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Midnight Memories (Liam Payne Fanfiction)

Chapter 11

I couldn’t stand properly as my knees were shaking so I reached for Alex’s hand.
“Ashley is that you?!” Alex said, just a bit surprised, holding my hand, helping me stand on my feet.
Nic rushed to the bathroom to bring me a towel I guess.
“Hey …” I said with a half smile.
She exchanged a meaningful look with a black haired boy that I think it was her boyfriend.
“Who did this to you?”Alex asked.
“I fell down…” I lied.
Fell down?! Oh so clever Ashley…. So clever, you Idiot!!
“Bullshit!!” Niall snapped at me.
I looked down.
Nic came back with a towel.
I took off my jacket and threw it on the floor.
“Who did this to you?! Where were you?!” Niall asked angrily.
I don’t know why but I didn’t want to say anything…. I didn’t want anyone to know about us…
“Not the right time, Niall!!” Nic said and glared at him.
She started to wipe the blood off my hands and Alex let me go but stood still in front of me.
Nic’s hands were shaking and she couldn’t control her breathing.
“Alex, don’t stand there like an idiot, go grab some cloth… from the top drawer.” Nic ordered.
Alex looked at her boyfriend and then walked to the room.
She was pretty relaxed compared to Nic.
My hands were cleaned now but you could still see the scratches.
“Take off your pants.” She ordered.
“What?! I’m not gonna do that!!! Not In front of them!! ” I pointed at Alex’s boyfriend and Niall’s direction.
They looked at each other and nodded.
“Hey Nic we’re going.” Niall said and left the house.
“Tell Alex to stay here for the night. I’ll pick her up tomorrow morning.” Alex’s boyfriend said.
“Alright Zayn.” Nic replied.
Hmm… his name was Zayn.
He left the house and closed the door behind him.
“Now take off your pants!” Nic said and went to clean the towel.
-- -
Half an hour later, I was standing upright in front of Viola, wearing my blue top and Nic's white jeans.
I could barely walk in them as they were too tight for me but it was the only pants that fit me.
Nic literally had emptied a red lipgloss on my lips, just to cover my bloody split lips, and a foundation on my cheeks as it was too obvious that I had been beaten by someone.
All in all I looked like a whore to be honest.
Viola was looking me up and down, pacing up and down with her chin in her hand, probably thinking the same thing, and that pissed me off but I had no choice… if I hadn’t let Nic put make up on me, I was now in a lot of trouble.
“You arrived home late again tonight.” She said and stopped walking, crossing her arms.
I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight between my feet.
“So?” I said and raised one eyebrow.
I was too tired to run from her in my room and my headache was severe enough to stop me from bickering with her.
I just wanted to be in my bed… peacefully.
“Look, I’m so tired ok? I have a headache and I do really appreciate it if you just drop this stupid conversation. I just wanna go to bed.” I said to her annoyingly.
She laughed angrily and looked around the room.
“Alright, we’ll talk tomorrow.” She said and pursed her lips.
I shrugged and was a bit surprised as she actually listened to me and went upstairs to my one and only shelter that I had at the moment, my bedroom.
I quickly locked my door and stripped and jumped into the shower.
I closed my eyes and let the warm water wash away the new bloods on my skin, flowing out of my wounds, as I rested my forehead on my arm against the wall.
The look on his face when Fred talked about me…. and the way he looked at me, with them pair of beautiful brown eyes, kept flashing in my mind.
I shook my head and tried not to think about him.
After the shower, I used some band aids for my knees and it was around midnight that I finally lied on my bed.
My mind seemed like it couldn’t think of anything else but him.
Why were those guys beating him?
Why they were afraid of him?
I sighed and rolled over to my other side.
Why were the cops after him?
Was he… dangerous?
I sighed again and sat upright.
I couldn’t sleep even though I was tired as hell. So I fumbled for my phone under the blanket and called Nic when I found it.
“Hello?” her sleepy voice almost made me laugh.
“Hey it’s me. Thanks for everything.” I mumbled quietly.
“Ash? Hey, don’t worry about it. you alright?” she asked.
“Yeah I’m good. Just wanted to thank you and umm… I think I’ll stay home tomorrow so I’ll give back your stuff later.” I said quietly.
“Ugh don’t worry about it. now go to sleep.” She said with a tiring voice.
I chuckled and mumbled a goodbye and hung up.
I lied down again and texted my dad, telling him to come back home soon, and then I felt my eyelids dropping.
I slowly drifted into asleep with Liam’s name raveling in my mind…
I made a decision at the moment…
I needed to find out who he was, no matter the consequences.


Anything to say? :)))
Please comment so i would know what you think?
Love ya . x


Please update soon :p i really like this story :D

i fixed it Lol <33

xoxo221D xoxo221D


i have that same problem :/

breanna00 breanna00

When I try to open chapter 11, chapter 9 opens. And when I try passing from 10 to 11, it brings me back to the summary :/

OneDonly4me OneDonly4me

i will update tomorrow <3

xoxo221D xoxo221D