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A Long Walk Down


"Yea, it's open," Gray shouted towards the knock on the door. She sat at the kitchen table of her apartment, scouring over papers and lists that had been her point of attention for days. They had four days until she ventured off with the band to Los Angeles, and away from her daughter.

"You know you shouldn't leave your door unlocked," Perrie warned, walking into the madness. Her eyes got big, seeing the floor covering in random bits of papers, along with the living room. It was like a sea of white had taken over.

"No one visits, I'm not worried," Gray said, not giving a care. She viciously crossed out the sheet with her red pen leaving a pool of ink in her wake.

"What are you exactly doing," Perrie asked, keeping her tone cautious yet curious.

"I have four days to get everything together for this 'grand' trip," Gray started, making quotations with her hands, "and I have to make sure I have everything, Liam has everything and Spencer has everything here." Gray sighed, pounding her fist on the table. This had to be the worst idea in a while. She had been up most of the morning trying to wrap her head around what had to be done. Perrie stepped closer to her, hoping it wouldn't set Gray into another rant about God knows what.

"G, sweetie. I think you need to come with me. Liam was right, you need to get out of the house," Perrie stated. Gray shot her a death glare. Why did he always have to call in someone? Gray could do things on her own.

"Hey, just the messenger, but yes he did. Come on, let's go get a drink or shop. He and Spencer won't be back for a while." Gray forcefully crumbled up the paper, muttering words under her breath. It was starting to become a serious pain that he felt the need to call someone every time something was up. She was a grown woman, older than him even; having a babysitter come just so she wouldn't lose it was a bit much. Gray grabbed her phone off the oak table and quickly typed a message

Me: Last time you call in help. You are in trouble.

Nothing like trying to put a little fear of God in him. Gray grabbed her purse and coat before signaling to Perrie she was ready. Perrie’s eyes got big with excitement.

"Let's go," Gray moaned, not ready to go play Barbie and pretend to actually care.


"Seriously? Still you haven't had sex? What is wrong with you two? You act like an old married couple," Perrie shouted in their booth. Her voice was so loud it made two older men turn around and look at them.

"Perrie my God, keep your voice down," Gray barked, "you know after all these years, you think I'd be used to you all knowing everything about my life." She knew that Zayn had told her, much to her dismay. Sometimes it felt she was still in high school covered in rumors and gossip. The only way to keep things private was to keep your lips shut, and of course it was the one golden rule she broke.

"I don't know what our deal is really, you'd think by now he would be all over me. You don't think he doesn't want to, right? I mean, my body changed a little with Spencer, but nothing drastic." She couldn't lie; it had been on her mind over the last couple of days. Gray was lucky with her pregnancy, most of the weight came off once Spencer was born but she wasn't back to her old ways. Her stomach muscles weren't as tight as they used to be making it stick out, just a little.

"I highly doubt that Gray, that man is obsessed with you. And your body looks great! Stop thinking so bad about yourself. I think he just wants you to make the first move. You know Liam, always worried about your feelings," Perrie explained. Gray ran her fingers through her hair and pulled at the roots.

"I'll have to do something. If he comes out of the shower one more time with nothing but a towel on, I'm going to lose it." A blush came to her cheeks remembering this morning. She had opened her eyes to see him in a towel, and only that, with water still over his body. Her mouth went dry within seconds just watching him. Liam knew what he was doing, it drove her mad. Her slowly wiped down his body, letting the towel slip just enough to barely cover his body. Sadly, he still left her that day wanting so much more.

"Do you have a dress for the show yet," Perrie asked, making her leave the sick, sick thoughts in her head.

"No. Not sure I want to buy another one. I have plenty in my closet that still haven’t gotten a good use." Gray thought about pulling out the back lacy one from Liam’s birthday again, just for old times sake. Perrie's eyes lit up across the table. She had a plan to set Liam over the edge. Just the right amount of push he needed.

"Finish your drink. We are going shopping. You need a dress to make that boy squirm."


