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Negative [On Hold]


Remix’s POV

Ever since Lou got out of the hospital, Harry was tracking down Dekker and El hadn't left
Lou’s side. Zayn was running tests on DNA and scoped out the club. I was given the task
to find information on the club. Jay was too freaked out to do searching so she was at our house with Niall. She wanted to stay somewhere she knew well.

I stayed at Harry’s home going through my files and texted all my sources. Out of all the
places in town, Lou just had to pick the newest joint, didn't he? He couldn't have picked
Haywire or Midnight Colors? I could’ve been in security camera footage by now.
This was frustrating.

“Dammit,” I scowled, hitting another dead end. I was in Harry’s study and I finished all of
Jay’s contacts. I dialled up my friend at Midnight Colors, whose name was ironically Gray.
That club was the closest from Night Jungle, the place Lou went to.

“Gray, here, wassup?” My thirty-year-old friend asked. He was eight years older than me,
but acted eight years younger. Sometimes it can lift the mood, sometimes it can piss you
off. Right now, I was pissed.

“Cut the crap, Gray. It’s Remix. Down a few miles is Night Jungle. My friend went there and someone tried to kill him. What do you know about the jungle?” I asked impatiently.

He sighed, “Those brats? Well, they admire us DJ’s, but the game’s off. Drinks are crap,
music ain’t original, and the whole vibe is shit. People-wise, the owners are sleazy money lovers. What else you do need?”

I sighed also. This didn’t help me. “Gray, can you come with me to scope it out? I need video.
I am not resting until I know who hurt my boy’s best friend.”

“I’ll try to find a video of the date when your boy’s best friend was there,“ He told me.

“Try as hard as you can. You need to find this video. His life was on the line and I’m gonna
find the bastard that did it,” I growled.

“When were they there and I’ll get my boys on it,” He said.

“Four days ago. They were there around midnight,” I told him. “He’s somewhat short
compared to the average guy. Brown hair, blue eyes. He’s got a lot of tattoos and a few piercings. He had his girlfriend with him. She has brown hair too and caramel eyes.
She’s a bit short too. That enough to go off of?”

“A’ight. I’ll see what I can do. Just remember, I ain’t a miracle worker. They may or may
not got the video. Depends how tight the security is. If they went cheap, I might be able
to find it,” He said.
“Ok, but you have to let me know as soon as you figure something out with them “ I told
him as Harry slammed the door behind after he entered to room. “I gotta go. Boyfriend’s

“Later Mix,” He said and hung up on me.

“Hey, who were you talking to?” He asked after he pecked my lips.

“That was Gray. A friend of mine. I was talking to him to see if we can get hold of a video
of that night to see who drugged Louis,“ I explained placing my phone on the desk.

“What’d he say?” he asked me, taking a seat next to me.

“He said he’ll do his best to find the video if it exists. We’re not sure if there are cameras
or not. He said it depends on how tight the security is,“ I told him and leaned on him.
“It would’ve been easier if they went to an older club where I know the staff. But no, they
just had to go the newest little shit out there. Perfect.”

He chuckled and placed an arm around me. “Just relax. I know how stressful this is.
I came in here to cool down, but it seems like you’re as stressed as I am.”

I nodded and relaxed into him, “I see why Zayn feels like pulling his hair out. When
you can’t get anywhere, you feel like crap.”

He lifted me up and pulled me on his lap so I faced him. He started running his hands
along my sides and I didn’t argue. He leaned in and kissed me softly. I deepened in the
kiss, wanting to relax after this long and stressful day. He seemed to feel the same way because he pinned me against the desk. Not breaking the kiss, he lowered his head and
started kissing my neck and sucked on it that until his phone rang making us groan in
frustration and annoyance. Every damn time...

“You have to be fucking kidding me,” he mumbled, getting off me. He picked up his phone
and sat me down on the desk. “Make it quick,” he snapped. I watched as he furrowed his
brows. “Are you sure?” He asked, frowning quickly getting up to pick up his jacket and
keys. “Alright, I’ll be there quick. If you’re lying, I’m gonna send you to your grave,” he said
before hanging up.

“What’s up?” I asked curiously.

“It was Zayn. He talked to the bartender and he said that he might know who louis was
with when El left since Lou can’t remember anything,” He sighed.

“I’m coming with you,“ I said, heading to grab my jacket.

