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Revenge On Eleanor Calder (Coming back this Winter)

Chapter 70

Two Minutes Later in the Garden

Louis' P.O.V

I chuckle at Anna's story of when she first saw her father naked by accident before looking back up at her. It's never occurred to me ,but Anna seems like a sweet girl. Why would she be in a Mental Illness Center?

"Anna," I speak lowly watching her laughter quite.

"Hmm?" She asks.

"Why are you in this center. You know for Mental Illness people," I ask looking at the designs drawn upon the table.

Anna sighs and brushes her long brown hair back, "The doctors think I am crazy," she admits.

"Crazy? What. You are totally normal right now, " I say honestly to her.

"Yes ,but only because you are keeping my company. When I am left alone I get extremely depressed..." She explains.

"Depressed for..?" I press for answers.

"My boyfriend was murdered Louis. That is why I am so depressed ,but they haven't found his body yet which is not possible. Because I swear, I saw him. I saw him Louis laying on the ground covered in blood and....and it just hurts ,because all they say is that he's gone missing when I, I know the truth." Anna explains.

My heart feels like it is bleeding after Anna has now explained her story to me.

"Oh Anna, I am so sorry." I say reaching to put my hand over her's.

She blinks a tear down and wipes it away with her hand, "It's okay. I am just sorry that I couldn't be the one to save him. You know." She questions me.

"I know." Is all I can say before blinking away a tear myself.

I know.

She sighs and leans forward before leaning her back against the chair whilst she regain her expression of plainness.

"So are you going?" Anna asks.

"Where?" What is she talking about?

"To the Dance of Hope tonight." She simply says tracing the table designs with her index finger.

"No, I don't even know what that is." I explain looking at her moving fingers which moves swiftly across the table.

Anna chuckles and looks at me, "You really don't know anything. Do you..." she jokes.

"I guess I don't." I smile gently hitting my index finger on the glass table.

"The Dance of Hope is a dance for patients of the hospital, ages thirteen to twenty-one. Pretty much all you do is attend it with a date and they give our awards in the end once you sign up that you're going at the front desk." Anna explains.

Sounds fun. I had been to all of the dances through out my childhood so this would be fine.

"That sounds fun. I guess I will go, are you going?" I ask Anna.

"Yeah. I went to last year's dance and it was fun so might as well, but I don't have a date so I don't know...maybe I'll take one of the fifteen year old boys in the Ward of Anorexia like last year." She shrugs before shifting her eyes to the traffic of cars.

My heart aches at her words. One being she's been here for about two years ,and the other being that no one has asked her to go. I am definitely not a fan of someone being left out. It is just not right.

"Oh..." is all I can say whilst I nod as our conversation get awkward.

I turn my head at the bird bath which sits not afar with cars zooming behind it as a background killing the beauty.

I would ask Anna out ,but it feels so wrong. And wouldn't it be wrong also? I mean my girlfriend was murdered two months ago let alone I've last seen her two days ago. I don't ever think I will find love again only ,because my love was taken and is never coming back. Never coming back.

Starting to feel chest pains I re-adjust my position in the bony chair as my eyes go back to Anna who looks up in the clear blue sky as if she is in deep thought.

"So..." I say softly trying to think up of something to say.

I look back at the traffic and I can not believe what I see. It is her. Eleanor, my love. Is standing right beside the bird bath with her hand upon the structure for support.

Abruptly I rise from my chair as I watch Eleanor give me a small sad smile.

"Eleanor!" I call out as I walk towards her.

Eleanor's expression changes from happy to shocked as she shakes her head frantically for me to not go any further towards her. What?

Disobeying her request I walk faster towards her as she puts her hands up for me to stop. I halt with my eyes wide breathing unevenly and my hands in my pocket, bring one up to brush the small hairs of my light beard.

"Louis?" I hear a faint voice ask from afar. Not too far though.

I watch as Eleanor's long brown hair blows behind her due to the soft breeze. Her full pink lips mouthing the words, "No, No." repeatedly as she shakes her head.

Why can't she speak? Has she lost her voice or something? Or is it that I can not hear her. Frustrated I start jogging closer and closer to her. Eleanor's eyebrows raise in annoyance before turning her back to me and running away. Further and further away.

"Eleanor! Eleanor come back!" I yell hoping she'd hear me.

Is it because of Anna?

"I will never replace you! You know that!" I continue to yell as I watch my girlfriend run through the running vehicles racing past.

My eyes fixed on her I increase my speed as I faintly get further back, "Eleanor! " I call out.

Halfway across the road I feel a jolt on my legs stumble sideways. My eyes still watching as my Girlfriend Eleanor runs away with her brown hair swaying behind her.

Eleanor's appearance fades as my heart heaves upon my soul. A lump is caught in my throat as tears threaten to spill.