They made it to Saks with only being recognized once by a small group of girls. No one, at least in a media stand point, knew Liam and Gray were together again. She made it a habit of showing up after or before Liam, just so no official proof can be seen. Rumors in the papers would always come about, but without proof she didn't have to worry. Once it was official, their lives would change again. More security, more fans, everything that was more then she wanted.

"We need low cut, extremely low cut," Perrie announced, keeping her eyes determined on the racks. She could be a trained assassin in shopping, knowing right what to do in any situation. Gray followed suit, but will less energy. A dress was a dress, she was okay with anything.

"Okay, let's go." Perrie grabbed her arm and pulled towards the dressing room.

"Seriously, we just started," Gray laughed, checking out the sash she had gotten. It had literally own been ten minutes, the girl could move.

"Have to move fast in my line of work. Try these on." She shoved the dresses into Gray's chest and pushed her into the dressing room. Gray huffed and rolled her eyes. Time to get this over with, Gray thought in her head. Picking up the first dress, her eyes bulged out of her head. For once, there was barely any fabric to it, and extremely low cut. Definitely not the style she was accustomed to.

"Your feet aren't moving Gray. Just trust me on this," Perrie warned from the other side of the door. Trust, sure, that was it. Trust that a good amount of body parts were going to fall out easily with any small movement. Perrie had picked out a short, tight black bondage dress that had a gold belt around the waist. Two very tiny strips of black fabric traveled up, criss crossing over her collar bones and down her back. Most of her sternum was exposed, along with her whole back. No no, mothers definitely do not wear dresses like this. Perrie banged her fist the door.

"This is a no Pea," Gray announced as she opened the door. Perrie waved her off, signaling to be quiet while she checked out the merchandise.

"You need this. Gray you look HOT. Seriously hot. He will be drooling in seconds," she told her, giving Gray a smile in approval.

"Yeah, and so will the entire crowd. One wrong move and it's going to be ‘Girls Gone Wild’ up in there," Gray argued back.

"No it won't. Your chest is small enough, and everything is covered. You are getting this, or I will." Gray shook her head back.

"Perrie, moms don't wear dresses like this." She signaled, showing emphasis over her chest. Making sure she saw the tiny amount of space Gray was working with.

"Nonsense. Hot moms like you wear this. Trust me, you need to this! It's like your coming out party! Media loves hot ladies, you’ll be in every magazine," Perrie smiled. Gray gulped down another breath. Hell. It would be a good way to show what she was made of, literally. Gray waited a few minutes before speaking.

"Okay, I'm in. But if Liam freaks, I'm sending him your way." Perrie gave her a high five.

"That's my girl!"


The day had come for them to venture across the ocean and have a little mini trip together. Liam called it a couple's getaway, but Gray didn't see it like that. She was leaving her baby, on purpose, for a party. Great mothering there. After tossing and turning for most of the night at Liam's, Gray got up. The clock read 3:00 in the morning, only four more hours until they had to be at Karen's. It was only four days, but the guilt was already seeping in. Four days felt like an eternity. Right now she needed coffee and quiet. Best thing was to clear her head, process her thoughts and allow herself to actually enjoy the trip. Besides she would finally see her Mom after all these months.

Gray quietly padded into the kitchen, throwing a coffee cup into the Keurig and watched the steaming brown liquid come about. It was like heaven in a jar, one way to help calm herself down. Coffee, other than running, had been her go to staple. She had always been neurotic, somewhat controlling, and a worry wart, Gray knew that. Gloria always liked to make fun of her for it especially in high school where she stressed about grades, but it's who Gray was. She like control and stability, it gave her purpose in life and a drive to move forward.

The deck seemed like the best place to go. Quiet enough to enjoy the space and not wake up the rest of the house. London was finally starting to get what they called Spring, yet it still was cold to her. Throwing a blanket over her legs, Gray sat down in the large reclining lounge chair and took a deep breath. It was the first time she had ever gone out there actually. Before, her fears always overtook her, having horrible fantasies of Spencer falling over the edge to her death, even though the little girl couldn’t even reach the top of the banister. They stayed inside, never venturing out to enjoy the view. Another one of her nervous thoughts, she couldn't really let go. Looking back, she had been controlling and thought too much. It was always about what others thought; Gray never could let that go. She couldn't live her life without worrying about everyone else.

