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Friendship Never Ends

Chapter 34

Stephanie’s P.O.V.
The familiar sounds of guitar strings being strummed echoed in my brain as I tried figuring out what was happening. Then again, I was still half asleep with my eyes closed and my face shoved in a pillow. Someone was lightly singing to the guitar, too, and I swear I heard McDonald’s and driving somewhere in there. I had a hard time understanding what they were saying until…
“TIME TO GET UP! IT’S TIME TO GET UP!” three idiotic boys were screaming. My eyes popped open to see them jumping around and on the couch that Harry and I were cuddled on, yelling at the top of their lungs. I sat up, looked at Louis, and he just smirked at me and continued singing. Groaning, I flopped back on my pillow and closed my eyes. The shouting went on for a while and then finally, they calmed down, going back to their soft singing and harmonizing on the last chord.
Suddenly, Harry jolted up from next to me and repeated, “Time to get up!” at the perfect time and in a sarcastic tone, too. The boys cheered but just like me, Harry fell back on the couch, not in the mood to get up.
Without warning, someone kneeled on the floor right next to my head and I opened my eyes to see Rachel staring at me.
“Guess what day it is…?” she asked, smiling.
“I know, I know, we’re going to London today,” I replied.
“Yup!” she responded. “Oh, and I’m sorry about the guys. Louis had the idea and I couldn’t stop them.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Harry remarked from behind me, propping himself up on his elbow.
“Although, I’m glad I got it on video,” Rachel added, backing away.
“You didn’t!” I gaped. She nodded and ran into the other bedroom laughing.
“Well,” Harry sighed, pushing back the covers and standing up, “I’m awake now.”
“Yeah, so am I,” I answered.
“I’m gonna go shower first,” he told me, blowing me a kiss and then heading into the hallway.
Laying back, I heard the familiar singing/screaming again, this time coming from another bedroom. I guess they needed to wake someone else up and from the tone in their shouts, it was someone who probably doesn’t like to be woken up. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at the thought of them.

A few hours later, we were all packed and ready to go. The boys were loading the last few bags into Louis’ van while Rachel and I hugged Anne and Gemma goodbye in the doorway.
“Stay safe,” Anne whispered before letting me go.
“I will,” I replied, smiling back at her.
Rachel and I stepped down from the front porch and walked to the van, climbing inside. As expected, I sat next to Harry and he snaked his arms around my waist, me snuggling perfectly alongside his body. Everyone else settled themselves in the van and we waved out the window to Anne and Gemma as Louis drove off.

Riding with 5 idiotic boys is insane. Not even an hour later, the van smelled like boy. No, not man. Boy. How do we even live with them…
Anyway, the drive wasn’t too bad. They kept it interesting so I wasn’t bored at all. Although, there was a point where we thought the cops were after us, but thank God they sped past us to pull over someone ahead of us.
Tall buildings and big red busses greeted us as we entered the city. I couldn’t help but smile at the sights of the famous red telephone booths and the giant bridge that crosses over the river. London seemed so recognizable to me and I couldn’t remember why. I could have been here when I was younger, maybe on a family trip or something, but nothing came to mind. But I did feel something that day, like that pang of familiarity.
Minutes later, Louis pulled into a parking lot next to an old building. We clambered out of the van and took our designated bags, trailing into the hotel’s lobby in a clump. Harry checked us in and the employees at the desk were a little shocked to find out One Direction was here and staying in their hotel. They were so nice to us after they figured that out and offered us so many free compliments, like private access to the pool and free room service.
Once we were able to unlatch ourselves from the employees, we headed upstairs to our floor. We were on the 4th floor, rooms 408, 409, and 410. 410 was set up for 3 beds, so Louis, Liam, and Zayn took that one. 408 and 409 were one bed only, so Rachel and Niall claimed 408 and Harry and I acquired 409.
The second I entered the room, I flopped on the bed. I was so tired, to be completely honest, and I never understood why because I literally didn’t do much that day. But my eyes closed and my mind left reality as my body relaxed itself for a nap.

