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So…I Kissed Him Back


And so that’s how it began. How my memory slowly crept it’s way back. How I started to remember bits and pieces. It was nice…remembering things I had long forgotten.

So here I am. Well here we are. Walking around aimlessly in the snow covered mountains of untouched Switzerland land. Two weeks into the vacation, and only one day left. Sadly it had to come to an end, and I felt a pang of sadness at the fact that I may never see someone that meant so much to me anymore.

I wanted what I had with him, with someone. And as much as it seems I’m acting all too needy, I just wanted what we had…Back.

I didn’t bother to try and pick up the pieces. I can’t mend pieces that don’t want mending. It was obvious Harry was well over us, and simply thought of it as a ‘remember when’ memory.

“What are you thinking about?” Harry questioned as we turned to head back to the cottage.

“If I’ll ever find love like we had again…”

“And what makes you think that you won’t?” He questioned.

“Because…I don’t know….There’s not that many people out there…I seclude myself…and besides you…I’ve never really knew I had friends out there.”

“And what about me..” He questions as I fish out my keys to the locked house standing in front of me. Jiggling the lock, I almost open it when I feel a large hand wrap around my wrist, preventing me from opening it any further.

“Answer me” He demanded.

“Because you’re over me…” I admitted, locking eyes with his. Taking a step back, I turned swiftly, and entered the house before he could respond. Shrugging off my jacket, I placed it on the hooks, and Harry quickly mimicked my actions.

Awkwardly hoping he wouldn’t bring out conversation up, I brought a new one up instead.

“Would you like me to make you some hot cocoa or something?”

“I would like you to explain to me why you think I’m over you?”


“No Lia…that’s what you don’t understand. I’ve been searching the entire world for you…and you claim that I’m over you.. What don’t you get that I’ve been searching for YOU…looking everywhere. I thought you were dead.” He shook his head in disgust, roughly raking his hand through his hair.

“Well I’m sorry for taking this trip down memory lane as anything more than friends. You made it obvious your intentions were to just be friends. Even if you did want ‘us’ what would you and I benefit from it. For pete’s sake Harry, I don’t even remember you.”

“Well do you remember this?” He questioned before cupping my chin, and pulling me in for a kiss.

Unexpected. Adrenaline surged through my veins, and I had never in my life experienced such a thrill. I kissed back, hungrily, wanting more, but as soon as I did, a flash of memories came rushing back.

The more he kissed me the more I remembered.

Breathless, I pulled back to see Harry confused.

“Am I doing something wrong?”

“No, no…it’s..when we kiss…I start remembering…bits and pieces you know…nothing bi-”

Harry’s lips roughly latching onto mine, again caught me somewhat off guard, but I wasn’t scared. I knew it’s what I wanted, and I wasn’t letting my chance go..So I kissed him back.





Please update

Oh thank goodness!

I have a few more chapters in mind! I could never let it end like this! </3

Aww boo! Now I'm crying again. Please, please, pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssseee let there be a miracle! :( it can't end like this :'( :'(

I may just be doing a double update right now! <3