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Percy Jackson/1D And The Creators Horn

One Slip Will Be You're Downfall


Alexis appeared again and this time it was my turn.

Another entrance appeared above Louis's and I had to climb the wall to get there.
As soon as I was inside a bolder fell on the entrance and I was shut inside, the walls were covering the ceiling, it looked more like a cave than a maze.

Urgh..I've had enough of caves, I think the Hellhound cave had given me a fear of them.

Alexis appeared before me and said she'd read out a riddle to help me along the way.
"Trust in yourself. Trust in your health. Determination will get you through. One doubt will fail you. They will try and put you under their thrall. One slip will be you're downfall" I felt myself shudder at the word downfall and Alexis looked grim.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Sirens" Was all she said before she disappeared leaving me with a inckling of an idea at what monsters I'd face in the maze making me feel like someone had punched me in the gut.


It was my turn next. Zayn said he'd go next but I had to step in, he looked so fearful I felt pity and said I'd do it before Zayn could protest.

Alexis clicked her fingers and another door opened to the right of where Louis had went inside.

I walked in hesitantly my heart thumping hard. Soon my entrance was no more and Alexis appeared in front of me.

She said "Hear what I have to say, then you can go"

I nodded slowly.

Alexis said '"You'll be chased, hunted, torchered and tempted, remember this in order and perhaps you will survive"

And with that she left me, she left me with those words, not even a good luck? I felt a sense of foreboding as I walked deeper inside the maze. I prayed to my father, whoever you are, please help me through this challenge!

Later on you'll never guess how glad I was that I'd prayed to him.



Thank you so much :D :D Thank you for commenting :D
I'm so glad you like it :)) xxx

Piper charms Piper charms

This is one of the best stories I've read in a while!! Thank you so much for writing this!

@Piper charms
Your welcome !!!

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Piper charms Piper charms

I love this story it's amazing