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Deeply Falling

Not Today.

I keep taking double takes and I regret doing it because it kills me everytime I do. What has gotten into Harry lately? And Samme? I know I dont know her that well, but seriously? I take big gulps of my pop and get up. "What are you doing?" Niall gasps as I point my finger over to Harry and Sammie. He doesnt know about us, but he knows that Liam and her have a thing. "Should we tell L.." I cut him off. "No. That would totally be wrong, and besides, they arent even..." Niall looks over with wide eyes."What?" I scoff. "Are you sure we shouldnt tell Liam. Because they're..Um.." He gulps still with eyes wide. I look over. My heart stops. I feel all my hatred rise up in me, I can feel my cheeks boiling with redness, I bite my tounge which helps preventing me from bursting tinto tears. I see Harry reach over the table to grab her hands and Sammie immediately obliges. I hate her. I really do. Then Harry switches sides on the booth where Sammie is, he whispers something in her ear and she smiles. Then they kiss. I cant help but run into the bathroom and cry. I let out a little yelp of disbeilief and Harry looks over. Great, he saw me. "Ari, Wait!" I hear Niall yell. As I enter the restrooms, I go into one of the stalls and slide my back on the wall until I reach the floor. I start crying. "I hate Harry, I hate Harry, I hate Harry." I say with a hoarse throat. "Who's Harry?" I hear a woman say. My eyes dash open and I stop crying. Crap, she probably heard my ugly yelps in here. "Hello? Are you there?" She giggles. I get up to exit the bathroom stall. As I do, I spot a girl with beach blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "Are you okay?" She brings her hands up to wipe my tears away but I flinch and jerk away. "Who are you?" I spit. "Oh, yea, sorry, I'm Gina. I saw you run into here and I followed to see what was wrong. Is everything alright?" Wow. She seems really nice. "I'm Ariana." I say politely as I wipe my tears.

"What happened out there"?

"Nothing. Just that I found out my boyfriend might be cheating on me." I feel the tears rising up again.

"Where is he?" I point in the direction where Harry is and she has her jaw dropped.

"What?" I ask.

"Thats..Thats.. Sammie Valentine.." She lets the door close and I look in the bathroom mirror. "How do you know her?"

"Well, lets just say, thats my ex boyfriends ex. Yeah, my boyfriend cheated on me with her to. We used to be really great friends and then I came to my apartment to find them making out in MY bedroom." Ouch. "Holy shit." I say and put my hands over my mouth. "Why the hands?" She gestures. "I just never say cuss words." She scoffs. "Honey please, you must not be new to Cali right?" I nod. "Well, lets ditch okay?" She smiles. "But my friend he's..."

"He can come along to."

"Oh god. Thank you. For.. you know.. coming into the bathroom to ask if I was okay..." I studder.

"Oh hun, thats fine. Dont be sorry." She smiles again.

As we exit the restrooms I find Niall pacing back and fourth in front of the restrooms door. "Oh my god Ari, what happened?" He reaches for a hug and I hug him back. "I just, I felt dizzy and I got scared." I lie. "Are you okay?" He says us still hugging. "Yea, I'm fine. Oh, meet my new friend Gina." Niall lets go of me and reaches for Gina's hand. "Nice to meet you Gina.I'm Niall." He smiles. "Nice to meet you, Niall." Gina returning the smile. Niall puts his arm around my shoulder. "Oh wait, let me go get my pop." I say. I wasnt really going to get my pop. I just wanted to see if Harry was there still with her or looking for me. As I walk to our booth, I find Harry sitting there. Glaring at me. "Ariana, it wasnt what you thought." He stands up. He reaches out to hug me but I back away. "Ari, why dont you believe me.?" I scoff. "Oh please, dont give me your bullshit." Wow. I've never really cussed at anyone before but it feels good. "I hope you guys are happy." I start to walk away and Harry grabs my wrist pulling me back. "Come here."

"What the hell do you want Harry? Seriously?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldnt even be saying sorry because it wasnt even like that."

"Oh yeah, sure Harry, it wasnt like that? Then tell me why you held her hand, kissed her, and whispered in her ear. Yeah, thats what I thought you doushe bag." I yell. Everyone in the resturaunt is starring. Harry grabs my wrists and pulls me outside. I see Niall and Gina look at me trying to come and get me, but I singnal "Dont come". As we reach outside I immediately stop. "Okay, what Harry." I roll my eyes.

"Please listen to me Ari, I didnt even mean it."

"First of all, she's dating Liam, second of all, your dating ME."

"Oh my god Ariana. See, thats just it. You just make me wanna throw myself off a cliff." I gasp.

"A fucking cliff. You are fucking prestige. Okay, yes, I kissed her and held her hand. Its not like I fucked her or anything." My eyes open wide.

"Harry, I'm not like any of your OTHERgirlfriends. I actually care. I actually get jealous. Your other girlfriends just went out and got drunk and fucked other guys. So, that doesnt mean you go and cheat on me with one of your bestfriends girlfriends. If you even did cheat on me. Or whatever that was." I say with crossed arms.

"Ariana it wasnt like.. Whatever. I'm sorry." He steps closer to me.

"Get away from me." I try to pull away from his grip but he's to strong. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him. I'm immediately caught in his net. Our lips clash together. "I cant let you go Ari." He breathes still kissing me. Niall walks out. "Whats going on here?" He frowns with bright red cheeks. I feel my tears coming again because.. I.. I like Niall. "Niall, get the fuck away from Ariana." He puts me behind him. "Ariana, if you didnt know. Niall has a little cute crush on you. Isnt that just adorable?" He mocks. Nialls eyes tear up. "Harry I told you not to tell her!" Niall yells. Gina runs out with a frown on her face. "Guys, stop! People are complaining about you guys!"

"Oh look. Pooooor Ariana is about to cry." We all look over and see Sammie. What the hell? I thought she left?

"Sammie just stop." Harry puts his hand up.

"Oh shutup Harold. This is what she gets." She smirks.

"For what?" I scold.

"You dont remember me, do you?" Sammie fixes her hair.

"No, I dont."

"Well, remember the 8th grade? The night of our prom? Well, remember when you and Drake Parker went out? He was MY date to the prom! Not you! I wastched you guys dance and kiss and then ditch the dance after! I sat there alone Ariana! When I got home Drake broke up with me! It was the worst night of my life! And now, its your turn to feel what I felt." She grins.

"Leave her alone Sammie." Harry says. Niall walks in and Gina follows. I do to.

"Ariana, what are you doing?" He frowns.

"We need a break.. from.. whateverthis is." I gesture moving my hand in circular motions.

"Goodbye Harry."


I dont get to update that much but i try my best to whenever i can! thank you for reading ! ily all ! xxx :)


update :)
irishdimples irishdimples
Haha! Thank you for reading! X
aww <3 I want her to remember everything and be angry at Harry for lying xxx
irishdimples irishdimples
Oh gosh. :(
irishdimples irishdimples