"You are going to kill yourself." she moaned, mentally smacking her head. It was time to stop this, to live without fear. If that meant wearing a dress that barely covered her dairy ire, then so be it. She had to let go of all this fear, and actually enjoy life.


"Damnit Gray," Liam's voice shook her from her slumber. Gray rubbed her eyes and looked up to see him staring down at her, his face full of worry and sleep.

"What's a matter? What time is it?" The sun wasn't up yet, the sky still filled with stars.

"A little after five. I woke up to you missing from bed, searched the whole house looking for you. What were you thinking coming out here? I thought you left." She could see the emotion come over his face. His eyes were glassy with tears and his face read guilt. Gray reached out to him, gripping his hand tight.

"I wouldn't leave you," she told him sincerely. Liam sat down on the recliner by her feet and rubbed her legs.

"I know, but you still had me worried. What are you doing out here," he asked.

"I couldn't sleep so I came out here with coffee. I had a lot on my mind," she explained. Gray held the blanket open, a silent way to ask him in. He smiled and came in behind her. His legs wrapped around hers, and his arms around her waist. Gray’s back was against his chest, she could feel the warmth from his body heating her up.

"Penny for your thoughts," he murmured into her ear. Gray sighed; she laid her head against his chest.

"Do you think I worry too much?"

"Well, you do think a lot, more than a normal person, but there is nothing wrong with that," he explained. Gray shook her head in protest, she didn’t need to hear the cookie cutter answer he was giving her. Gray trusted his opinion, and wanted him to give it to her straight.

“Honest Liam, be honest with me.” Liam’s body tensed below hers.

“You do over think things often. When I first met you it worried me. I could see it written all over your face, even when you didn’t notice and it killed me to watch you. You care, Gray, you care about every single person around you, more then you care about yourself. That is a bulk of where you stress and anxiety comes from. Now though, it’s how you function. Some people work well with stress, you work well with worry. It’s how you tick inside,” Liam told her, pointing to her head at the end. He had a point, she knew that. Worry always was in her mind, even if she wouldn’t accept it.

“I don’t want that though, I want to now think so much about the ‘what if’s’ and why not’s. You can have to help me on this. I’m literally going to give myself a heart attack. No worrying, no thinking in the States. Seriously.” Gray shifted her body around to look him in the eye. If she was going to listen to anyone, it was going to be him. Liam gave her a wink and kiss on her temple.

“I’ll keep you in check,” he promised. Gray turned back around and relaxed back into his body. The sun started to peek out from the horizon, making Gray dread this day even more.

“You are going to be tired,” she warned him. Liam held her tighter.

“It’s okay. I like it here. I think this is the first time I’ve actually enjoyed being out here.” He sighed in content, loving the moment they were sharing. The wind picked up her hair, pushing it into his face. He could never get enough of her smell, it overwhelmed him. Everywhere he went, he could smell her even with her not there. Gray had engulfed his apartment, his car, everywhere he was, and she was always there, waiting in the breeze.


“You may have to pull me out there, you know that right,” Gray told him sadly, her tired eyes staring out the window. They waited to the last minute to leave home and head over to Karen’s, ultimately to drop off Spencer.

“It’ll be okay,” he reassured her, keeping his sentences short. The last thing he wanted to do was set her off during such a fragile state. Never of them were excited about this, but it had to be done. Gray gave him a weak smile and went back to staring out the window. She could do it. Four days, that was nothing, totally doable. At least that’s what she kept telling herself.

Liam pulled into the driveway and killed the engine. Nobody moved in the car. Even Spencer, who was normally talkative in the backseat, was quiet. Gray said nothing, but took of her seatbelt and opened the door. Liam followed suit, jumping out and grabbing the bags from the trunk. They both marched inside, Spencer in Gray’s arms and Liam with the luggage.

