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Negative [On Hold]


Remix's POV

I look through the playlist again making sure the songs contour to Dekker's vibe. He's not a bad guy like Harry says, but he's just really... what's the word? Reserved. He talks to me, but he seems to talk to Jax or Alek.

"Hey Remix!" I look up from the station I've set up in the backyard to see Dalton with a girl under her arm. Ever since I came here, I hung out with him while we set up. He's actually pretty cool and nice. He reminds me of Niall.

"Sup?" I jump off stage and walk over to him.

"Meet my girlfriend, Raine," He motions to her proudly. I look at her and she seems very... naïve. She looks like Jay when I first met her. Pink blouse, modest skirt, and reasonable shoes. "Raine, this is Remix."

"Hey," I smile. "And before you ask, I'm not going to tell you my real name. Not even my boyfriend knows that yet."


An hour before the party, my phone starts ringing with Harry's ringtone. I look up and notice that it’s only Jewels and and Raine so I leave the living room and walk to the backyard where no one is around. I answer, “What Harry?”

“Is the party on yet?” He asks.

I scoff, “Dumb shit, you would be able to hear the damn music if it was on. Now what’s up?”

“I found out the party is just a cover up for a gang meeting,” He says. “I need you to find them and find out what they’re talking about.”

“Can’t,” I blatantly decline. “I have my deck and I don’t trust drunks or stoners with my equipment.”

He groans, “Well, we can’t go! They know our faces!”

Calmly, I answer, “Ask Jay what to do. I think she has a solution. Call me if you come."

Jay's POV

Niall whispers sweet words in my ear as we cuddle in living room. The gang HQ scares the hell out of me, unlike Remix who finds it intriguing. The rest of the scary or slutty members either make out or hang out on the couches. I don't get how Niall got to be a part of the gang. I mean, he has tattoos, piercings, and smokes, but he's genuinely nice. Then again, I'm a sweet American that moved to Britain to create the best club with her new punked out friend.

Harry bounds down the steps from upstairs and starts yelling, "Listen up! Dekker is planning something tonight and we people on the inside! He's throwing a party as a distraction and if any of you motherfuckers come home drunk or high, I will personally kill you!"

Wait? Isn't Remix going to that?

"Now, I have called Remix and she cannot leave her post at the DJ tables or it'll look suspicious having a missing Kobra girl!" He calls out. "But she did give me a piece of advice. To ask someone that would know what to do." To my surprise he looks at me. "What do we do Jay? We can't go in that party without someone recognizing us."

I look around to see everyone staring at me expectantly, "Well, have you ever heard of stage prosthetics?"

Harry's POV

I don't even look like myself. I mean, I look somewhat similar, but not me. No wonder why Remix told me to ask her. Jay explained how her mother was a movie makeup artist. Some take a long time to mold, but since ours are just small things, it only took an hour with fast work. Sadly, she also did our hair making mine flat, Zayn's gelled down, Niall's curled, Louis' spiked, and Liam's in a beanie. My hair was only straight when I was younger now it's wild and curly. It feels weird.

"Is that okay?" Jay asks nervously.

The boys all nod, but everyone was waiting for my approval. "Great." She lets out the breath she was holding and sits on Niall's bed. "Someone call Remix," I say fixing my collar. "We're going to a party."


I will co author with you if you want I'll be able to update!

you can message either of us, but i think rana's busy so you can ask me.

Tbam159 Tbam159

I love your story!!Hey, umm, could I message you?I have something to ask you.lol.

Yayyyyy I actually kinda like Jax. I'm glad they're not gonna kill him :D

MimiMalik MimiMalik

It's both I think she's in Dekkers gang

MimiMalik MimiMalik