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My Bully


okay so i need someone to spill my guts to about how much i love Harry Freaking Styles….. not because of his fame….. i wish we could have met before the fame…. maybe then he wouldn't see me as just a fan.. as just someone who write fictional stories with about him… i want to be more. i wish he would notice me. it's nights like tonight that i wish he knew i existed, that i'm actually a living breathing person…. i don't want Haz for his fame. i want to forget everything i know about him and learn everything again through time with him, to know what's true and what ain't, how it came to be that he liked something or not like something. i want to be his best friend, his lover, the person he can turn to no matter what. and in his world, i don't exist. i'm not alive. Yeah, i know. It ain't really his fault. I just wish i could meet him, talk to him. That i could be the one fan that he meets that he will always remember, always thinks about. i just…… i love the kid. he's perfectly imperfect. when i'm in a bad mood i just have to read something about him or look at his old/new pictures and i'm happy. he's my light in the dark. my happy when i'm mad/sad…. him and the boys have helped me through so much, it's not even funny. i don't know why i'm telling you this…. i just…. i needed to let it out, i guess you would say….. it's just how i feel….. if i met them right now, they wouldn't remember be in the next day, two days at the most… i'm just a fan…. a Directioner. someone who loves all the boys unconditionally, but Harry is my heart. he's my soft spot. insult him or any of the boys and i will stomp you into the ground. not even joking. well…. anyway… i guess i'm done with my little confession…. thanks for listening..


-M xx


@love_live_learn 1D
you can post a forum about it, do not do that on my stories. thank you.

hazzahstyles19 hazzahstyles19

Who wants to write a story with me i have no experience and i kewp it pg 13

You're welcome and thank you:)

hazzahstyles19 hazzahstyles19

Okay. Thank you for clearing that up for me. I didn't really understand what happened. Have fun with your stories. You're a great author.

ReignOn ReignOn

Here are the answers to your questions!
1.) No, she would not have had a miscarriage. She missed her period but she didn't realize it because she was distracted by everything that was going on.
2.) No, she was not drinking alcohol in chapters 25 and 26
3.)The story behind the condom is this: Harry was taking out trash so he was going to each room and collecting it. Nichole didn't think Harry would do it so she tossed all of the tests into her bathroom trash can. Harry found them and then found the condom (which was basically the only thing in his trash can in his room) and it goes from there.

hazzahstyles19 hazzahstyles19