“Hello, good morning,” Karen smiled as they walked in. Her arms twitched impatiently, Gray could see she wanted to grab the child. Not yet, she thought, she deserved a couple more minutes with her little one.

“We may have packed too much,” Liam sheepishly said, it seemed Spencer’s whole room had been shoved into two large bags.

“Well, you can never have too much,” Karen laughed. They all stood in the kitchen, feeling the tension built. No one wanted to say anything. Gray needed to give up the kid. She kissed her little girl once more before handing her off to Liam to do the same.

“I have all her favorites there, and her doctor’s number. And lots of diapers too. Just don’t feed her peas and you will be good, she hates peas,” Gray rambled on, wanting Karen to know everything important. Liam took her hand in his and squeezed. Karen grabbed Spencer and positioned the baby in her arms. Gray squeezed Liam’s fingers tighter, hoping it would block the tears from falling. It could happen in the car, but not in front of Karen right now.

“What’s the plan for today,” his mom asked, wanting to make friendly conversation.

“We meet at the studio then head to the airport,” Liam explained. He peeked down at his watch, “we actually need to get going.” Gray held back a sob and gave Spencer one last kiss.

“Love you baby,” she whispered in her ear. It felt like the walls were starting to come in, making her feel claustrophobic. She was going to break, and cry and didn’t want to do it in front of everyone. Gray needed fresh air; she needed to get out of the house. Her hand unlocked from his as she hightailed it out of the house and waited for him at the car. Liam walked her run away, sorrow coming over his face.

“She’ll be okay dear,” Karen offered her son. Liam looked at his daughter and back at the door. God he hoped his mom was right.

“Love you both, have fun. Call me if you need anything.” After another round of kisses, Liam walked out. Gray was kneeling next to the car, her small frame being rocked with sobs. Liam walked closer, buy Gray held her hand out, signaling him to stop.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just give me a minute,” Gray choked out. Her emotions had gone wild, but she could recover. She could do this alone, without his help. After minutes went by, her eyes starting water and the sobs no longer racked her body, Gray stood up. Liam looked down at her, with an expressionless face.

“You sure you are alright,” he asked. Gray shook her head yes and opened the car door. He followed suit, jumping in. They were off, Karen’s house disappearing, getting smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror. The conversation was kept quiet; neither of them felt the need to break the silence. It was comforting to Gray, after her mini meltdown, her body felt calmer. The negative energy was out; she could go into this trip and actually, maybe, have fun.


Liam pulled into the parking lot of the studio and both got out. Gray could actually feel the excitement build, this is going to be a good trip.

“You ready for this,” he asked her, a big smile covering his face. A large group stood farther in the back, the building blocking them from view, just in case anyone was spotted on the street. All of them crowded together, making it hard to figure who was who. Gray wheeled her suitcase over to join the group.

“I surprised they still let you leave the country.” The voice was deeper than most, she knew that voice.

“STEVE!” Gray shouted, running up to the burly man and giving him a hug. Her arms went around his neck tighter as he twirled her around the parking lot. She squealed, feeling the dizziness in her head.

“I haven’t seen you in forever,” Gray gushed as he placed her feet back on the ground. The last time had to be right before the big fight.

“Took some time off, these boys killed my body. I’m back now though and I see you are too,” he smirked, his eyebrow going up in style. Gray rolled her eyes and lightly smacked him.

“Here to stay unfortunately,” Gray gleamed at him. A hush came over the crowd as the rules and regulations were read. It was elementary school all over again. No touching, don’t talk to strangers, stay together in a group, and for the love of God, don’t do anything stupid. Gray wanted to laugh at them all with their serious faces, but she knew better.

“I think it would be better to get Gray a bubble,” Niall chimed in from across the group. Gray flicked him off. Sure, she had some bad luck doing these trips, but it had to be over by now. Liam protectively moved closer to her. Gray gave him a reassuring smile.

