking about. Mom and dad turned around to look at him.
“Nice to meet you all. I’m Austin!” He shook hands with both of my parents and then looked at me. “I’ll see you later at the teen club thing?”
“Cool!” he smiled and turned back around.
Dad gave out a little sigh, but mom gave the thumbs up. “He’s cute!” she tried to whisper.
I rolled my eyes and then looked at the menu. Almost everything looked appetizing, but if I was going to make it back to Niall in time then I might as well pick something light.
We all ordered and then mom looked at me. “Now what is this teen club thing?”
“I don’t know. He’s the one who told me about it.” I nodded at the back of Austin’s head.
“Well, are there going to be adults?” Dad chimed in.
“Of course, dad.” I said and sat back in my chair.
“As long as there’s adult supervision you can go to this so called ‘club’.” Mom said and placed her hand over dad’s. “What time does it start?”
“Wow, that’s late.” Mom raised her eyebrows.
Me, Max, and even Dad couldn’t help but laugh at that.
I ate my dinner and then excused myself. I walked back to the room before going to Niall’s. I brushed my teeth and then fixed up my makeup. It was about 8:30 and I didn’t want to keep him waiting any longer. I was still in scrubby clothes, a crewneck and some black leggings.
I knocked on the door, nervous to see him again.
As I heard the padlock unlocking I took a deep breath.
“Hey.” He smiled at me.


I can't find the next book. Book 2;(

can u continue this plz.i jst loved it.hope u'll continue it.wish u would.<3<3<3
samesam samesam
Awesome yeah!!!!!!!!!!
Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan
@Makenzie Horan
okay well that's fine lol. I uploaded the rest of the chapters for you xD
kiaramclark kiaramclark
Sadly no I don't have a wattpad.
Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan