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Chapter 39

I woke up, feeling hot and sweaty from Harrys` high temperature. He laid next to me, still passed out and let out quiet snores since he had to breath through his mouth.

He still looked adorable though, but the sound drove me crazy. Slowly I got out of his bed and slipped into one of his jumpers, which was way to big, but comfy and warm as hell.

With cold feet I tapped down the stairs to grab some tea. The whole house was silent and I guessed that his Mum and his stepfather were still sleeping as well.

While I waited for the water to be heated I looked around the kitchen. My eyes got stuck at the frames with pictures in it.

I stepped a little bit closer and had to smile about Harry as a toddler and some old photos with him and Gemma.

I looked at a newer picture with Gemma and the pretty Brunette. Stella was her name. She looked stunning in that short black party dress. Oh...wait...Oh god, I thought and felt my body get angry.


And then I saw him. He stood under a tree with another really good looking boy. The other one was really pretty and bigger. Harry seemed really thin and slight next to him.

They were talking to each other and I could not stop myself from imagining his sexy accent. But they were not alone. Three girls were surrounding them and one them had wripped her arms around Harrys` waist. He did not responded to that, but he did not seemed to be unhappy about it.


She was the girl. The one, that had his arms around my boyfriend. I made a faint, injured noise. They had looked so familiar with each other.

Harry already admitted that he had several girlfriends before me and maybe she was one of them? I stared at the photo and her for some more minutes before I turned away.

I had to confess that she was really gorgeous, which only made it harder for me to not imagine her kissing Harry or even worse.

My tea was ready and I slowly went back upstairs. Harry was still sleeping and I got back under the blanket to warm my cold feet. I glanced at his pretty appearance and thought about his huge heart.

Did I really had the right to be angry at her for liking him? He was perfect and I was the one in his bed, but the horrible feeling in my stomach didn`t vanished.

Jealousy, my inner voice told me. It hurts, I answered her. But she had already left me alone. Alone with this stupid feeling and a sleeping Harry, who had no idea what I felt that moment.


Taylaaa: It was frightening, Clary! They were so calm like for the whole time. :o Even when Connor told them...

Me: But calm is better than furious, isn`t it?

Taylaaa: No, it was worse. My Mum hit me and at least I knew what she was feeling that way, but them...creepy!

Me: So, what exactly did they say?

Taylaaa: They were shocked. His Mum asked how long we were already dating, but if U believe it or not, they said the`ll help us out.

Me: That`s great. I`m happy for you 2!

Taylaaa: Thought so as well. We`ll need any help we can get. How`s your styling doing?

Me: I`m nearly ready, text U later tonight.

Taylaaa: U have 2! Have a good time.


I read the best fanfic I did so far on this website yesterday! Please, check it out and support stole my heart:Five Lovestories :)

It`s honestly so good. The plot is amazing, her writing is perfect and the boys are supercute! :)

Back to my story:

Still what do you think will happen?
Do you think the evening ends in fun or tears?

Leave a comment and share!! Thank you.



DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe


Haha, that´s him. :))

Aylin. Aylin.

tyler f****n oakly

DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe

Thanks! :)
Aylin. Aylin.
It was good.
AshD AshD