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Revenge On Eleanor Calder (Coming back this Winter)

Chapter 67

New York's State Prison

Becka's P.O.V

"Everybody up!" I hear someone yell.

I groan turning on my side with my eyes still closed. I hate being woken up, it's just fucked up. Hearing the water turn on I blink my eyes open to see Stephanie washing her face off. I sigh and close my eyes.

"You better get up, no one's waiting your fake ass okay." I hear her say and she starts to brush her teeth.

I sigh before getting up and sitting on my small bed. I really don't like Steph, she doesn't really like me either. Ever since I go here she's been a total bitch probably ,because she is going to be here for a longer time or something.

Rubbing my hands together to create the least bit of warmness. I don't belong here, I didn't kill Eleanor. I barely even knew the girl... I mean she seemed nice and all ,but it was Evan who made me act badly towards her. He said that she was the best girlfriend he'd ever had ,but taken advantage of scaring her off. The rest of that went through my other ear ,but as soon as he said she was the best I became total envy of what Evan labeled her as.

I know that's not what I'm in here for. I'm in prison for slapping Chloe which I regret don't get me wrong yet I have a bad ass temper.

Waiting for Stephanie to finish she picks up her white towel turning towards me.

"Listen, last time you took my eyeliner using it without my permission. This time you better not, or I will break you into so many pieces that you'll look like a granola bar," she threatens.

"I didn't take your damn eyeliner Stephanie. I have my own!" I say raising my voice angry.

"You're lying then how come the tip is broken!" She yells back at me.

"You dropped it before putting it back under your pillow! That's how it broke and you know it's true so stop blaming me bitch." I reason being totally right.

"You're the fucking bitch, you wanna go!?" She yells taking a step towards me.

"Hit me!" I yell.

I rise from my spot in front of her ready to bitch slap a real bitch until I jump at the sound of two heavy knocks on our door. That's the signal of no fighting ,fuck security. They're so aware and shit.

"You're so lucky," Is all she says before heading towards the door.

"Me? How about you. I was ready to re-arrange your face Hun." I say raising my eyebrows.

"This isn't over," she says before walking out leaving me alone.

I sigh heavily walking towards the sink and mirror. Starring at my face I look terribly worn out and faded. I turn on the water bending down to wash my face. Even if I'm in prison, I still need to look good.

Once done I brush my teeth and grab my towel and lock stopping to look at the picture of Evan and I looking at the sunset. Oh God I miss him, so much. So terribly much. If only I hadn't messed up letting my temper get the best of me.

Opening the door I walk out into the hallway heading towards the shower room. I know what you're thinking, aren't the door supposed to be locked? Well they are always locked at night and unlocked at eight in the morning which is the time we prisoners wake up. We prisoners, God I hate being called such a name. I want to be free again, so bad.

I reach the door of the shower room opening the door smelling sweat, hair products and bland apple flavored soap. Just to remind you that I am still getting used to this smell and place. I walk towards an empty locker with a lock on it and take off my shoes putting it in the locker. The only thing we keep is our shoes unless you'd like to exchange.

Looking around I see one shower dorm open with no one in it. Quickly I lock my locker rushing towards the dorm. Thankfully I make it in time and undress after closing the door behind me. I put my clothes in the dirty slot that was built in the brick wall preventing it to get wet.

I turn on the water relaxing and clearing my mind before grabbing the shampoo and rubbing it in my hair.

Ten Minutes Later

Becka's P.O.V

Sighing heavily I finish folding the long pants putting in a neat pile with the rest. I am so hungry and tired that I don't think I can hold up any longer. Even with being weak I still grab the next pair of pants slowly folding them.

"Girl what are you doing?" I hear Stephanie ask knowing it's not me.

"Folding.." Snooki answers whilst throwing the pants in a sloppy pile.

Steph chuckles loudly before continuing, "You do not know how to fold." she says still laughing.

"Shut up, I'm trying." Snooki pouts.

I shift on one foot as I continue folding and avoiding the two girls. Sadly I am put in every single schedule the same as Stephanie has and today in early shift we have laundry service. Just my luck right?

My eyes look up as I hear two known on the wall looking up to see a officer standing in the doorway, "Ladies breakfast." is all he says before leaving.

I set the pair of pants on top of the table leaving Steph and Snooki in the room alone as I rush down the hall. Finally I get to the cafeteria getting in line looking at he menu. Looks like today we are going to have; spaghetti and meatballs, bread sticks,and fruits. Normally a prison doesn't serve as good of food ,but I am in the violation of physical threatening department meaning I am surrounded by violent women.

Some other departments don't have as good of food so probably the government changed it up a bit.

Moving up my stomach growls ,but finally it is my turn. Yes!

"What would you like?" the cook requests.

"Everything with just apple sauce please," I ask holding my tray up.

My eyes light up as she sets the warm food on my tray. I slide down in line turning towards the room full of women. I don't even know where I'm going to sit, normally I sit alone over in the corner by the window ,but now Snookie and the others are sitting there. I sigh heavily looking down a my ray. I don't belong here.


Just a short quick update. Update tomorrow and once again, Happy Thanksgiving to all you little red coats!

I am so thankful for every reader who has read my story Revenge On Eleanor Calder. Even for those Larry Shippers who don't like her ,but like this story. Even for those Directioners who just read my first chapter and didn't even like it.

I am thankful for everyone and anyone from my family, to my friends , to One Direction and my Little Red Coats. I love you all and you are all the reason why I find confidence in myself. Muah much love to all hoping you have a Happy Holidays.

This is me: http://instagram.com/p/hMTeCxBk4L/

Sorry if I broke your screen, ship me?

Follow me on Instagram- iistylishsammieii

Question of the day: Should I start a Instagram Page for Revenge On Eleanor Calder/ Louis & Eleanor.

Question of the day: Should Louis meet someone anytime soon? Or should he have time. <--- This is will effect the story.



Bipolar Bipolar

Really!? Aw ilsym :) Thank you!

Yeezy Yeezy

OK ok look

I personally think that instead of publishing that piece of shit 'after' they should publish this (maybe with different characters)

Bipolar Bipolar

Next chapter more drama? Wow. This chapter was drama filled. I can't imagine what's next.

LTStyles92 LTStyles92


Mrs_Tommo53 Mrs_Tommo53