Harry’s P.O.V.
I was actually happy Stephanie had decided to take a nap because that night was going to be a special one for us because I planned our first official date. Since she had been with me for about 2 months now, I realized that we never had an actual date with just the 2 of us, so I was going to take her out to a nice restaurant in London. Okay, the time we went to the festival in Middlewich was kind of a date, but I wanted something more that really felt like a date, one that couples usually go on.
I put on a classy outfit I made sure to bring with me: nice trousers, a button up dress shirt, and my signature blue blazer, complete with shiny black dress shoes. I looked good. But the entire time I was getting ready, I was very concerned about Stephanie waking up and seeing me. My plan was to be gone by the time she awoke.
Spraying some cologne on me, I took one last glance in the mirror and shook my head so my hair fell just right. I was pleased with myself for taking the time to look as spiffy as I did. Grabbing my wallet and sliding my phone into my pocket, I exited my room and checked in with Rachel.
“Dang, Harry!” she declared when she opened the door on my 3rd knock.
“Am I okay?” I asked her nervously.
“More than okay! You’re, like, on fire!” Rachel added, her eyes wide in surprise.
“Thanks. I’m so nervous for this,” I swallowed.
“You’ll be fine. Just know that if the food sucks or if something else goes wrong, she’s still gonna love you,” Rachel assured.
“I hope so,” I replied.
“Trust me,” she pushed.
“Okay, well, I’m on my way. Text me when she leaves,” I informed.
“I will,” she confirmed.
Waving goodbye at her, I walked down the hall and stepped into the elevator, descending down to the lobby. I arranged for a taxi for me and one for her, so I hoped she was going to be ready by the time her taxi arrived. Just calm down, Rachel’s got it all under control.
Inhaling a deep breath, I waited for the taxi outside of the hotel and not even 5 minutes later, it arrived. I climbed in and gave the driver instructions on where to go. Minutes later, he pulled up to the restaurant and I paid him for the ride, then got out of the car and went inside.
My stomach growled in hunger as I entered the restaurant, the want for food growing stronger. But I would have to wait for Stephanie to come before I could eat. Stephanie. Just the thought of her name made my spine tingle and the corners of my mouth raise in happiness.
The server finally arrived at the “Please Wait to Be Seated” sign and I gave her my name for the reservation. Her eyes widened as she realized who I was and made every effort to be sincere, although I could tell she was as nervous as I was. She led me to my table and I told her to hold off on the menus for a while, to which she obliged to. I informed her about the date and she nodded understandingly and left me to my thoughts.

Stephanie’s P.O.V.
“Steph, wake up. Stephanie. Steph,” a voice was cooing, faintly at first and then gradually getting louder. My body felt like an earthquake was striking but as my senses came awake, I realized it was Rachel shaking me.
“What time is it?” I groggily asked.
“About 6,” Rachel answered.
“Where’s Harry?” I questioned as I looked around the room and didn’t see him.
“Here,” she responded, handing me a note. “When you’re done reading it, come over to my room.”
And with that, she left the room.
Sitting up, I unfolded the note and began reading.
Stephanie, my one and only, my beautiful girl, my love. These past 2 months have been the most amazing time and I will forever be grateful for reconnecting with you. You have turned my world upside down, but you have also made me the happiest guy in the world and I wouldn’t trade you for anything. I can’t believe we’ve made it through 8 years without seeing each other, but the memories of us as kids has never left my brain and I pray every day that I will never forget them. But if they somehow do become just a part of our lives, I now have new memories of us and I hope these new memories continue to flourish. So, to repay you for bringing me everlasting sunshine, I have arranged a special night for us tonight. I would ask you officially if I could escort you on this date, but unfortunately, I am already preparing this special night (which is the other reason you should say yes otherwise I will be looking stupid sitting around waiting for you). If you have any questions, just ask Rachel. I love you. Harry.
My tears clouded up my vision as I kept rereading the note. He is downright cheesy, but it’s cute and I couldn’t ask for anything better.
Setting down the note, I wiped my wet eyes and headed over to Rachel’s room. As she opened the door, I could see a familiar dress laid out on the bed, jewelry, shoes, and makeup surrounding it.
“Is that…my homecoming dress from last year?” I pondered.
“Mmhmm,” Rachel mumbled, nodding.
“How did you…”
“Do you not remember that I packed your bags for you so we could leave straight after the last day of school to come here?” she asked.
“And you brought my dress with me,” I said, finishing the thought. “But how did you know this was going to happen?”
“I didn’t,” she replied, shrugging.
“You are the greatest best friend ever,” I exclaimed, hugging her.
“Now let’s hurry and get you dressed. Harry’s waiting for you!”

