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The love that suppose to last forever (sequal to My best friend forever?)

Chapter 2

Emma's POV: The waiter is Kyle Lowder. He used to work at starbucks with and almost hit on every girl ecpecially me. He would always pester me about going on dates with him even when I was with Nathan. Most the time I wanted to punch him in the face. I was confused on how Dani knew him because he was still in high school when he was at starbucks. " Hey, Emma" He said. "Hey Kyle" I rolled my eyes. "You guys know each other" Dani asked hestiately. "Yea we worked with each other at starbucks" He said winking at me. "Ohhh" I think Dani knew she got caught in her own lie. " Ummm, I;m gonna go use the restroom I'll be right back" I said. While I made my way to the restroom I could hear footsteps behide me. I walked a little faster. When I got in I checked my make-up and texted Niall and Pear, Ellie. I was about to leave when I bumped into someone. I fell on my butt. I looked up to see who I bumped it and I was shocked at who it was. Kyle. I slowly got up and made me way to the other side of the bathroom. No one else was in here. He locked the door and started stepping closer to me. "Kyle w-what are you doing here" I asked him. He just smirked. "How are you Emma?" He asked. "I'm good" I said stepping away from him. "That's wonderful" He said stepping closer to me a little to close. "Umm, I better get going" I said heading towards the door but he stopped me. "I missed you Emma" He said. I stayed silent. "Didn't you miss me?" I asked grabbing my arms tight. I shake my head reluctelty. "good." He smirked down at me. "Look really Kyle here's my number but, I really got to go. " I said I handed him a sheet of paper with my number on it and ran out of the restroom finding Dani waiting for at the regiester."What took you so long girl" Dani said as we headed out. "Oh, um it was busy" I lied to her. She just shrugged and went to the car. The car ride was quiet. When we got to my house Niall and Louis were playing fifa while Liam was on the couch looking through his twitter. He looked a bit depressed. "We're home" I said. They just waved. I plopped down next to Liam. "Hey Liam" I said. "hey Emma" He said plainly. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing" He said. He put a smile on his face but, I could see right through it. "Ohh," I trailed off. Dani sat on the other couch texting away on her phone. It was silent for awhile until Ellie and Pear came in. "HEy girlies" I say as I get up and give them a hug. "Hey" They say in unison. I heard my phone go off and saw Liam pick it up and look at it. I walk over and grab it from him. He just smiles up at me. I walk back over to the girls. I got a message from an unknown number: Hey it's Kyle remember :). Crap. "Who is it" Ellie asked looking at me screen. I quickly lock it and shove it in my back pocket. "Wrong number I guess" I lit to them. "Well, tomorrow I was thinking we could have a girls day and go to the beach" Pear said. "That's sounds great are you in Dani" I asked her. She just nodds her head. "What's up with her" Ellie whispers to me. I just shrug. We take a seat at the kitchen table. "Where's Harry and Zayn?" I asked them. "Well, I beileve they're at Harry's playing a game of some sort. We just laugh. my phone vibrates in my back pocket. It's kyle again. I decline the call but, her keeps retrying and retrying. Finally after the 50th time Niall gets up to see who it is. He grabs my phone from my hands and answers it. "HELLO who is this" Niall says annoyed. The person on the other line says something. "Well she obvisously don't want to talk to you so stop calling" Nialls barely yells through the phone. He looks down at me with anger in his eyes. The person on the other line say something then Niall hands me my phone and stomps away back to the game. "Hello?" I say. "HEllo love it's Kyle remember" He chuckles. "I do please stop calling" I say trying to stand my ground. "I don't think you want me to do that" I could just see him smirk. "Seriously stop calling me." I yell through the phone then hang up. The room goes silent and all eyes are on me. "Who was that?" Ellie asked taking the question out of everyone's mouth"Ummm, just some crazy guy" I say. Niall gets up and stomps out the door. I go after him. "Niall what's wrong" I yell at him following behide him. When I reach him he looks straight down at me. "You know who he is and apperantly you gave him your number" He says. "What are you talking about" I say hoping Kyle didn't tell him anything. "Well his name is Kyle and he knows you were at Olive Garden this afternoon." He stomps away to his car and speeds away. What has Dani gotten us in to?


I like it (: please update?
Geek_and_proud Geek_and_proud