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Love Will Remember ♥

Miss me?

Hey guys!

I know y'all hate me for not updating. Like, at. All!
But to be honest, you haven't showed any reaction to the last chapter I updated, as if it's never been there! I already got the next chapter and a chapter of a new story ready between my fingers, but I'm too worried to publish them, afraid that I'll get no feedback! And I know most of you (if not all of you) won't read this, I'm afraid you don't like my writing anymore!
So for now I'll put this story on hold till I see if you care or get any feedback on this update!
And I truly know that sounds so damn pathetic, but if I don't get any reaction to this one, I'll delete the whole story because I'm done!
So yeah, I'll be back after a week to see if you want me to continue this fanfic or not!

If you have any question or want to tell me something, message me here or comment here on this page or you can simply tweet me on Twitter @SwaggieHoranXx (https://twitter.com/SwaggieHoranXx)

m'kay, bye!




please dont !

sara_Hs sara_Hs

Omg please update I just starte reading this story and i love It!!!!

Brooklyn_Payne Brooklyn_Payne

Update plz.

plz UPDATE soon

Please update soon... I'm going crazy over here!!!!! ;-)