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Too Much

Chapter 31

I wake up shivering despite the heavy duvet and Harry's arms wrapped around me. He must've left a window open in the cabin, because the cool, crisp fall air has waken me up.

I try grabbing the throw from the end of the bed, but Harry's arm subconsciously grasps me tighter when I move. "Stop moving, Ads."

"Harry, it's cold." I whine. Without another word, he slowly opens his eyes and gets up to shut the window. When he gets back in bed, he pulls me closer to him and rubs my arms with his hands trying to create some friction. "Thanks." I whisper as his eyes shut again.

"Shit!" I mutter. "Harry, we have to go!" I hadn't even realized it was almost midnight. For a moment, a completely forget about everything. I guess when I'm with Harry, we're in our own little world. I figured we could sleep for a little bit, but it was never my intention to stay here this late! My dad thought I was going to be home around ten.

"No, baby come back to bed." He groans and puts a pillow over his face when I turn on the light to get dressed.

"No really, Harry, my dad is going to flip!" I panic. I hope to God he's sleeping.

"Fuck," he sits up after realizing it's later than we both thought, but he's much less panicked than I am probably because he just woke up. He sits at the edge of the bed and rubs his eyes, and I have to take a moment to appreciate this sexy just-woke-up look he's got going on. His hair is sticking up in every direction, but he makes it work. "What?" His mouth turns up into a smile when he catches me gazing.

"You're cute." I giggle.

"Right back at ya." He winks before getting up to put on his jeans, white shirt and boots. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, hopefully my dad is sleeping otherwise I'll just tell him me and the girls lost track of time."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. . . I should've set an alarm or something. Do you think you're gonna get in trouble?" Harry asks as we get into his car. It's colder in the car than it was in the cabin, and I think Harry notices when he cranks the heat up and pulls a sweatshirt from the back seat for me.

"It's not your fault, and I don't think so. As long as he doesn't know I was with you." He nods and begins to drive, but we both stay pretty quiet. I guess we're both just tired from being woken up too soon.

I begin to feel guilty for these constant lies I'm telling my father, but I know I can't be happy going back to my old, boring ways. It's necessary to keep Harry from him in order to be happy. There's no way dad will be okay with me having a boyfriend, especially one that is covered in tattoos.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Harry says before I lean in to kiss him quickly.

"I love you." I smile. It still makes me grin like an idiot when I say those three words to him.

"I love you too, Addie. Get some sleep." He smiles back.

I get out of his car and run to my house quickly trying to escape the cold. I may have lived in Wisconsin my whole life, but I've always hated the cold.

Just when I think the coast is clear, the light at the top of the stairs flips on and I freeze in my spot. Hopefully my dad is just going to the bathroom. Don't make a sound, Addie!

"Addie?" Oh crap.

"Yeah?" I say back.

"Did you just get home?" I hear him coming down the stairs as the old wooden steps creak.

"Uh, yeah..." I tell him quietly, waiting for the blow. All he does is stop in front of me and fold his arms across his chest, waiting for an explanation. "I'm really sorry, dad, I just lost track of time. Me and Alicia were just at her house watching movies."

"I got worried, please just call me next time you're going to be late."

"I will, sorry." I wait until he turns back towards the stairs to exhale with relief.

"Night, sweetie."

"Goodnight dad." I reply, falling back onto the couch. I take a moment to contain all this adrenaline from lying to him and take a deep breath. Woo. That was close.

My heart begins to race again when the door swings open, startling me.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I question when she shuts the door behind her. Upstairs, I can hear dad walking back towards the stairs to see what's going on down here.

"What are you still doing up?" She asks me quietly as she looks at the clock above the fireplace.

"I just got home."

"Oh, that's why I saw Harry Styles outside when I was coming in!" She says and points to the door. Uh oh. "So you two are hanging out now?"

"Harry Styles?" I jump again when my dad speaks. It's not his normal voice either, it's the you-better-explain-now tone.

You have for to be kidding me. The one time my mom decides to show up, it's at midnight and she blows my cover. Just my luck.

"Uh... What are you doing here mom?" I awkwardly laugh and look at her. I've been caught, and I have no idea what to say. I've dug myself too deep.

"I'm just grabbing a few things." She says and walks into the kitchen, leaving me alone with my dad, who is still waiting for an explanation.

