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Chapter 24

Song for the chapter: Lorde - Royals

Harry had to stay in the hospital for two weeks, so school was driving me crazy.

In the beginning I really tried to pay attention to the teachers speaking, but I gave up after three whole days, not even knowing what the themes of the periods were. I just sat there and waited, waited and waited some more, until I was allowed to walk my way to the hospital.

Harry looked better and I squeezed every time I saw him getting a little bit more stronger. But his damaged body hadn`t hold him back from making his normal, cheeky and funny comments about everything.

“They are trying to kill me!”, he said to me the fourth day. I looked up from my maths homework and raised my eyebrows.

“What?”, I asked him confused.

“Just look at that stuff of foodmush on my plate. They called it lunch, but I think they should rename it into death benefit.”

Even though it wasn`t funny at all, I had to laugh over his serious face.

On another day he challenged me, claiming that he knew every name of all the nurses on the station.

“Harry, you can`t know all of them”, I said and he asked about my entry.

“I`ll get you some food from Burger King”, I said since I clearly felt like I had already won and I knew he was craving for fast food. But as you can tell I wasn`t.

He really knew all the names and I checked if he was right on my own. He glanced at me cheeky as he was eating the hamburger.

“You Mum will kill me”, I said. “She doesn`t have to know. This will be our secret”, he grinned. I just rolled my eyes and promised myself, that I would never bet against him again.

Most of the time Harry and me weren`t alone. His Mum was there like all the time and I found out that she is an amazing woman. Strong and lovely at the same time and Harry told me that she said she liked me a lot. I had to smile about that and felt relieved.

Gemma was there, but only on the weekends since she was already studying in Manchester. She was fun to hang around and my worries that our relationship stands under a bad star right from the start was wrong. We both liked the same TV series and Harry rolled his eyes every time, when we got way to excited about it.

Connor and Tayla were there as well and I liked our little friend circle. Even Simon came with me some times and he and Harry were talking about the gay fraction at our school and Harry had a lot of insider knowledge.

“He is even way cooler than I thought he was”, Simon said excited like always as we left in the evening.

So it came that Anne, Harry`s Mum, had reserved a desk in a posh restaurant at the day of Harrys` release and everybody was there.

Gemma, Harrys`stepfather, Connor and Tayla, Simon and my whole family. My Mum and his were getting along perfect.

“He`s is cute”, my sister whispered into my ear, after she talked with Harry for the first time. I gave her a smile that said: “I told you right from the start!”

I liked the smell of the food and the chatty atmosphere in around the table since everybody seemed to be freed and happy.

I glared over to Harry, who was talking to my stepfather and my heart jumped up and down to see him like this. Healthy, strong and more than just alive.

I had to smile just by imagining his tone of voice and the way he expressed his feelings with his face. God, I was blessed.

So blessed I felt like my heart had to burst into thousands of pieces.


Heeeeeey you.

What do you think will happen next?
Do you want me to write more about a special character?

It`s like the middle of the night and I can only sleep for 6 hours until I have to get up again, lol.

Lorde: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFasFq4GJYM



DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe


Haha, that´s him. :))

Aylin. Aylin.

tyler f****n oakly

DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe DiReCtIiNeR4LiFe

Thanks! :)
Aylin. Aylin.
It was good.
AshD AshD