“Not this time, babe. I don’t want you in that club without knowing what’s going on. For
all we know, they could be in it with Dekker and I’m not taking any chances,” He explained
and kissed me gently.

“No way,” I said and laid a hand on his chest. “Night clubs are my turf. I need to scope out
new competition and know this business better than you. It’s only natural DJ’s visit other
clubs. See what they’re up against. Plus, I'm more of a welcoming sight than you are,
tough guy." He groaned. "Don't argue, you already know I'm right."

“It's just that I don’t want any guy hitting on you," He said and buried his head in my
shoulder. "Every pedophile and perv hit on girls and I can't focus on you and
the interrogation. It might be safer if you stay here. Just put my mind at ease for me, yeah?"

I scoffed, "Hell no. You should know I'm not big on safe and I handle these situations better.
If anyone is going to this club, it’s me. No arguments or no sex. Your choice.”

He scowled, “Fine, but here are the rules. One, you stay close to me. Two, if any guy tries
to fuck you, tell me. Three, you have to blow me when we get home.”

Shrugging, I nodded along with him and pulled him towards the door. “Let’s go then.”


Night Jungle lived up to its name being lit up my greens, browns, blues, and reds.
The place carried a theme of wild animals and since the crowd fit the vibe, I’d say they
attracted their kind of people. I, however, am not that kind of people. If I wanted to be
surrounded my nature, I’d take a walk near a forest. The music would be better there
anyways. I’m not even sure what the hell they. They weren’t remixes and they weren’t
originals. It was a bad mash up or the eighties and early 2000’s.

I held onto to Harry’s hand as we threaded through the sea of people drowning in alcohol
and vomit. And the majority of people here, looked and were underage. I’m guessing
they don’t check ID’s thoroughly and if all goes wrong, I’m reporting it. They missed so
many requirements to run this place that it’s disgusting.

“Where’re heading?” I asked after being pushed into his side.

“The owner’s office in the back of the club. Zayn’s waiting for us,” He said holding me
close to him.

I nodded as pulled me through a door labeled ‘Employees Only’. In there was a hall
and at the end was the manager’s office. Quickly, he lead me into the the office and
shut the door behind us. Sure enough, Zayn leaned against the wall while the owner
and a man sat at the desk.

“Harry,” Zayn nodded at us. “That’s Wyatt, the owner, and that’s the bartender on shift
when Lou was poisoned. He says he didn’t do anything.”

I glanced at the bartender and took in his appearance. Middle-aged man, black hair,
brown eyes, tan skin. Seems normal to me.

“I swear, I handed him his drink and then went to help another patron. That’s it,”
He pleads.

“Well, I can’t believe it until I see it with my own eyes,” Zayn sneered at him.
“And this arse won’t allow access to his security cameras. Once I see them, we’ll go.”

“No! Absolutely not!” Wyatt yelled. “Just because you’re Kobras doesn't mean you
have power over me or my club.”

I added on, “But I do.” He glared me and sized me up. Harry quickly pulled me close
and glared at him. “DJ Remix co-manager and resident DJ of Crazed. Nice to meet you.”
The color quickly drains from his face and he retreats to his seat. “I hope you know there
are minors in your establishment and so many fire hazards. I could report it. No harm for
me or my fellows DJs. We’ll have more party goers and revenue.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” He glared.

“Oh I would. Your ratings will drop and so will your income. No people will dare enter this
place or will be able to once it closes. So I recommend you give us the recordings,” I told

“No, I can’t give it to. It’s a matter of principles,” He muttered.

“What about you?” Harry asked the bartender. “Remember who approached him?”

“No! I just gave him his drink and his girlfriend came onto him—”

“Blonde?” Zayn asked and he nodded. “White girl? Slutty?” He nodded. “Hannah. Alright.
I know what I need. Let’s go. I think I can track her down now.” we nodded and followed him
out hoping that we will finally get a hold of Hannah for doing this to Lou .


hey rana here sorry for the long wait both me and tori were busy she wrote most of this
chapter so thanks tori :)

do you think Dekker is really behind or hannah is just going after revenge ?


I will co author with you if you want I'll be able to update!

you can message either of us, but i think rana's busy so you can ask me.

Tbam159 Tbam159

I love your story!!Hey, umm, could I message you?I have something to ask you.lol.

Yayyyyy I actually kinda like Jax. I'm glad they're not gonna kill him :D

MimiMalik MimiMalik

It's both I think she's in Dekkers gang

MimiMalik MimiMalik