“Into the vans we go.” Gray followed suit, joining Liam in the first vehicle along with Harry and Louie. She peeked down at her phone, seeing the picture of Spencer lock screen. Her fingers swiped across, letting her look longer. Her little angel, tears started to prick in the corner of her eyes, but Gray held them off.

“You okay,” Liam whispered to her. Gray clicked her phone back off and smiled at him.

“Of course, let’s do this.”


“Ladies and Gentleman, we will be starting to descend into Los Angeles, please buckle your seat belts.” The voice made Gray stir from her sleep; she opened her eyes to see Liam reaching across her body. She had been asleep for most of the trip, catching up from waking so early that morning.

“Just getting your seat belt love,” his deep voice whispered. Gray’s shirt had risen, exposing a small amount of her stomach. Liam’s thumb brushed over the area, leaving a tiny path on goose bumps along the way. She felt that feeling again, the warmth in the pit of her stomach creeping the way through her body. It was a given, she wanted him very bad. Every part of her body ached for his touch, but it couldn’t happen here, in an airplane filled with mostly strangers.

“You cannot touch me anymore,” she grumbled, pulling her shirt down. Liam licked his lips and continued to stare at her. Did he know how hard he was making it right now? A girl can only handle so much.

“Liam, you have to stop, I’m begging you.” He knew, his dark eyes looked down on her feeling the same thing.

“Hotel then perhaps?” Gray shook her head. Most definitely. The plane landed with ease, and Gray was ready for the assault. From what Liam told her on the trip over, it was pretty much known on social media that they would be in town. That meant fans and media everything, people shouting their names from every direction. No one knew Gray would be there though, that was a surprise for all. Gray grabbed her black White Sox cap out of her purse and looped her hair through it. A smile came over her face remembering all the times she wore one through the halls of an airport. Gray adjusted the bridge and looked over to see Liam staring at her.

“You cannot wear hats anymore, you look too damn hot,” Liam whispered in her ear, his hot breath running over her skin.

“Back at you.” She motioned to the snapback he had, the one she made for him back in the day. It was a direct stab to her heart and her lady parts. So, so hot. Steve motioned from the front for the group to get up and join them. Thankfully giving her a release from the sexual tension and a reason to focus on anything else, other than sex. Liam pushed her body out in the aisle first, making her line up directly behind Harry. They walked through the now empty plane and down the corridor in the main LAX terminal. All of them could hear the shouts and the screams of people at the end. Gray tried to shake out the fear.

“Never gets old,” Harry laughed in front of her. The closer they got, the more the noise started to occur. Walking out, the crowd erupted in screams, flashes and bodies everywhere. For a second, Gray felt her body freeze but she knew she had to keep moving. Liam reached up from behind and pulled her arm into his, their fingers wrapping up together. They fell into step, side by side, which only made the crowd yell more. It was her coming out, so to speak, the world knew Liam and Gray were together again.

Is that Gray?! Gray are you back?!”

“Oh my god, this isn’t fair!”

They all continued to move, ignoring the protest’s and cries from the crowd and jumped into the awaiting SUV.

“Just like yesterday,” Gray laughed. Liam rolled her eyes at her and smiled. At least she wasn’t freaking out about it. Perhaps it could get easier, at least no articles of clothing were thrown at her head. Easy Peasy. Liam’s hand rested on her knee as the SUV started to move, his fingers slowly moving up and down in the inside of her leg. Gray bit back a moan, knowing well aware of what he was doing. Thankfully, they were in the back of the SUV were no one could see him screwing with her brain. Gray closed her eyes and rested against the headset, enjoying the feeling. Fingers pushed into her thighs, hitting every right spot with the most intense amount of pressure. He knew what he was doing easily and Gray couldn’t look at him. She focused on his skillful work, the touch was hitting all of her sensitive spots. Tiny beads of sweat started to form on her forehead. She shouldn’t be letting him do this here, but it felt too good to make him stop.

“Oh my god,” she moaned. Liam’s hand abruptly left her leg, leaving a cold spot in its wake. Gray opened her eyes to see the rest of the guys staring back at her with amused looks.

