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Frenemies With Harry Styles

Chapter 14

Jasmine's P.O.V

As we stopped at our house, we got off and thanked Brian for the ride. We walked to our doorstep and unlocked the door as I had my purse in my hand. Cassie had her big gray bag filled with her clothes and headed upstairs to drop it off. Once she was done with that, she walked downstairs and grabbed her purse.

" Okay so I'm going to drop you off! Cassie said as we left the house and locked it.

" Wait you're going to drop me off? " I asked

" Umm yeah I don't wanna see shit face and get annoyed by him.! But since you want to go I'll stay for a little while. " Cassie said annoyed

I felt so annoyed and rolled my eyes, looking the other side besides looking at Cassie. It's annoying that Harry and Cassie always fight but don't worry I'll get my revenge on them and they'll thank me later.

" Hello are you ready to leave? " Cassie asked as she hopped in her car.

" Yeah! " I said as I got out of my thoughts and hopped in the car as Cassie started the engine


As Cassie parked her car at Niall's driveway, I hopped off the car and waited for her to get off the car. She didn't look that happy to be here.

" Smile okay! Remember what I told you... Ignore him. " I said to her.

" Ugh it's not just that I'm just tired. I've been in theater for hours and I want to rest. " Cassie said with a moody tone.

" You should've stayed home and I would've drove here! " I said
Yeah but I felt bad that Niall wasn't able to give you a ride. " Cassie said

" But it's okay I'm not mad! I'm glad you gave me ride. " I said

I pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. And finally the door open and it was Liam. He smiled as he let both of us in and hugged us. I hugged him back. I saw Niall bringing some popcorn in the living room. I'm guessing were going to watch a movie since we leave tomorrow.

Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor were on there way here as I asked Niall about them. I was glad that they were coming over. Tomorrow is going to be one big day for us. I hope nothing goes bad during the trip. I look at Harry and Cassie they were staring at each with death glare on their faces. Like saying don't say crap to me or you'll regret it.

As we settle down, we started talking about the trip tomorrow and were are we going first. I was getting a little tired about this but I put my head up for the plan the girls and I had for Cassie and Harry. I hope they get along or maybe fall in love with each other. I can just picture them falling love with each other.

I got distracted when I heard the doorbell and noticed that it was girls. I got up from the couch and walked up to them. I gave them all the hugs and smiled at them. Eleanor was happy that finally Cassie came tonight. She hugged me as she went up to Cassie and gave her a big hug. Cassie was also happy when she hugged her back.


" Okay so where are we going first once we get there? " Liam asked

"At the campfire house the one that Danielle imagined duh! " El said

I laughed at how she said that. That was random what Liam asked. Oh Liam.

" Hey we should like go to lake once we get there! " Perrie said

" Yeah! " I said with a smile as snuggled with Niall.

" We'll I don't know if I'm going to enjoy my trip because of someone over there! Harry said looking at Cassie who was looking at her phone and locked up.

" You know I thought about that too. I've already knew that some asshole would ruin my trip. " Cassie said with a pissed off tone

Oh no here we go again. They're going to start fighting. It's 9:30 going to be 10 at night. This is ridiculous of them fighting like little kids.


hey you havent updated in a month update please !!

Hey guys I'm still working on Chapter 31 Please Do Not Check it's not ready!. I'll announce it when it's ready. :)"

PureHeroine PureHeroine
Thanks :)
sorry love I'm still working on it! :)" I'll announce when it's ready!
PureHeroine PureHeroine
Hey chapter 30 there's only 1 paragraph ?