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Negative [On Hold]

Making Up

Harry’s P.O.V

I have been staying at Zayn’s house all morning trying to track Dekker and his gang
down but no luck he‘s so damn careful and the only guy we had inside is shot.
Now, Zayn groaned in frustration and slammed the laptop shut.

“What the fuck? I’ve never had any problems tracking someone. Ever! Dekker is not going
to be the first one I can’t track. They must have left something! They can’t just fucking
vanish !” He ran a hand through his hair again. He’s been doing it all morning.

“Mate, just chill. We’ll ask Ty what’s the last thing he remembers. Maybe they
told him something like a hint or something useful.” He sighed, but nodded anyways.
I looked at my watch and saw it was 12 P.M.

“Hey. I gotta go see remix. I messed up yesterday and i have to make it up to her
somehow,” I said, getting up.

“What did you do this time?” He looked at me amused.

“I, uh, might’ve accused her of betraying us and being on Dekker’s side,” I scratched
the back of my neck awkwardly.

“Are you that stupid? The girl loves you! She’s one of us now! She showed how loyal
she is to us and that is what she gets? You may be the leader, but you’re seriously
stupid sometimes.“ He scowled me like a child. I frowned at him knowing he’s right.

“I said I’ll fix it, now piss off “ I waved him off. The only reply I got was a shrug before
he went back to his computer. I sighed, went my car, and drove to the only place that
will get her to forgive me


It was one now and called remix to ask her to come back to the house, so I could take
her to the surprise. I actually brought a blindfold so she can’t see anything. I hope she
likes this. Romance isn’t exactly my area of expertise.

“What do you want?” She asked as soon as she got out of her car. She seemed a bit
irritated, but I ignored it.

“I’m sorry. I really am, just give the chance to show you how sorry I am. Please baby?” I
asked her softly. I knew she’d give up. Behind all her tattoos and piercings, she’s a girl
too and girls love guys that are nice.

She sighed, but nodded slowly, making me grin. I opened the door for her and
then got in myself. I put the blindfold on her which she complained about, but finally
shut up after a lot of whining.

“We’re here,” I said turning off the car after a short drive. I helped her get out and walk
slowly, not wanting her to get hurt or fall. As soon as we arrived to the place I arranged,
I took the blindfold off. She opened her eyes slowly and gasped.

“Oh my god, Harry, that’s beautiful. Thank you so much,” she said smiling at the view.

“You like it?”

“Like it? I love it! The lake is so beautiful and pure and the sun has a special reflection to it.
It’s all perfect and the lunch thing. I think you’re going soft styles “ she poked me playfully. I laughed and shook my head.

“Only for you babe, now shall we eat my lady?” I said in fake posh manner. She laughed
and nodded.

“So we have wine, sandwiches, water, dessert. Pick whatever you want,” I told her.

“I’m fine with whatever.“ Her eyes were different today like more shiny or glowing.
Something like that. I don’t know, maybe i’m just imagining, but I have a gut feeling I’m not.
She looks so happy and I’m glad i’m the reason for it.

After we ate an idea came to my mind.

“Want to dance?” I said standing up. She giggled.

“There’s no music, Styles,“ she told me.

“I know, but it doesn’t matter. It’s just you and I today,” she smiled and stood up. I put
my hand on her waist and she put hers around my neck as we slowly moved to the
peaceful air around us. The whole feeling was warm and comforting.

“Thank you,“ she whispered softly.

“For what?” I asked.
“For today. For everything. For being you, I guess.” I smiled and leaned in and kissed her.

“I love you,“ I said as we headed back to our table.

“I love you too,“ She said back. “And I love this sweet side of you.”

I smirked, “Well, cherish it. I’ve never gone to this length to be forgiven.” I licked my lips, “I guess, you’re special.”

"I better be special to you," She said.

I reached for her hand across the table, "Baby, you'll always be special to me,"

Louis’s POV

I was in this club with eleanor because she was bored and claimed we didn't go on many
dates (and we don’t), so I took her here. Zayn told me it was a good club, so I thought,
why not?

“Babe, I’m gonna dance for a bit, can you get us drinks ?” she yelled in my ear, I nodded.

“Ok baby I’ll have one until you’re back,“ I yelled back. She nodded and left before I went to
the bar shortly after.

“Excuse me, mate, can you give me some whiskey?” I asked, he nodded and got me my

As I was about to drink it, a hand on my shoulder interrupted me. I turned around and saw hannah, my ex before I met El, smiling down at me. I raised my eyebrow at her and turned
back around, sipping from my drink

“Hey Lou, didn’t you miss me?” Her annoying voice filled my ears making me internally

“Not really,“ I answered flatly.

“Oh baby, I’m sure you did. I mean, did you see your face when I broke up with you?
You were crying,” she laughed making grit my teeth. I only cried because she was lying
to me and cheated. I thought I loved her until, you know.

“What the hell do you want hannah?” I snapped at her. She stepped closer to me,
wrapping her arms around my waist as I looked at her strangely.

“I’m doing you a favor, Louis. Trust me, you’ll get bored of Eleanor. She’s not exciting.
She just an ugly nerd,“ she whispered slowly, her face serious for a moment before it
turned into that stupid smirk again. She unwrapped her arms from my waist and winked
at me turning on her heel leaving the club. I frowned watching the door. She walked out
not even completing the lecture I knew she would’ve enjoyed. Why did she come back
after 2 years? I sighed then turned to my drink again gulping it down angrily. It tasted
funny, not like it did before.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy and my head was killing me. Everything was a blur, I couldn’t even
see straight or think at all for that matter.
I blinked a lot trying to regain my vision and my head, but failed in every attempt i tried to
sit up from my chair, causing me to lose balance and fall on the ground hitting my head.
I heard gasps from the crowd around me and people whispering then a faint blur of
Eleanor running to me with tears clouding her beautiful eyes then everything went black


did you like harry's surprise ? what do you think about hannah is dekker behind this ?
tell me what you think :) x

_rana (crazymofoxx)


I will co author with you if you want I'll be able to update!

you can message either of us, but i think rana's busy so you can ask me.

Tbam159 Tbam159

I love your story!!Hey, umm, could I message you?I have something to ask you.lol.

Yayyyyy I actually kinda like Jax. I'm glad they're not gonna kill him :D

MimiMalik MimiMalik

It's both I think she's in Dekkers gang

MimiMalik MimiMalik