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surviving the bite

Immortal life

well guys i have set the new book up and i have the first chapter written the book is called immortal life i'm not sure if i'm keeping the name or what but yeah it's got the same cover at this and it is up now so i hope you enjoy the new story and i hope you have been enjoying this series of books don't forget don't be afraid to comment, vote and subscribe on the stories and don't be afraid to message me if you just want to talk or ask anything about the books :)



I love it

Hello1Dkitty Hello1Dkitty

@Harry's kitty kat
Thats what i have named it and i have posted the first chapter i would update but im at school unfortantly haha

Emmaaaa Emmaaaa

I think immortal life sounds really good!! <3

@Harry's kitty kat
aw i'm happy i'm making another one it's fun writing i've always had a passion for writing i suspose and aw i'm glad it is your favourite fanfic i literally looked back at the begining of the first story and i can tell that it's improved like my writing was shit at the beginning haha i still don't know what to call the next one i have an idea and it's immortal life but i'm not sure any ideas? <3

Emmaaaa Emmaaaa

Ahahaha I'm so glad you're making another story and yes, your really good!!! This is my favourite fanfic <3