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The Dereanged Arrangement

Welcome to Your New Life Sweetheart

Harry POV
I let Liam take our Princess to his room. I knew he wouldn't do anything to her and he sure wasn't the type to try and take her. I couldn't handle her fear anymore for right now and she really needed to calm down. When Lou told her she wasn't going anywhere, she began to hyperventilate. Having a panic attack,I'm sure. Most girls would kill to be with us like this but she has a one track mind and it was telling her to get as far away from us as possible.
The other reason I left her to his care is that I really don't want to end up raping her or hurting her in anyway and with that body, it was close to impossible.No one should be allowed to look that good naturally.
I have to act tough in front of the other guys but when she looked at me in the garden as I washed her, it broke my heart. I could feel her pain, it was almost tangible. When the brush hit the apex of her thighs, she ran and I let her go. I couldn't do that to her. The guys expected me to rough her up,but I couldn't do it. I have done more than enough damage. Instead, tears fell and I hated myself.
Taking a deep breath and trying not to think about her, I pulled out my laptop. it was time for my nightly Skype call to mum. If I missed a night she worried and I felt so bad if I even thought I hurt her feelings.
The screen opened right up and I pushed the keys,calling up my mum. When she answered,she looked anxious and worried. I wonder why since I was calling her up about 20 minutes early.
"Harry,my love, my sweet boy. I need to tell you something very dire. It could change the course of your life. Are you sitting?"
This doesn't sound too good. She motioned to someone off screen and a very regal looking older woman appeared. I sort of recognized her. She used to visit mum when I was about 5 or 6 but I swear I've seen her recently.
"Harry, you remember my dear friend,Liz.?"
" Hello Harold. I haven't seen you in ages,lad. My, you have grown handsome. Such a good boy you've always been. Congratulations on your success."
Staring at me was Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth.
Before I could reply, they told me they didn't have much time as her Highness had to return to the palace before her presence was missed too much.
"Harry,baby, when you were little, Liz and I were close as sisters. She made an arrangement on your behalf and since you have reached the age of majority in most countries, we think it's time to tell you about it. Baby, we arranged a very beneficial marriage contract for you that goes into effect next year. I know you'll hate me for this but it's best for our country,our home and a lot of other people. I always said I'd let you find love on your own, but face it sweety, it hasn't happened. Here's the real problem, sweet. The girl, she's missing. Her last whereabouts was Club Exodus. We're all in a world of trouble Harry. Austria is very angry. She must be found and the marriage consumated as soon as possible. Welcome to your new life, sweetheart. "
"Can you at least tell me her name.",I ask,not knowing what to say.
The Queen leaned in close and whispered,"Evangeline Von Hallen."
That's the first name Liam told us when she tried to get out of my kitchen. She's in Liam's bed with him at this moment. My world went black and my laptop hit the floor. She really is a Princess. We're fucked.
Liam POV
Holding her is such a delicious feeling. Her head pressed into my chest makes me feel like a real man protecting his lady. But she's not mine, that's where the fantasy ends. I dressed her in one of my Batman shirts and some joggers to make her feel safer. I could tell nudity is not a comfortable state for her. She really is a Princess,I looked her up online. Her beautiful face staring back at me in pixels. I can't let Harry or any of the others hurt her. Up in my head,I'm her boyfriend but she hates us all.
She had cried herself to sleep begging me not to hurt her or touch her down there. I would never hurt anyone that way. What if Harry already did and that's why she was naked and bruised?
Louis poked his head in the door and I raised a finger to my lips,letting him know to be quiet.he walked over to us and looked down at her, so beautiful in her sleep. He reached down and stroked her head , brushing the chocolate brown rings out of the way.
"How is she?",he whispered.
"I don't know."
"Did he...?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe, there's so many bruises and scrapes. Hard to tell where they came from though."
"Liam, we haven't even had her twenty-four hours but I find myself attached already. We can't lose her or let her go, ever. We just have to keep her safe."
"And the possible legal ramifications are terrifying.We would rot in the Tower of London. For this they might even bring back using the stocks."
Lou sat on the bed and laid down behind her, cuddling close and spooning her against him. My body stiffened as he touched her but only for a moment. He wasn't going to try anything.It seemed he just wanted to offer some kind of comfort.
"Li, if he did ,ya know, what are we going to do about it?"
"Nothing!", Zayn said standing in the doorway."She deserves what ever she got, she kicked our nuts."
He walked to the bed and stood over us. An angry Zayn was dangerous. I guess my guilty stomach saved me from a swift kick to the balls.
Before I could stop him, he had pulled her up by the hair and smashed his fist right into her nose. Lou jumped up and tackled him and began to pound him. Why the fuck would he even imagine it was okay to do that to her? She was asleep and helpless.
Niall rushed in and saw our bleeding girl and Louis kicking Zayn's ass all over the room. The leprechaun pulled them apart and tossed Lou to the side.
"What the bloody feck are you fighting about? Why attack Zayn ,Lou?"
I proceeded to tell him about Zayn punching my baby girl while she slept and Niall was turning red. He looked at Louis and Zayn and shook his head. He walked over to my sobbing baby and made her look at him. When he saw the blood , he began to cry.
