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I Want to be Loved By You


"Louis Tomlinson, yes. He. Is."
"Maci McStubborn Pants, no. He's. Not."
I sighed dramatically and threw my hands up in the air. He is so stubborn. But I am too, so this argument was pointless.
Louis and I had been aruging for the past ten minutes about the acting ability of Channing Tatum. And it was going no where.
"You just think he's hot," Louis said to me, wiggling his eyes suggestively.
I pretended to act offended, "The epic hotness of Mr. Tatum is just icing on the already perfect and amazing cake." I said defiantly.
Louis just shook his head. "I'm way prettier than Channing Great-body-hottie- Tatum," He said to me confidently.
I chuckled at the name.
"Well, I think you ought to know, that Mr. Tatum is very pretty. He's perfect," I said dreamily.
Now, I am a fan of Channing, but I find it hilarious the way Louis reacts to my judging of the hotness of celebrities. So, that is why I kept this charade up.
He always squints his eyes, and then shakes his head in disapproval.
Then he laughs.
And when he laughs, he just...it's so cliche, I'm not even going to say it. But, I will say that this version of Louis, the happy and energetic one, is so much better than the other one I met. I don't know what changed in him, but it was definitely for the best.
"Well, Channing Tatum doesn't have millions of girls stalking him all over the world, and pleading for his hand in marriage, does he?" He asked me challengingly.
"That's not a good thing. That's creepy."
"But that means we have more devoted fans." He stuck his tongue out at me.
"He takes his shirt off."
"I can do that."
"He has abs. Heavily toned ones at that."
"And you know that I don't?"
"He won "Sexiest Man Alive"." I said confidently.
I won. Right then. And Louis knew it too. That's why he just huffed and stomped off.
When I finally caught up to him, he said, "You win this time, Maci. But next time, I will crush you into the ground."
My stomach fluttered when he said 'next time'. That means I'll get to see Louis again. And maybe even more after that! It's just going to be amazing we can go to-
Nope! Maci, stop this. Just stop.
I shook my head in frustration, and sighed loudly. But I only realized it was out loud when Louis raised an eyebrow at me, silently asking a question.
I shrugged my shoulders in response, still fighting myself mentally.
"I'm still prettier," he said to me winking. "I demand a recount for that title."
I grinned wickedly. "Oh you wish, Tomlinson. You don't compare to Channing. He's heavy hotness," I said fanning myself dramatically. "You're...cute, I guess. That's just what the tabloids tell me." i smiled sweetly at him and strolled off.
Of course, I expected him to follow me, but when I turned to my side, the bubbly brunette was missing. I was confused at first, but then retraced my steps, and found Louis standing still in the same place as moments before, with his arms crossed. And when he spotted me, he smiled, but quickly wiped it off his face and tried to look intimidating and mean. It was a lame and failed attempt.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Aw. Did someone take wittle Louis' ice cream?"
He snorted and said, "No."
I smiled, "Then what is bothering you?" I asked jokingly.
He siffled, fake of course, and said, "I'm going to cry myself to sleep now because I will forever remember that on Friday Novemer 28th, 2013 at the time of," he paused and looked down at his bare wrist, as if looking at a watch, furrowed his eyebrows together, then said, "Damn. My watch is broken. What time is it?" He asked me hopelessly.
I chuckled and after checking my phone, said, "It's 11:29 at night, Lou."
"Thank you. So, Iwill forever remember that on Friday Novemer 28th, 2013 at the time of 11:29 p.m. that Maci..." He trailed off once more looking at me for the rest of my name.
"Alice Umpierre," I finished for him.
"...Alice Umpierre told me that Channing Great-body-hottie- Tatum was prettier than me, and that no competition was needed." He finished his speech like it was never interrupted.
I giggled slightly then said, "That's um..a lot of details."
"Yes, yes it is. And there's only one way to make up for your hurtful and untrue words."
"And what is that?" I asked half joking, half serious.
"On your knees," Louis said to me dead serious and stone cold. But his eyes were laughing. Teasing me almost. Huh. I can play along.
"Yeah. Ok. That's adroable. Funny, almost."
"I'm not joking. On your knees, woman!"
"But...we're in the middle of a walk way!"
"Do I look like I care? Now, please," he said this like an impatient grandma waiting for her children to set the table for supper.
I raised my hands in surrender as I slowly made my way down to the ground. "Pushy, aren't we?" I muttered
He looked down smugly at me.
Remind me, why did I do this?
"Now repeat after me. 'Louis Tomlinson is not pretty. He's damn sexy. And Channing Great-body-hottie-Tatum does not compare. And his bum is just as perfect as his luscious and silky voice.' Just like that!" He smiled proudly I am.
I snorted and said, "Someone's got a wee bit of an ego."
He waved me off and said, "I'm simply stating what you already know. Don't lie. My bum is perfect." He turned around, shoved his butt in my face, and then smacked it. This kid.
"Ok, ok." I sighed, then recited what I was told to. "Louis Tomlinson is not-"
"Nope, nope, nope. You have to say it sincerely. Feel the words you're speaking," Louis told me.
"What is this? Drama class?"
"No. You're just apologizing for your untruthful and hurtful words," He responded. But I stared at him not saying a word until he said, "Ok, fine. It's also for my entertainment, but just a little bit." He shrugged then motioned for me to go on.
"Well if you're done interrupting, I guess I better get on with kissing your ass," I cleared my throat, then mustered up all of my acting ability (which isn't much), and spoke, "Louis Tomlinson is not pretty. He isdamnsexy.And Channing Great-body-hottie-Tatum," I paused to make a disgusted face,"does not compare. And his bum is just as perfect as his luscious and silky voice." I looked up for approval, and he smiled.
"Not bad, not bad. I wouldn't hire you to be an actor, but that's good enough and convincing enough for me!" He grinned at me.
Then he patted my head. Like a parent would do to a little kid. Are you kidding me?
"Thanks," I mutterd, then rolled my eyes.
I put my hand up to rest against him, so I could get up, but he bounced away, and I fell on my face.
Once I recovered and caught up to him, his bubbly and exciting energy was gone. He was more serious now, and I thought this was just another one of his tricks,
"What's wrong now? Do I need to do a handstand for you now, and recite the Decleration of Independence?" I joked.
He smiled at me and said, "No, silly. I just think we should get to know each other. We've goofed off all night, but I don't know anything about you."
I suddenly became uncomfortable. I mean, I was flattered, and that meant he was interested in me. Not like 'interested'interested. Just..curious I guess.
"Well...what do you want to know?" I asked nervously. This was going to be an interesting rest of the night.



Hopefully she's fine, she said she's having some fam probs again

PickNandos PickNandos

Yeah, I hope she's okay. If your reading this Miss M, I hope your okay xoxo

Yeah. Unfortunately, the last time I heard from Miss M was six days ago. And it was very hurried and not as careful as she usually types. I'm not sure how long it's going to be, sadly. But, here we are, waiting till the end

PickNandos PickNandos

haha ofcourse I'm still here! I love this story and will wait patiently for however long it takes before the next chapter

Thank heavens!!! There are still people on here! I'm like.. I haven't updated my story in a month... An no ones saying anything... Okay

PickNandos PickNandos