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A Vampire world

Chapter 13

Niall’s p.o.v
“which way do we go?” Liam said.
“just keep running we will tell you when to turn.” Louis said we continued running until Louis got pinned up against one of the walls by a vampire and they drugged him with something but Harry knocked the vampire out.
“what did that do?” Harry asked worriedly.
“I have no idea but I don’t feel any different” Louis said.
“come on we need to get Liam and Niall out of here” Harry said should we just run out at vampire speed with them on our backs?” Harry asked and Louis nodded.
“Niall get on Louis back” Harry said picking Liam up I jumped on Louis back and he groaned.
“lou you ok?” I asked.
“I’m fine” he said Harry started to run at vampire speed and Louis tried to but he didn’t seem to be able to run.
“Louis you can’t run” I said I jumped off of his back and grabbed his wrist and pulled him.
“Harry!” I shouted and Harry came running back with Liam.
“what’s wrong Louis why aren’t you running?” he asked.
“I can’t that fucking drug has took away my strength and speed.” Louis groaned in frustration.
“come one we need to get out of here” Harry said after a few minutes of sneaking around we managed to get to the door we came in and we got out where we ran into the town to mix between all of the vampires to hide from the government who were following us.
“how long do you think that drug will last?” Louis asked.
“most likely a few hours.” Harry said.
“are you ok?” Liam asked.
“apart from being knocked out twice and being kidnapped I’m surprisingly alright.” I said.
“what did they do to you in there?” Liam asked.
“nothing I was just locked in a room and they said they were going to kill me” I said.
“all I want to know is why do they want us?” Liam said as we walked into Louis and Harry’s flat.
“i have no idea but you’re staying here, you’re not going out there where you’re an easy target.” Louis said.
“my throat is burning” I complained.
“here” Harry said handing me a glass of water I slowly took the glass and swallowed the drink quickly but I was confused usually you take a drink of water and the thirst is gone but mine is still here and my throat is burning more than usual.
“can I have another” I asked.
“sure just help yourself” Louis said I switched the tap on and drank the water but it still had no effect I stood over the sink stuck in my thoughts. Why is this happening? Why isn’t water having any effect on me? Why does my throat burn? All these questions running through my mind I didn’t realize Louis walk in.
“what’s wrong Ni?” he asked.
“i- I don’t know” I I stuttered.
“what do you mean you don’t know?” he asked.
“I mean I’m confused I don’t understand” I said Louis pulled me into a hug to comfort me but he pulled back.
“sorry any longer and I might end up drinking your blood” Louis said.
“it’s alright” I said.
“do you think Zayn is safe?” Harry said as we walked into the sitting room.
“I hope so” Louis said I sat on the arm of one of the settees whilst Liam sat on the settee and Harry and Louis sat at one of the other ones away from Liam and i.
“that wasn’t the end of it you know” Harry said.
“what do you mean?” Liam asked.
“Didn’t you realize how easy we escaped I mean the worst they did was drug Louis which stripped him from his vampire abilities they are obviously planning something bigger they wouldn’t let you two just go there’s a reason why you’re wanted and they will get you no matter what.” Harry said.
“Harry’s right the government don’t give up they are strict they don’t let things slide neither do the police I mean I’m on my final warning now next time I’m going to be in jail so I need to be careful.” Louis said and Liam walked over and slapped his head.
“what was that for” Louis asked rubbing his head.
“for getting into trouble you know I thought you would be smarter than that Lou, I thought you might have grew up a bit and not get into any trouble and here you are on your final warning what would everyone say about this” Liam said. I got up and walked back to the kitchen with my throat still burning. why is it still burning? I grabbed myself another glass and went to the tap and filled the glass up but what I realized was I filled it up with blood instead of water. My eyes were glued to the glass and I realized that I was inches away from drinking it so I quickly chucked it to the floor where it smashed and Harry, Liam and Louis ran in.
“Niall what happened?” Liam asked.
“I filled the glass up with blood and almost drank it” I said.
“oh about that yeah this tap is for water and this one is for blood” Louis said.
“you could have give me a warning instead of me almost drinking it” shouted.
“calm down Niall we forgot you know we aren’t used to humans being in here” Harry said.
“ I’m going to bed” I said and I quickly ran up to one of the spare rooms and I collapsed on the bed.
One question ran through my head,
what’s happening to me?...


Love it so much great!; )

lovein it
hazzaby hazzaby

That's ok
rosiepayne rosiepayne
That's ok
Unicorn_1D_lover Unicorn_1D_lover
I might but I might put the story on hold until I can figure out what to write :)
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa