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cuddles, kisses, and catastrophes

No Soul

I can't believe this is happening Is he really going to send me to a straight camp what about Harry, what about me, "WHAT ABOUT US" I accidently shout making the driver stop in the middle of the rode "I'm sorry I was thinking out loud" he nods and continues. My Hazza my poor sweet Hazza I've just woken out of a god damn coma and he's tearing us apart already. I don't even notice the tears rolling down my eyes until I look at the reflection my phone. As i lift up my phone and dial Harrys' my ams starts shaking and I cant help but start to cry and I throw my phone at the wall. What if I'm not the same person when I come back. I have to be strong for Harry. I suddenly get a confidence boost slap the tears away from my face and call Harry it rings 2 times and I hear his voice
"LOU WHAT HAPPENED IS HE MAD" suddenly I lose all confidence I just gained
I take a big breathe and remember this is for Harry I cant cry and I cant be weak
"Hazz meet me at my place in 20" I hang up the phone because I cant tell him over the phone It needs to be done face to face.
What was that, it's not like Louis to just hang up in mid conversation what happened at that meeting
I must have been staring hard because Zayn said "Hay what's wrong"
i was startled because i Forgot he was there "I'm not sure but I gotta go"
I get up from the couch, grab the keys on the table and run out the doo I run outside from Zayns' flat and run to my car not sure if there will be fans around luckily there aren't any so i don't have to hear screaming
I arrive at Harrys' flat heart beating and all whats going to happen I'm scared fuck what if he wants to--- NO Louis and me would never break up we were in love and plus he needs me more than ever ever since that coma and I need him I was lost for that entire time I didn't want to live without my BooBear and I'm not going to If he leaves me my entire life will fall apart I need him more than he needs me. I get out of my car and start up the stairs to Louis apartment. I go up to the door and knock four times before a very distressed Louis comes to the door in tears he automatically wraps his arms around me crying and sniffling
"Oh god Harry I'm so happy you came here we need to talk"
"Talk about what" I ask
"A-A-About us" my heart instantly starts racing and i feel the need to grab my chest
"What do you mean about us" I'm so scared what does he mean 'about us'
"Com'on Hazz sit" we walk over to his love seat which is to small for the both of us so he sits in my lap crying I thought he was about to talk but instead he just adjusted his head from my chest to the crook if my neck "Lou-" i was about to say something but he just started wailing into me so i grab his side even tighter he puts his arms around my neck and just keeps crying I want to know what happened but I'm not even sure I can get an answer out of him but I'm going to wait until he's ready. WHAT THE? it was just 4:00pm how is it already 11:00 I'm not even sure how time could go bye that fast but Louis has stopped crying maybe all of his tears have run dry I'm not sure but It's time for him to sleep he needs rest I pick him up bridal style and he wraps around me even harder and nuzzles his head even deeper into my neck I want him to sleep good tonight so i take him into the bathroom and while still in my arms turn on the shower and hot water and sit him down on the toilet wiping the tears away from his face with my thumb and his eyes are red and puffy it really hurts me to see him like this I take of his shirt and look into his eyes and I'm not sure what happened at that meeting but his eyes, his eyes are hollow like theres nothing behind them and that only make me feel sad "It's okay Lou you can tell me when your ready" as a response he nods his head I take off the rest of his clothes and leave him sitting there as I walk over to the shower (theres a button the the middle of the marble floor in the shower that closes the drain) and press the button so the water builds up and walk back over to Louis and give him a small but long peck on the lips and thats when I see another tear fill up in his eye and thats when I start to cry I cant take seeing him like this any longer I bend over so I'm on my knees and lay my face on his lap which happens to be by his member (he lays sideways) and starts wailing Louis grabs my face and shakes his head in disapproval and wipes the tears away with his thumb i look up to him and grab his back with my forearms and pull him into my head we stay there as he plays with my curls I look back to the shower and the water risen enough and take Louis hand and lead him into the shower I turn him around so his face is into the shower he lifts it up to fell the warm water I'm assuming I turn him back around and kiss him lightly against the lips he doesn't kiss back his spirit is so broken he doesn't even want to do something as simple as kiss me back but at least his eyes are closed that shows he still feels something but he's just a shell of the man I once knew he rested his head one my chest and closed his hands up against it too, I grabbed his lower back and rested my head on his as I swayed us back and forth the relaxation was calming him down and that was making me feel better "H-hazz could you sing for me" I simply nod, i start off slow and calmly "Don't go changing for me because your simply perfect as you are, You make everything seem like a dream and baby it doesn't seem tha-at f-a-a-r you simply perfect and you make me feel alive, simply I love you, you make everything feel right, and when we kiss its like extacy, and when we touch its just love" i feel louis arms tighten around my neck and his eyes, i can feel his eyes closing I pick him back up bridal styles and start to sit down in the shower and lean against the wall sitting Louis on my lap i continue singing and not long after I hear light snores coming from the body on me "Guess all of that crying really took a lot out of you" i kiss his forehead and pick him back up I go over and sit him on the toilet grab a towel and start to dry him off and then I dry myself off I go over and turn off the shower and when I turn around Louis almost falls off of the toilet I run over and grab him before he falls and pick him back up I open the door which is actually quite hard with a person In my hands but i do it and walk him over to the his bed down the hall since the room is cool I pull the blanket over him and walk over to the other side, he starts to stir in his sleep "I love you hazza Dont let them take me away please" he's still asleep but I know that all of this is real for him because next he starts crying I lean over and start to shake him frantically "LOU, LOU, WAKE UP LOU, LOU" he looks at me like he's just seen a ghost and leans up and wraps his arms around my neck "I'm ready to talk now Hazza"
He lays there cuddled into my chest
"Louis he cant do that" i scream in outrage
"It was in our contract and I've already signed the release" i nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck still crying I've never seen him cry this much before its breaking my heart
"When do you leave" i can feel my throat starting to clench up like it does when I get angry
"Next month on the 9th, I'll be gone for an entire year" when he says that my heart nearly stops and thats when the tears start rolling down "He cant do this Lou he just cant I dont want to go without my BooBear" i clench his head into my neck even further
"I know Hazza but I have to....no matter what they do to me, no matter what they say I will never stop loving you and when I come back we'll pick up right were we left off"


