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Broken Promises ~Zayn Malik FF~

Playing dead and Larry Stylinson moments <3

*Kasey's POV*
I woke up and someone's arms are wrapped around my waist. I looked around and saw I wasn't in my room, then last night's events came back to me. "Morning sunshine." Zayn said in his morning voice that I loved so much. "Morning Z, I missed staying the night with you." I said "Me too, It was a lot of fun." Zayn said. Then we heard whispering at the door "Zayn lets play dead and then scare them." I whispered. Me and him then played dead. The door busted up "HELLOO WA-" Louis started but when he saw us 'Dead' He screamed Liam ran in the room being Daddy Direction he is "WHATS WRONG!" Liam screamed "That" Is all he said when Liam saw us he gasped
*Liam's POV*
When I heard Louis' girl scream I ran up to see whats wrong "WHATS WRONG!" I screamed shaking Louis. He just pointed to the bed and there laid a dead Zayn and a dead Kasey. I gasped just then Zayn and Kasey popped up saying "BOO!" Louis and I jumped and we screamed like little girls "OH *gasp* MY * gasp* GOD! You should *gasp* have seen *gasp* your faces!" Kasey said trying to gasp for air. Just then little Mia ran in "MOMMY! UNCLE HAZZA IS TRYING TO TICKLE ME!" She yelled running into her moms arms "Come here all I want is a hug!" Harry said really creepy "But I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Louis said as he ran to me and cried on my shoulder "I DO! BOOBEAR DONT HATE ME!" Harry yelled "I caught Uncle Hazza Kissing Kevin Uncle Boo ." Mia said "WHAT! YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME?!?!" Louis yelled and running up to Harry and slapping him (Not hard) "OW BOOBEAR! KEVIN WAS DYING I WAS GIVING HIM MOUTH TO BECK?" Harry said more of a question than a statement "Oh okay sorry Hazza I love you!" Louis said Kissing Harry's check and running off yelling "Kevin Oh Kevin where is my pet birdie?" we all laughed cuz Harry was frozen "What just happen uncle Lili." Mia asked "I think a Larry Stylinson moment." I said laughing my bum off "Lets go eat breakfest." Kasey said


Guys Im continuing this! I got 5 comments or more saying to and thanks realniallgirl for apologising. And I hope ya'll liked the Larry Stylinson moment! My brother is saying weird things and they sound sexual and stuff like Butt touching lol then he put 2 fingers together saying it dont work that way, Cuz I told him I wish Harry and Louis would date cuz they cute together (NO HATE PLZ) and he is creeping me out lol but I love him <3


omg i LOVED this fanfic

MissKz MissKz
@niallers gurl
Thxs Sissy! and Im not discontinuing it :D
Please dont stop! Its so good!
@Nialler's Princess 112323

sissy please dont discontinue this bg the way this is raley
niallers gurl niallers gurl
I'm sorry about that guys. I have mesaged her apologizing and telling her I hope she doesn't discontinue SORRY