I jump as I hear a loud honk before look beside me to see a overweight woman who looks frightened.

Blinking, my tears finally fall down my warm cheeks.

"Eleanor," I whisper to myself as I sit myself in front of the overweight woman's large red vehicle.

I criss cross my legs looking at the spot where Eleanor as disappear. It is nothing but the side of a brick building standing at the corner of the street. Tilting my head I feel the heat of the car's head lights and engine beside me.

"Get off the road for the Lord's sake!" I hear a woman yell.

Hearing many honks I look down at the gravel I sit upon.


I breath heavily as I weep in the tears of sadness and depression. I hear footsteps coming closer, probably Anna.

"Louis, come on you're going to get hit. These drivers can be crazy," Anna's soft voice coos as her hands shake me side to side.

I stay at the ground the entire time whilst getting up with the help of the girl Doctor's call crazy. Anna.

I turn around to start walking back until I hear someone yell.

"You could have gotten killed for the Lord's sake. Have mercy on your soul kid! You gave me a fright!"

I turn on my heels seeing cars zoom past the red vehicle which had almost hit me and take a few steps towards it.

A fat ass is behind the wheel with her double chin cascaded over her cleavage. She grips her wheel tighter with her sausage fingers which are painted red as I come closer.

"For the Lord's sake?" I ask her making a face.

Looking back I see Anna standing on the sidewalk with her arms folded.

The lady doesn't answer, just squints her eyes at me.

"For the Lord's sake is why he took my girlfriend away?" I ask her raising my voice.

"My everything! My all! And you sit your ass on the wheel yelling at me?!"

Calm yourself Louis.

I take a breath as I look at her face.

"Ma'am are you married?" I ask, she'd probably say no.

"Yes. I am."


"Okay well. . . imagine coming home and having a phone call. Not just any phone call. A phone call from a detective. The detective says that your husband has been found murdered. Killed, beaten, starved and much more." I explain watching her expression change.

"Oh I am not done. And then you see him a couple months after suddenly. And you chase him down the road only to be almost killed by an accident and yelled at by some stranger." I finish.

"Now, I wonder why someone could do such a thing. Just why. What has that beautiful human done to you? That caused you to kill her. To kill her!" I yell angry.

"You know what. Have mercy on the fucking murderer's soul!" I say putting my right foot up and kicking the vehicle head lights with so much force.

I watch as some glass and plastic fall unto the ground before placing my hands on the hood of the car and bending down to her window with the fakest smile.

"Have fucking mercy for the Lord our God has allowed my girlfriend to die! Why? I don't know," I fake laugh, " I don't know ,but that is just how it is isn't it." I tilt my head looking at her for an answer.

"Answer me!" I yell kicking hard into her door causing a dent to form.

Damn, my foot.

"Ye-yes." She stutters.

"No! That is not how it is because our so called Savior could have saved her now couldn't he!" I smile wide.

The woman's expression changes to surprise as her eyebrows rise and her eyes widen also.

"What, you surprised I know my Bible? Well let me re-phrase it for ya. " I say stepping away.

"Once upon a time God lied saying he'd sent a Messiah. A savior. But see don't forget Adam & Eve, the ones that gave up original sin. Now lemme' tell you. This savior allowed a sinner to commit a horrible sin and you see. That was wrong now wasn't it. To take her away from me! "

I breath uneven with anger, " She didn't have to. . " I put my fist up ramming it with all my force through the woman's back seat window causing the window to bust out into million of pieces falling into her car.

She gasps as I draw my wounded yet bloody hand back.

"Louis!" I hear Anna yell.

"Oh sweetie.You are damaged. Badly damaged. You need help, God bless." Is all she says before driving away leaving on the road.

"Louis..." Anna says rushing towards me and grabbing my un-wounded hand, " You went too far," she finishes.

I look down defeated and at the spots of blood on the black gravel.

"Come on," is all she says leading up to the sidewalk.

I stop sitting down on the sidewalk with my legs pulled up avoiding the cars that rush past by. I lift my head up looking where Eleanor once ran.

I could have saved her. But I did not.


Hope you like it! What happened there? Why was Eleanor there? Updating two long chapters tomorrow!Love you Little Red Coats. Comment. Rate. Subscribe. (Links are in purple)

What Eleanor Wore-http://indulgy.net/94/51/P3/245798092132567101yqF4ke05c.jpg

Kik- IISuperGirlSamII
Instagram: iistylishsammieii

Much Love-Sameria!



Bipolar Bipolar

Really!? Aw ilsym :) Thank you!

Yeezy Yeezy

OK ok look

I personally think that instead of publishing that piece of shit 'after' they should publish this (maybe with different characters)

Bipolar Bipolar

Next chapter more drama? Wow. This chapter was drama filled. I can't imagine what's next.

LTStyles92 LTStyles92


Mrs_Tommo53 Mrs_Tommo53