When I say that Harry's eyes light up even greener than a blade of grass, greener that neon leaves, green--
"LOUIS" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Harry calling my name and I can see his dimples showing, and a smile from ear to ear appear on his face
"You promise we can pick up were we left off" whispers it I'm not sure why but whenever he gets excited he whispers really quite and I'm not sure why but i drives me crazy I instantly connect our lips and with that touch I'm instantly brought out of my depression
"Is that a good enough answer for you" i pull away laughing
I see the corners of his mouth instantly go down and tears start coming out of him like a river
"No Louis that isn't good enough I want you to promise me right now that when you come back no matter what we can pick up were we left off, loving each other" I can he is serious and he buries his head into my chest
"Harry Edward Styles I hear by state I Louis William Tomlinson will come back from this straight camp and still love you and not just love you still be inlove with you and we can pick up where we left off" I take this time and sit on Harry's waist legs at both side sitting back "I PROMISE"
He gives me a big cheeky smile and I'm instantly enlightened and give him an Eskimo kiss those are Harry's favorite I take this time to give him a quick peck on the lips
"You know Lou while your up there you should-"
"No" i plainly say cutting him off "I've been crying all day and am super tired, I love you Harry but not tonight lets just cuddle I want to treasure the time we have" I say with a giant grin on my face
I see that giant smile again "You remember what happened at the Hospital Lou eventually I got my way" he says grabbing my waist
I start to laugh "You are one Horny bastard you know that Hazza"
"Yep, but then again I have to remind myself" he starts to laugh right along with me
"Okay then" I say with a small grin trying to keep a straight face
"Really" i starts to lean up so now I'm sitting on my hind legs on his lap
"NOPE" i grab his neck and give him a love bite a hard one
"Ouc-ahhhh" he starts to say ouch but somewhere in there it turned into a moan
I keep his neck in both of my hands but remove my mouth and swing us around so he's on top of me with his leg on my waist and his arm thrown over my shoulder
"Night Hazz" i say before I give him a quick peck of the check
he starts to laugh "Your such a tease" he says "Well not tonight then"I join in "Nope" he leans close into my ear and whispers "But what about the other nights" I start to laugh "Good night Hazz..,.Harny ass Bastard"
he drapes his arm around me "Night Lou"

As i walk into the restaurant I cant help but regret what I'm doing
"Hay mum It's nice to see you





I'm sorry I haven't

XavierDye XavierDye

Update !!!!

Mrs.Horan.1 Mrs.Horan.1

I'm so sorry there's been so much going on in my life and It's been really hard to even stay alive but I'll update soon I promise

XavierDye XavierDye

Update please

onexdirection onexdirection

Plz update I really want to knowwhat happens next!
No preasure