“I’m just so hungry,” Gray backtracked, hoping no one could see the blush rising from her neck. She got caught, but hopefully no one realized it. Liam coughed, covering up a laugh next to her.

“You are an asshole,” she seethed through her teeth, keeping her voice down low. There was no lasting any longer, the deed needed to be done. She wanted him, hard and now. It was only a couple minutes later before they arrived at the hotel. After going through yet along crowded sidewalk of screaming girls, there were inside, and secure. Gray let out a sigh as she stepped into the elevator. The whole trip had gone better then she thought, the chaotic mess of people were there but at least they used to her.

“Okay lads, you have about ten minutes and then we are out,” Steve ordered from the front of the pack. Ten minutes, for what?

“Where are you going,” Gray asked the group as the elevator doors dinged open. They all left single file and headed off to their separate rooms ignoring her. Liam stayed quiet, but held the door open letting Gray go in first. She quickly threw her suitcase in the bed and turned to look at him.

“Speak jailbait, where are you going?” It was another secret or note he neglected to tell her. Her arms crossed over her chest, almost an attempt to hide her anger inside her body. She wanted to spend time with him, not the empty hotel room.

“We have rehearsals for the show tomorrow, I told you this,” Liam explained with an honest look on his face. Gray gave a smirk at him, did he really think he could get out of this so easily? Something so major Gray would of remembered.

“Pretty sure you left out those minor details Liam. How long are you going to be gone? Heck if I knew I was going to be alone I would have just stayed back,” Gray cried, throwing her hands in the air. This was supposed to be their first night of the trip away from home and he was going to be gone. Sure, she may have been overreacting a little, but she didn’t want to be alone right now. Liam caught his mistake and walked up to her. He meant to tell her, he really did.

“Gray, I swore I told you. I’m sorry, it just slipped my mind,” he sincerely said, pulling in her for a hug. Part of her wanted to push him away, call him bad names and sulk in a corner but it wasn’t an option. He had that look on his face, the one where he knew he was at fault.

“How long will you be there,” she asked with a tiny smile. Liam pushed her back, keeping her at arm’s length and looked her in the eyes.

“Love, I’m so sorry. I’m not sure, to be honest. Why don’t you take a nice easy night in,” he offered, trying to size up her would be boring night, “get some room service, a hot bath. I’ll be back as soon as we can tonight and then we can be alone.” None if it sounded appealing to her, but there was nothing left to go. Gray had to be the bigger person and roll with it.

“Sure, that actually sounds great, see you soon.”


That great, appealing plan Liam thought of only lasted her two hours before she got bored. There was only so many mini bottles from the fridge, burgers from room service and bubbles from the tub you could enjoy before you lost your mind. By ten o’clock that night she had already fallen asleep, without Liam. Gray awoke the next morning to see him cuddled in behind her, and even though he was extremely adorable, it didn’t cut it. Sexual tension oozed from her body you could practically hear a low hum as she walked by. A woman needed loving. Gray quietly climbed out of bed and grabbed her workout gear from her bag. A quiet, clean run was what she needed to clear her head.

The workout room of the hotel was just about empty when she got there, only a man around her age in the back playing with his phone. It was probably good too; less chance she would get noticed. Gray hopped on one of the open treadmills, and started moving. Her legs fell into step easily, creating the rhythm of speed beneath her. Gray smiled and cranked up her music, running was always her greatest release. She felt into step, and almost into a trance letting her body do the work and her mind rest.

“Hi there.” Gray looked out of the corner of the eye to see the same guy who was on his phone in the corner. Now he was walking step by step on the adjoining treadmill. Gray gave him a nod and kept moving. She didn’t have time to talk, only time to work.

“I see you like to run.” Gray bit her lip to stifle a laugh, duh.

“Yup,” she responded back, not dropping her speed. This loser needed to bounce.

“What brings you to Los Angeles,” he smiled cheerfully. Gray pushed the button on the treadmill to bring her speed down.

