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Christina and the Boys

Getting to Know Me

I was so confident. I was 100% positive that me and Taylor were going to get along, because she really was a nice girl. I've met her twice, and she was a really sweet girl, I just think that she was jealous of me and Harry. I was pretty looking, but I knew that Taylor was probably going to be better dressed than me. I didn't care, but what bothered me is that I knew the paps were going to be in our face.
I was wearing:www.polyvore.com/christina_taylor_fanfic/set?id=68627596
It was warm outside, so I decided to wear a dress. I walked downstairs and Harry whistled. I did a little twirl for him.
"You like it?" I asked.
"You look so pretty. Makes me jealous that I'm not going out with you today," Harry said. He put his plate in the sink and rinsed it.
"You'll see me later," I said. A knock on the door let me know that Taylor was here, "Bye baby," I said and walked out the door.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Taylor was gorgeous:www.polyvore.com/fanfic/set?id=68628806
She smiled at me, "Hey Christina, look, I really am sorry," she said when we climbed into the car.
"I understand, I'd be jealous too," I laughed and so did Taylor.
"You know, Christina, I was preparing for you to hate me, and me to hate you, but you aren't that bad," she said after we got talking.
"I know. I was prepared to hate you too. Wait, hold on, Harry's calling," I said, "Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Where are you?" Harry asked.
"In the car, Harry. Calm down, Taylor and I are having so much fun. We've been shopping, can you please calm down?"
"You've been gone two hours!" Harry said. Taylor heard him and laughed.
"Harry, I said I was going to hang out with Taylor, not say hello then leave. Trust me, please," I said. I heard him sigh and hang up. I hung up too.
"So Harry is worried about us getting in trouble?" Taylor teased, pulling into a parking lot.
"Something like that," I laugh and hop out of the car. I looked at the mall and all the sudden there were mobs of people. This had happened at the other destinations, but this mob was insanely large. All the sudden, a ton of questions were fired off at me.
"Christina, Christina! The world would love to know why you and Taylor are friends! We thought you hated eachother!"
"It was a common misunderstanding," I said, taking Taylor's hand, "We are the best of friends now!" we both smiled and walked into the mall. We were left alone for the most part, aside from young girls asking for pictures and signatures. The paparrazzi didn't really follow us, they had better things to do.
"So, Taylor, tell me about yourself," I said while we were munching on food from some little restaurant that I had no idea the name of.
"I am a young singer/artist, a hopeless romantic, and a fashionista," she said, taking a sip of her milkshake, "What about you?"
"I am a singer/artist too, a flirt that is dating the notoriously handsome Harry Styles, I enjoy fashion, but I rarely think I look good, drives my stylists crazy," I ended with a joke. It was weak, I was nervous. Taylor's blue eyes were staring at me in disbelief, "What?" I asked.
"You think you look rarely look good, have you seen a mirror lately?" Taylor asked in disbelief.
"I looked in one this morning, if that counts," I shrugged.
"Girl, you need to get your eyes checked," Taylor said, shaking her head. A felt a buzzing in my purse. I pulled out my phone.
"Oh. My. God," I said rolling my eyes.
"Let me guess, Harry's texted you 10 times?" Taylor asked, laughing.
"23, hold on, let me read the messages."
Each of them said that if I didn't text him back that Harry would find me and take me home. He was taking it to an extreme, I texted him back.
To:Harry-Love, I'm okay, I'm at the mall with Taylor. Calm down. Why are you freaking out?
From:Harry-Oh thank God, I was freaking out! Why was I freaking out?!?!! YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR 5 HOURS!!!!

I checked the phone, it was 3PM. I shrugged and told Taylor that we would have to go, because apparently Harry can't handle to be away from me for a day. She laughed and we grabbed our bags. We got into the car, and started singing "L.O.V.E" bye Jessie J. Our voices molded really well together, and we got really into it. I was met at the door by a happy Harry, and a laughing Louis. I waved as Taylor drove off, and was really happy that we had become friends.
"So how was your day out?" Harry asked, taking my hand and sitting me on his lap in the livingroom.
"It was amazing, I was so happy with what we found. Taylor and I are good friends now, and the fans support us. At least, the ones who saw us today," I shrugged. He kissed my knuckle and I let out a giggle, he really did miss me.
"My day was hell, Lou wouldn't leave me alone. All I did was watch the clock for you to get home," Harry said when I asked him how his day was.
"Baby, you have to learn to let me go," I said. My wording wasn't the best, but I assumed he knew what I meant.
Obviously he didn't. His face tightened and he looked at me so seriously I thought he could see straight into my soul, "I will never let you go," he said.
My spirits lifted. I was loved, more loved than I've ever been loved. I was loved by a boy who wanted me for more than sex, more than money. He loved me for me.


sorry, i just found your comment in my feeds! thank you sooo much for reading! xoxo love you! -guinne
my-life-is-1d my-life-is-1d
they're like 20...oh well. they're happy, so i'm happy! i ship zerrie, so i don't mind it. i ship all relationships, so yeah...anyway! xoxo
my-life-is-1d my-life-is-1d
i dont nw if they are then u nw good luck its going to be hard being a teen mom and havign baby while being famous but hey there happy:)
madalyn madalyn
since like a day or so ago. she said so on her facebook-the one she tweeted. she's like preggers too. so she said! don't hate on me please, because i trust it's her, because her official twitter tweeted the page and stuffz. xoxo
my-life-is-1d my-life-is-1d
well you did wait like in real life ZAyne and perrie are engaged wat since when
madalyn madalyn