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You Found Me

Chapter Five

Chapter 5

Hadley received a call from Paul a few days later. Her background check had been cleared and she is offered the job of helping Niall. Paul made sure she was really willing to put up with Niall 24/7 since he has become unmanageable since he returned from the hospital a couple days ago. Hadley insisted she could handle whatever Niall throws at her. Paul still seemed uneasy. He told her to pack up as much as she would need to live on for the next few months and then she could go back and get more for when they go on tour if she needs too. He told her where Niall's flat is and that he would meet her there. She thanked him for this opportunity and packed up as quickly as she could. When her car was packed with her belongings, she headed to the address Paul had given her. She was shaking slightly when she arrived because she is a bit nervous. She was met at the gates of this lovely flat by a sturdy looking man that she had come to know as Paul. He gave her access into the gates and when she parked her car, he lead her to the front door. He told Hadley about how Niall eats all the time so if he is eating a lot, he should be easier to deal with.

He informed her of his insecurities and warned her about how he can have a bit of a temper sometimes and he likes to drink, a lot. Hadley just nodded taking the information in. Paul said he or one of the boys would be every other day to check on how things are going. Hadley didn't want to be rude but she has a suggestion.

She suggested that tonight while she is getting settled in, the boys take Niall out for a "guy's night" and then that until the tour, they leave Niall and Hadley alone to get acquainted so she can help him cope with his problems without the boys upsetting him or interfering. Paul seemed a little hesitant but soon agreed it is a good idea. He said that he would inform the boys and that if she ever needed anything, he is a phone call away. Hadley insisted she would tell Niall about the guy's night and avoid telling him anything else right now so he wouldn't get overwhelmed.

Paul thanked her a bunch of times for what she is going to do and said that he would pay her in providing for anything she needs and whatnot.

She thanked him for this opportunity and then they parted ways. Hadley used the key that Paul gave her to the flat to let herself in. It was oddly quiet in the flat. Hadley looked for the room that Paul said she would be staying in and began to take her stuff inside and set it down before confronting Niall. After setting her stuff down, she heard a crash and a bunch of curse words. She rushed to the source of the sound: Niall's bathroom. She found a broken mirror and glass shattered everywhere. Niall was fumbling around with bleeding arms. It is apparent he was just trying to get ready for the day but it was going horribly wrong. Hadley went over to Niall and started to pick up the pieces of glass up before he hurt himself more. Niall was startled by the sudden company.

"Paul, I told you to leave me alone, I can handle this all by myself. I don't need you."

"Paul left to go meet with the boys."

"Oh it's you. What are you doing here, slut? I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again. You're the reason I am still living in Hell" He spat.

"Paul, hired me to help you and whether you like it or not, I am not leaving."

Niall scoffed, "Well see about that."

Hadley finished picking up the glass and then went over to Niall, careful not to startle him too much.

"Niall, your wrists are bleeding."

He smirked, "It wouldn't be the first time."

"If you let me clean your wounds up, I will leave you alone. The boys are taking you out tonight for a drink I am assuming just so you know."

She reached out to grab Niall's arm but he jerked it away from her causing him to lose his balance and fall on the floor. She grabbed the first aid kit and got on the floor next to Niall. She grabbed his arm and held it tight. She quickly wiped the alcohol swab over his wrists. He cursed and tried to get out of Hadley's grasp but she wouldn't let him.

She was getting slightly frustrated now, "Niall, I will leave you alone just let me finish for crying out loud I am only trying to help you!"

"I didn't ask for your help! I don't need anyone's help!"

They struggled but Hadley managed to clean his cuts and bandage them but not without needing a few bandages herself. She left him be and went to start cooking dinner. When she was finished, she heard Niall coming down the stairs. But he sounded like he was having some trouble.

She went to meet him at the bottom of the stairs in case he needed help. He had successfully made it to the last step when he tripped and knocked Hadley down in the process. They landed with Niall on top. Niall seemed a bit confused until his hand grazed her breasts. Hadley blushed as Niall discovered what he is touching.


Ok so I'm a bit scared now. Why? Because I don't know what I wrote on chapter 3 before I had to change it! And so I'm afraid if I jacked up the chapters! But I hope you guys like this chapter


Me want a sequel !!! Absolutely awesome

xx_dolphin_xx xx_dolphin_xx
Sequal please I am on love with this story!!!
i can't wait to read it! this was ah-may-Zayn!
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYaayayayayayayyayayaayaya!!!! SEQUAL!!!!!!! Can't wait to read it
N.J.H.1292 N.J.H.1292
I cant wait for the sequal :DDD
NailHorran NailHorran