Not even 45 mins later, I was all dolled up and I was amazed at how pretty I looked. Rachel did a great job with my hair and makeup, which matched perfectly with my dress. My heels made me seem taller and gave me a bit more confidence as I twirled around and let the dress flow.
“Okay, so Harry arranged a taxi for you and it should be here in about 5 minutes. These are the directions you should give to the taxi driver and the money to pay him and he will take you to where Harry is,” Rachel informed, handing me another piece of paper.
“I’m getting nervous now,” I admitted.
“Don’t worry, Harry was, too,” she confessed. “Now go! He’s waiting!”
“Okay, okay, I’m going, I’m going!” I laughed, grabbing my bag and stepping out the door. I waved goodbye to her and walked down the hall, going down to the elevator and into the lobby. I could see through the big glass windows of the lobby a yellow taxi parked up against the street, so I headed outside and sure enough, it was my taxi. I clambered inside and gave the driver the directions.
The ride was pretty interesting considering I wasn’t sure exactly where we were going until the driver stopped at a fancy restaurant. I thanked the driver and paid him with the money Rachel gave me (which I’m positive was Harry’s money). After the taxi drove off, I cautiously entered the restaurant and waited at the front for a server. Once she appeared, I told her I was with Harry Styles and she understood completely, leading me through the restaurant to where I could see a well-dressed Harry scrambling to stand up to be the gentleman he is.
“I’ll leave you two to it,” the server smiled, and walked away.
Harry advanced around the table and pulled out my chair, motioning for me to sit down. I followed his act and settled on the chair as he pushed me in and turned around to take his seat.
“You came,” he started, grinning widely.
“Why wouldn’t I?” I replied, returning the smile. “Did you really doubt me?”
“N-no, I-I didn’t mean it like that,” he stuttered, and I giggled.
“That was a really cute note, by the way,” I said.
“Oh, thanks,” he responded, blushing.
“It made me cry a little bit,” I admitted. His face dropped to concern and I added, “in a good way.”
“Good evening,” a waiter interrupted us. “I’m Michael and I will be your server for tonight. May I begin with getting you some drinks?”
We ordered our drinks and as Michael left to obtain them for us, we continued our awkward conversation, although it loosened up as we talked. Michael came back with our beverages not long after and soon, our meal was ordered and brought to us, too. Our food looked so good and I was eager to get started, but I was trying my best to use my good manners. I’m on a date, anyways. But the date was with Harry and knowing that, I didn’t feel pressured if I forgot a few, as in elbows on the table and I also accidentally burped. I felt so embarrassed and Harry laughed but he quickly turned it into a funny story of a time when he burped loudly at a family gathering in a restaurant, too, attempting to make me feel less mortified.
Other than that, the date went very well and after dinner, I was expecting to go back to the hotel, but the night wasn’t over.
“Where are we going?” I asked Harry as he pulled me inside of another cab.
“You’ll see,” he answered, holding me close.
The busy city greeted us as the taxi drove through the heart of London. I had no idea where Harry was taking me, but I couldn’t contain my excitement. The thrill of not knowing and driving through the night was intriguing, especially when you’re with someone you love.
After a while, I could see we were approaching the famous London Eye. As it got closer, I was mesmerized and I figured out this was Harry’s next stop for us. The taxi dropped us off right outside the bottom of the giant ferris wheel and Harry led us inside the small building where he had another reservation for us.
“Come on,” he told me after talking to the front desk. He took my hand and guided me to one of the pods. Once we were inside, the crew shut the door and we started moving.
“I had requested for a private pod, if you haven’t noticed,” Harry began, joining me on the bench in the middle.
“Now I noticed,” I replied, looking around and realizing he was right.
“So, how am I doing for our first official date?” he asked.
“Amazing,” I answered. “It’s perfect.”
“I needed to make it perfect for a perfect girl,” Harry answered, smiling. I returned it and stood up to see the city. Approaching the railing, I stared out the window and the view was breathtaking. The city lights were glowing and igniting the atmosphere around us and now that we were higher up in the sky, I can accurately say we were on top of the world.
Harry met me at the railing and wrapped his arms around me, closing the space between us. We didn’t speak a word for a few moments; just stood there enclosed in each other’s presence, admiring the beautiful city. I could feel his heartbeat pounding through his chest, which was pressed against my back, and it soothed me as I relaxed into his arms. I never wanted this night to end.

The London Eye was descending and I knew we were going to be getting off soon, but before we did, I wanted one more thing out of Harry. I loosened his grip on me and turned around to face him, and just by the look in his eyes, I could tell he knew what I was doing. Our lips connected without hesitation and I felt the sparks flying everywhere, going out of control. This was no ordinary kiss, but one that sealed us together, one that couldn’t be replicated. And I wouldn’t have been able to do it with anyone else.


This chapter almost exceeded 3,000 words. I was at 2,932 when I finished :D

I also really like this chapter because it's just so cute! I can just imagine Harry doing all the things he did for a girl :)

Rachel and Stephanie :)


Wow, are you excited for tomorrow!!!! I heard someone leaked it but I am not listening to it till its officially from the guys

I know how u feel Rachel sprong this chapter on me with out telling me she was writing it

StepHarry StepHarry

OMG no it can not happen I am crying now thanks to you guys! :( Step don't leave me please

Yay update! oh no Rachel don't go

Hopefully sometime after this week
Rachel and I have been writing the next chapter but she is camping with her family but as soon as she gets back there will hopefully be an update

StepHarry StepHarry