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Blue Eyes (Louis/Niall love triangle)

Date with Niall 1

Kate POV
I was getting ready for my date with Niall. He said something casual. So I changed into something casual. I don't even know what he is doing. Honestly I didn't care. All I know is that this is just a friend date to me. Nothing else. I went to twitter and saw a bunch of things. But boring stuff. I was just scrolling through all of this when someone knocked the door.
'Come in.' I said and Lou entered.
'Hey what's wrong?' I asked. He looked worried. I frowned. Why is he worried?
'Nothing just thinking about your date with Niall tonight.' That's the problem.
'Lou don't worry. It's all going to be ok. I told you this is a friend date. Nothing else.' I reassured him. Still he looked worried.
I sighed and kissed his cheeks. 'He's just a friend I promise.'
'I know I'm just worried.'
'Don't worry. It's all going to be ok.' I said and he nodded. Then looked at me.
'You know I should have a nickname for you.' I said.
'Really? What?'
'Well you said your mom calls you boobear then I should call you....' I thought finally I said 'Doncaster.'
'Yeah. It fits you perfect.'
'Doncaster it is. You look beautiful by the way.' He says smiling.
'You always say that.' I smiled.
'Its the truth. You always look beautiful.'
'Thanks.' I blushed.
'Even more when you blush.' He says kissing my nose. I giggled.
'Ok enough. Stop making me blush.' I whispered and he kissed my nose again causing me to giggle again.
Again someone knocks the door.
'Who is it?'
'Its me. Niall.' Shit! I looked at Lou wide eyed. I stood up. 'Yeah just a minute Ni.' I quickly grabbed Lou's hand and went to my closet.
'Get in. Don't come out till I'm gone.' I whispered and he nodded. I walk back to the door and smile as I opened it.
There stood Niall smiling.
'Hey Ni. Sorry just a last minute checking. Making sure I looked ok.' I lied.
'Its ok. You look really pretty.' He smiled and I kissed his cheek.
'Thank you. Now let's go.' I said and we walked towards the door.
Harry was sitting there watching TV. He looked at us.
'Ok here are the rules. No kissing, nothing more than holding hands.' He warned. I mentally rolled my eyes. Why would I kiss Niall? I like Lou. Harry knows I don't like Ni but still he does this.
'Yeah mate.' Ni says and we walk out of he house and get in the car.
He drives for maybe about 20 minutes before finally stopping. I get out of the car.
'I hope you like it here.' Niall says and I smile. Me too Niall.
I look in front and saw...


See the next one special New Years treat. So please read the next one!!!


Who's Ella ?

Please update this amazing story please xxx

You finally updated xxxx I love you
and you added me I love you even more xxx

Update update update update update please please xxxx

But as they are exams I guess that is a good reason xxx
Love the chapter xxx