“I’m traveling with some friends for a show.” The too happy man slowed down even more.

“Oh yeah? You all seeing a band,” he asked. Gray pressed the emergency stop button and turned to look at him. It was apparent that this annoying species of a man wasn’t going to leave her along unless she said something. Maybe he was missing a few brain cells and that is why he couldn’t pick up on her ‘leave me alone’ clues, who knows.

“Nope, I’m actually with the band. One direction? I’m the fiancé of one of them. We are here for the MTV Movie Awards. It’s really nice to meet a fan but I really need to get back to my workout, we are on a schedule today.” A bit of sass came out with her words, and a white lie or two but lord, this man needed to understand. He held his hands up in front of his body, waving an imaginary white flag.

“My bad, my bad, no need to bite my head off. One Direction, huh? Weird.” Gray stared him down again.

“Why is that weird,” she barked at him.

“It just that you are very, very hot.. and they are, mediocre.” A snort came out before she could catch it. Maybe this guy was a comedian after all. Gray grabbed her phone and jumped down to the floor. The moment to workout was over, Mr. Comedian ruined it.

“That’s very nice of you?” It came out as question, not sure what else to say. Gray headed to the door, hoping he wouldn’t follow her.

“Say,” the words made her turn around,” if he can’t please you like the woman you are, I’m in Room 1506. Come over anytime.” Gray bit her lip again to keep it together.

“Uh huh, thanks.” She hightailed it out of the room and headed for the elevator. Talk about a twilight zone. It had been a while since she was hit on, that’s for sure. The attention was nice, but he wasn’t Liam. That’s the man she truly only over wanted.


“Guys, I got hit on today,” Gray announced. She, Perrie and Eleanor were sitting in Perrie’s room, working on their hair and makeup. Both arrived on the early flight in from London, just in time to be dates for the show.

“Oh did you know,” Eleanor questioned with a smile on her face.

“That I did, in the freaking workout room this morning. Some sap came up to me, it was gross,” Gray exclaimed, making a face. Perrie peeked her head out of the bathroom.

“Was he cute?” She asked. Gray shrugged. Not her kind of cute, at all.

“Not really. I mean he was buff and probably was cute to other girl’s but definitely not my type,” she explained, shaking her head at the end. Eleanor leaned her closer to her, trying to get a good read.

“Gray, what exactly is your type,” she questioned. Both of the girls stared at her, waiting to see a response.

“I don’t know,” Gray trailed off, trying to find the right words.

“I know your type. It’s Liam.” Perrie laughed at herself and went back into the bathroom. Gray rolled her eyes at them both.

“Eleanor, you should see the dress Gray picked out. It’s hot,” Perrie shouted. Oh shit, Gray never mentioned to Liam about the lack of fabric being used tonight. This could get weird.

“How does Liam feel about it,” Perrie asked Gray.

“He doesn’t know.” Gray smiled, hoping her confidence could cover up her mistake. She was wearing it regardless, it was an award show, and skin was good at these things.

“Goodness, this is going to be a train wreck,” Eleanor mumbled under her breath. Gray waved her off, it wasn’t going to be THAT bad. At least she hoped it wouldn’t be.


Gray looked in the mirror and her hands between sweating. The plane ride over must of shrank her dress, it had too. For some reason it looked smaller than usual with a lot more skin showing. At least she thought. This was going to be bad all around.

“Gray, are you coming? We need to head to Niall’s room soon,” Gray asked from the other side of the bathroom door. Gray took one last breathe, made sure her boobs were covered and opened the door. Liam was still there, staring down at her. She could see his eyes get big, but quite recovered.

“Gray,” his voice stared before his throat when dry. She looked hot, more than hot. It was make his pants get very constricted around his body.

“You like it? Perrie helped me pick it out,” gray said, walking past him and into the main room of the hotel. His throat dropped even more seeing her entire back wide open.

“Gray, you look incredibly good but you cannot wear that out,” he started. This was a dress she should wear for him, and only him.