"You fuckers, we have a real Princess with us, what I have always wanted and you bastards do this to her?,Niall growled, picking her up.
He made her put her arms around his neck and he walked to the door with her,turning to look at us,"This,this isn't how any girl should be treated. WE don't do this."
"Come on,Princess, time for you to go home."
"She is home and she is Mine.", Harry said blocking Niall's path.
"No,Harry. Not this time,not this girl,dammit."Niall said, trying to get around Harry while holding my sweet girl.
I had to do something before another scuffle broke out. Guess Daddy Direction needs to make an appearance. I walked over and put my arm around Harry's shoulders,trying to calm him down.
"How about we all sit down and talk this out before something worse happens.",I said .
"Looks like it already has.",Harry said lifting Evangeline's chin."Which of you did this to her?"
She pointed to Zayn and began to cry harder. My heart broke right there in my chest, Just shattered and by the look on Harry's face,his did ,too.As time passed,her face looked worse, with her nose steadily pouring blood and her lips looked like a duck bill. Zayn hit her like she was another guy.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you. She's a human not your personal punching bag!" Harry yells .
"Why are you tripping, you slapped the bitch in the garden? I was watching you."
Harry lunged for Zayn but Lou and I stopped them mid-air.
"Okay,Harry,let's go have a group meeting,shall we?" I interject before he has time to go off on a rant.
He sucks in air and nods his head in agreement. Louis and Niall breath a sigh of relief and proceed to walk to the lounge. Evangeline had her face buried in Niall's shoulder crying deep,raspy sobs . Zayn just smirked and followed us acting like he didn't give a damn.
"Okay,everyone, have a seat and let's work this out like brothers.", I said in my most fatherly voice.
We all watched as Niall laid her down on her side ,making sure not to hurt her anymore. Harry Sat at her feet and stroked her ankle as if that was the only place to touch her. Louis sat on the floor in front of her, once again stroking her hair.
"Before you bitches get all self righteous and start talking shit about me popping that bitch in the lips, let me just say something. I don't give a fuck what you think or how you feel about it. I had every right to knock that bitch out after she played that bullshit kicking me and you guys in the balls. I'm more surprised that you fucks don't care just because she's a hot piece of ass.",Zayn informed us as we sat in shocked silence. He then turned on his heel and left the room,not giving us a chance to say anything.
Evangeline jumped from the sofa and ran for the bathroom. We looked at each other and silently agreed to let her go. There were no windows in the bathroom anyway.
Zayn POV
She was a hot piece and damn I want to throw myself on top of her for a few days.So I said some things in there I didn't mean. If I'm being honest with myself,I'm just jealous she hasn't said two words to me. All I've gotten from her was a kick. What am I, the ugly one in the group or is she just that stuck up? I know I shouldn't have hit her but I couldn't stop myself. My mind said no,my fist said yes. I had to fix this before I made it even worse.
Harry POV
"Guys,I really need to show you something. It's important. It's about Evangeline and well all of us. Our future."
"What Harold?",Louis said to me, very serious.
"I'll be right back.", I told them, holding up a finger."One sec."
I ran to my room and got my laptop off my bed. I had watched the recorded call twice after I had my head rush, I couldn't have fainted,guys don't faint,right. Then I went to Liam's room to retrieve my future bride. Now I had to show the boys.
I ran back in and sat down on the couch between Naill and Louis as Liam stood behind us. I hit play and my mum's voice filled the air. Louis gave a gasp when "Liz" appeared on the screen. When the video ended they all turned to look at me. Niall looked shocked, Louis was fangirling over the Queen and Liam looked pissed. Why should he be so mad? What was taking that girl so long in the restroom?
Evangeline POV
Looking at my reflection made me cry harder,my face was almost unrecognizable. Why did they keep hurting me. I don't understand . My whole life, I have been protected and loved unconditionally. Now I'm beaten, battered and bruised. I want to go home, away from these deranged boys but more than that I want to die. Zayn made me realize I really was nothing. No one was even trying to find me .I would thank him if I wasn't so afraid of him. One of the guys razors was on the shelf by the sink and I took it in my hand. Maybe I should just end it all. I'm damaged goods now. My family obviously doesn't want me back, either. My future is empty now. I mean I've been groomed my whole life to be this stranger's wife and that was for sure over. He wouldn't believe I was a virgin if he saw me now. Contract Null and Void. My father is going to disown me for sure. Might as well put an end to everyone's suffering.
Twisting the handle, I watched as the razor opened slowly, revealing a shiny,silver blade. Flipping it over, the blade fell out in my hand . I took a deep breath,finding my courage and slid the sharp blade into my wrist, filleting my skin. The warm blood squirting out of the vein,making me weaker but stronger by the second. It was over,no more suffering.Dipping my finger in my blood, I scribbled on the flawless mirror: Zayn was right so goodbye assholes.
My final fuck you to everyone who tried to control my life. Welcome to nothing, sweetheart.


Please update

Zayny4Zayn Zayny4Zayn
I actually quite like this story... You got new chapters coming out?
TMBeast TMBeast

Im not going to be posting on Movellas anymore. Im sick and tired of being told to die or kill myself by twatwaffles
Izzykins Izzykins
Update.... Please
Miss_Chievous13 Miss_Chievous13
Omg this is soooo good
Sarah styles Sarah styles