"He just brought me home, I needed a ride." I blurt out.

"What were you doing with him so late? Addie, were you even with Alicia?" I hate how parents can always figure out the truth.

He takes my silence as an answer and continues his lecture. "What else have you been lying about, Adelaide? I don't like you hanging out with that boy so late at night."

"It's not like he did anything!" I snap. I hate how my dad assumes Harry's a bad guy based on his appearance. He's always bad mouthed Harry when he sees him, and I always keep my mouth shut trying not to blow my cover, but I'm done letting him assume things about him.

"I don't care, It's only a matter of time before he does! You are not to be hanging around boys this late at night, and you better come up with a good excuse for why you lied to me about this." He yells.

"Charlie," my mom says when she reappears in the room.

"Not now, Margaret." He snaps, keeping his eyes on me. "Are you and this Harry kid seeing each other?" He raises his eyebrows and his eyes burn into mine waiting for answer.

I'm conflicted between just telling him the truth or digging myself deeper into my hole of lies. If I tell him, I'm sure he'll find a way to keep me away from Harry, but if I don't, he'll eventually find out and it will be a lot worse than this. My mom was always the bigger disciplinary in my family, but when my dad gets angry, he gets really angry.

I nod and prepare myself for his reaction.

"Not anymore. That kid is bad news, I don't want you around him. Especially if he's keeping you out past curfew and making you lie to your own father."

"He didn't make me lie! And you can't do that!"

"The hell I can't! I'm disappointed in you Addie, you're smarter than this."

"Smarter than what? Dad, I was hanging out with him, it's not like I was getting drunk and doing something stupid." I defend myself. I leave out the sex part, because I'm obviously not going to tell him that. I know I'm being careful about it, so I'm not worried.

"I know guys like Harry, he's going to hurt you Addie." What! I don't even know where this is coming from, first I'm being yelled at for coming home late, than for lying, and now for dating the wrong guy. I need to get out of here.

"Charlie, Harry is a nice boy and our daughter is smart. I'm sure she knows what she's gotten herself into, if she's happy than we should let her make her own decisions." My mom interjects. Thank you!

"What are you even doing here?" He transfers his anger towards me to her. "It's midnight Margaret."

"I'm leaving." She announces.

"Okay, goodnight." He says and looks back at me.

"No Charlie, I meant I'm leaving. . . I'm going back home." She says.

Both my dad and I snap our necks to look at my mom. What did she say?

"What?" I frown with confusion.

"I lost the job at the hospital, I need to go back home and try to get my old job back."

"Can we talk about this tomorrow?" Dad runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head.

"I suppose." She shrugs. I remain frozen, just blankly staring at her. This night has turned into nothing I could ever imagine. One blow after another.

Once again, my mind is running in circles and I have no idea where to begin sifting through the confusing problems that I've just created.

"Addie, why don't you go to bed. We'll talk in the morning." My dad says and I nod. I'm sure this is a nightmare, maybe I'll wake up soon and I won't have to deal with all of this.

"I'll see you tomorrow, honey. Goodnight." My mom hugs me.

I walk past my dad and make my way up the stairs to my room. I can't even gather my thoughts long enough to process what just happened. I'm in deep trouble for lying, my dad doesn't want me to see Harry, and my mom is moving back to Wisconsin. Crap, I haven't even thought about if I will be going with her.

I grab my pillow and scream into it, seeing if it actually will help me release my anger and frustration like it seems to do in movies. What the heck is becoming of my life? It's amazing how in one night, it can just turn to crap. Just hours ago, I was having a perfect time with Harry, not a worry in the world, but now; my life seems to be falling apart in every aspect.


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And I really need to thank you guys for helping Too Much get to #1 of popular stories!! I'm totally freaking out, haha.. But you all are the best, and ily all!! <3 I love writing this, so I'm really glad you guys like it!



Love this Story. Have read it 3-4 times now and I still Love it. :)

sorry. sometimes i can replace these names with Tessa, Hardin, Landon, etc. I really liked your style but not too original.. x

Hi, can i use this story please. Its really good

#99571 #99571

who the fuck is Blaire?

Amazing story.
read it all in 1 day, guess you could say l'm a little bit addicted.
can't help it, it was too good :)

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