Gray ignored him and went to put on her shoes. The platform peep toe shoes only made her look sexier. Liam saw it, her toned legs were getting shown off, along with the rest of her body. That was his, every bit of her, nothing something he wanted the rest of the world to see.

“Gray, I’m serious. You cannot wear this tonight. What else did you bring?” Gray could feel the tension start to rise in the room. It was going to be a battle, that’s for sure. It was a sad truth that a single dress could make such a scene with him.

“Liam, this is all I brought. I’m sure this dress is fine to wear tonight,” she told him, speaking calmly and carefully. She wanted him to hear what she was saying, not just ignore her thoughts and feelings like usual. That was a typically fight for them. Liam rolled his eyes at her.

“Gray, I think you have forgotten my position in this world. I’m not a rap star with strippers and tramps hanging off my arms. We are to be poised and covered. Younger girls are going to look at you in this. What kind of image would this set for our daughter, do you even think when you make these stupid mistakes,” he shouted, his voice getting louder with every word. Gray’s eyes went icy. It was one thing to berate her, but he has no reason to bring Spencer into it. Gray took some deep breaths before talking. There was no switching now, she was wearing the dress out of spite for the rest of the night.

“Liam, I’m really trying to be calm now, and you should too. Please do not bring Spencer into this; I am covered for God sake!” Gray spoke to him. She really didn’t want to fight. Sure, it was a ballsy move wearing something like this, but she wanted a fun night with her boyfriend.

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you throw that dingy piece of fabric on,” he spat back, his attitude not changing. Gray bit her lip and deciding to take the high road. Ignore him, don’t listen to him, just get to Niall’s room where they were in neutral territory and enjoy the night.

“I appreciate it if you acted like and adult and not look like a tramp,” Liam shouted back. The audacity he had right now. Liam was not her father, not where near it. Right now she had to get out before she did something stupid. Taking one last look in the mirror, Gray grabbed her small purse and walked up to him.

“Listen to me here Liam, and listen hard because I am only telling you this once. DO NOT talk to me like this. If you call me a tramp again, you will feel nothing but pain for a week straight. I am your girlfriend, and thankfully nothing more right now. Do not to bring me down just because you aren’t comfortable in your own setting. You, my friend, are being a jackass. I suggest you go lay by your dish if you continue to act like this. I’m going to Niall’s room to meet the others, you are more than welcome to join me but if you are just going to sulk and be a complete jackass I suggest you say here.” Their faces were inches apart from each other but Gray didn’t feel the need to talk any louder than her normal voice. There was no need for shouting, besides; she could get her point across being just as direct. He had to get it through his head, he was not her keeper, nor was he above her. Either they walked side by side or together at all.

Gray gave him one last stare, but his stone cold expression won’t move. She sighed and headed to the door.

“Gray, come back here, we are not done,” he spoke with a firm voice to her. Gray looked back, her had on the door knob.

“Liam, I love you with everything I have, but we are most definitely here.” She walked out and into the hallway, feeling the temperature change dramatically. She did it, she got through one of those pitiless, nonsense fights without losing her cool or doing something she would regret. Maybe a person really could change. Gray smiled and headed into Niall’s room, it was time to party with or without her childish boyfriend.


Title Creds: "Then" by Brad Paisley

Sorry, I know I'm a day late. I extremely apologize! Truth be told, I was offered a promotion at my job yesterday and went out to celebrate :)

So, the more I plan out ALWD the more it's looking to be around 40-50 chapters, which would put it as the longest part of the trilogy. Nuts, i know!


Please update, I love this series so much and miss it so much!!!

littleharry littleharry

Is anyone else missing parts of sentences at the end of chapters?
“No, I lied about that too. I did it myself, well and the help of a very nice lady named Patricia who helped me pick out the bedding. It was very therapeutic, and only took me three days. I just wanted something for her, hopefully later in life she d" ... that's all I see... same with the next chapters... just wondering


Finally! I was just thinking about this story continuing earlier and then I log in and Bam! Its up!! I'm so excited!!!

smokinharry smokinharry