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Three years later

You should probably run...

Jacks P.O.V. (Skylars daddy)

I want to kill Niall fucking Horan. I might! What a prick! Thinking he could even think about treating my daughter that way let alone really doing it! I may have not been able to be there for her all the time even though I wanted to because the marines didn't allow me to be home ever. Why did he think he could treat my daughter so poorly! So poorly that she completely broke her organized thought process so she would drive two and half hours with a grumpy baby! And now what's he going to do? Never see his son because he can't respect my daughter enough to meet up with his son? Make her deal with all the hard questions little ones have. I had been driving for an hour and a half and I could already see the city lights. Only now did I realize I had gotten here so fast because I had been going 90 miles an hour. Oops. I slowed as I hit traffic, but luckily Niall lived on the outer edges of the city with security gates. I decided that I would need the boys, so I called Alex and told him to bring Nate and manny and Josh with him to Niall's and meet me up the road half a mile. I waited about 15 minutes and then they pulled up in Nate's red Ferrari, and Alex's yellow Lamborghini. I knew he lived in a gated community so when I went up to check on Alex I unplugged her phone and slipped it in my pocket the sped off to the city.
"I don't know how to work that thing but the code is 0905," I quietly laughed to my self. Alex texted Niall from Skylars phone: Hey, my brother is going to drop off a key to my house, cause he's coming up too my parents and I need you or one of the boys to check the house," he sent it and a minute later the phone went off and he said he'd put Alex's name on the list. We waited about five more minutes and Alex got in the drivers seat, josh passenger, Nate on the left back, me right, and manny stretched out across the very back seat. We pulled up and they checked his I'd and name and then sent him in. We drove up to the house and we all got out. I walked up to the door with Alex slightly behind me on my right and josh on my left, Nate was behind Alex, manny behind Josh. I knocked and in less than a minute Niall opened his door fear quickly taking over his faced, seeing the four over protective brothers pissed and one livid daddy standing on his porch. I looked him up and down, then pushed past him into the living room there was Louis and Liam they stood and quickly excused them selves to the upper levels.
"Niall," I puffed, "sit down. We need to talk. Now!" I added more forcefully when he just stood. He nodded and sat on a leather chair behind him, "You know that Skylar means the world to every signal one of us. We are protective. We love her with every fiber of our being that isn't devoted to Alex. You put them in the same mix, and they drive two and a half hours and end up at my door crying, both of them. That doesn't just just piss me off, that makes me so livid that I can see fire! And when you put us five together mad at one man, your practically fucking screwed!" Niall was looking like he was going to start shuddering in fear. Good, "this is a fierce warning. Either stay away from my daughter, or you'd better not screw up. If she says you ever hurt her feelings again you can kiss that pretty boy face of yours goodbye!" My voice rises at every word. Well he pissed me off. Screwing with my little girl like that? Not gonna happen!
  1. "Niall I've always thought you were a good man, but tonight changed that and the night my sister came to our house upset. She stopped the four of us finding you and fuckin you up just enough. My sister is the most amazing girl I know next to my mom. We are tight. She tells me everything, even that you slept with her when you were with that other bitch," my body tensed up, "And even though you put her through a work of hurt she still ran to the hospital and forgave you. Don't ask me why, because I've never understood my sisters logic, or easily forgiving toward you. But you listen she is temperamental, and I'm not say everytime you guys disagree I'm goin to come here and beat you until your almost dead but realize this: she was right, she is right, and she will always be right. You may have body guards but she's got us and that's like have and entire army protecting two people her and Alex. We will die for them. Literally. So don't fuck around with her. Say yes and be faithful, or say it's not right, right now but you want to be in Alex's life or not. Don't fuck with them be there or leave and leave for good. Understood?" He molded almost fossilized. I turned and walked out looking once behind me too see Alex and Joshua stare him down, then turn on their heel only to have Manny and Nate stare him. Soon they soon joined us on the porch and slammed the door we turned to see Liam and Louis walk down the stairs, more like fun, and Niall exhale loudly. Breathing heavy. He picked up his phone. Once we walked down the walk Alex picked up Skylars phone when it went off and read the text: you told me your brother was coming over! Not your whole fucking male family! God Skylar I'm sorry but did you have to send them in a murder hunt? Like what the fuck?. We all looked at each other and turned walking back up the walk seeing them still talking in the living room. We walked in and we were even more pissed!
  2. "I told you not to fuck with my sister you prick!" Alex said them punched Niall in the jaw receiving a satisfying crack and a moan. Liam and Louis soon stood next to him askin Alex to step back, they laid Niall down on the couch.
  3. "look we know what he did was fucked up! We don't like what he did! We love her she's our frien-," Louis was silenced by Mannys intense glare.
  4. "No fucking friend I know would let her walk into that let alone with a kid on her hip!" Liam started to speak but josh glared and he shut up instantly. We turned and walked out. When we left they got in their cars and we all headed back out to the country to meet Skylar and Judy(Skylar&Alex Sr. mom)


Wow two in one day! Hope you enjoy sorry it's short!:)
bote! Please don't forget! Love you my little coconuts!!!:)


Opps... I must not have been paying attention when I wrote that... And thank you! I'm glad people are still reading this! If you haven't would you mind voting? Thank you!!!
Chance_sky Chance_sky
You spelled Louis wrong. But overall this book is frigging awesome
MimiMalik MimiMalik
OMG the first chapter was so sad
MyraHoran MyraHoran
@Sarah Horan
Thank you! I wanted to end in a cute way and I hope this was it... I think I'll be posting the first chapter tonight...
Chance_sky Chance_sky
Holy cow! Can you excited! Lol I'll be posting it tonight I think...:)
Chance_sky Chance_sky