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Problem person or a good person?

I'm not feeling good...or?

Ellie's pov.
We walked in.
"I'm just going to the bathroom" I said.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked.
"I'm not feeling so good, I'm coming soon. Go and eat" I said.
"I'm not leaving you" He said and smiled.
"You leaved me when I was sleeping. Leave now or I will get someone so you leave" I said and laughed.
Harry walked in to the others. I walked in to the bathroom, in to the toilet. I vomited, oh god I don't have anything in my stomach. I flushed and sat down on the floor
"You aren't so good, huh?" Harry said.
"Can you go and get my toothbrush and toothpaste?" I asked.
"Okay" Harry said and walked in.
"Ellie?" Zayn said.
"Yes Zayn?" I said.
"Let me come in" He said. I opened the door.
"How are you?" He asked and sat down next to me.
"I'm okay now" I said.
"You know you can go home and come to the tour when you are feeling good again" He said.
"I'm good, I'm feeling good" I said.
"You know.. When my mother was pregnent she didn't wanna eat and she vomited, have you and Harry had sex?" He said.
"I'm not pregnant, I'm just don't like how I look" I said.
"Why?" Zayn said.
"Well look at me, I'm fat" I said.
"You are not fat, you are pale, are you really okay?" Zayn said.
"I.. I" I tried to say something but nothing come out. Harry come in and gave my my things and I started to brushed my teeth. When I was done.
"I.. I need water" I said.
Zayn runned away and Harry helped me in to everyone else. I sat down and everyone started to help me. I got the water and I started to drink it.
"She need to eat something" Perrie said.
"She said that she isn't hungry" Harry said.
"That is like; I'm fat I should stop eat. Harry" El said. They all got something and gave it to me.
"If she don't eat something, we need to send her back home" Some man said.
"You can't send her back home" Zayn said.
"Then she needs to eat" The man said. Everyone looked at me.
"Don't look at me if I'm going to eat" I said. Everyone smiled and looked away. I took a sandwich and eat that.
"So, I done" I said and everyone smiled. They are all so weird.


Why does Ellie think that she is fat?

I hope you all liked this chapter. I love you all. xx.


Thank you honey xx.

Zarrylover Zarrylover

great story! love it! xx

JessicaHoran JessicaHoran

she is preggers

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Zarrylover Zarrylover


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