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Ship Love.

Trust Issues.

Niall POV

God this was the hardest thing to do, to see her leave so soon not even getting to spend another moment with her until a very long time. I am so depressed right now, I don’t want to eat or drink or do anything. I just want to curl under a bed, and just cry myself to sleep.

I hope that with time it will be easier for me, to carry myself and live normally I just wished I had more time with her. I just hope that she considers coming to London with me after this trip, I am not so confident with her reaction that I got from her when I asked her to move in with me. I have doubts, that she may not be keen to move in with me.

It will break my heart into pieces, I don’t want a long distance relationship I want her to be with me by my side. I know I wont be able to handle having a long distance relationship, she just left and I am already into pieces.

Plus Denise is a very pretty girl, I mean any guy will try and approach her and talk to her. Maybe another guy will try to sweep her heart, it isn’t hard for someone to approach her especially if the guy is good looking.

Agh I am over thinking, I should not over think I should have trust in her. I should be able to trust her, long distance relationships rely heavily on trust so if I don’t trust her then there is no way that this would work.

I should probably go and have breakfast with the family, I don’t want them to sense I am sad or depressed. I want them to think, that I am okay and everything is fine but I don’t think I can pull that off I am not very good in hiding emotions.

Mom: “My son where is your lovely girlfriend Denise, has she gone already?.”

Me: “Yeah mom sadly, she left this morning I was hoping you both could catch her before she left. But she left thank God, I got to say good bye to her.”

Mom: “Son don’t be sad please, cheer up you don’t have to be sad. You haven’t had a lot of relationships because it is hard for you I understand. It will get better with time trust me my son, your father and I had a pleasant evening yesterday. We explored this beautiful place, we actually want to come back here again in the near future.”

Me: “That is great mom I am glad you and dad had an amazing time, you guys deserve to spoil yourselves. You should for your anniversary, it will be a perfect get away.”

I wish to spend the rest of my life, like my mom and dad. They have been married for a long time I want to find someone to spend the rest, of my life with like this. It would make me a happy man, if Denise and I will make it this far in our relationship.

End Of POV


Niall is already facing trust issues, with Denise?. Do you think, that Niall is over reacting a little bit? or do you think it is a normal thing for him to have trust issues in this early stage of the relationship?.

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Thanks I'm still reading and loving it!

@Savanna and Niall
Thanks Love I appreciate the lovely comment :D X

Really like this story!

sooooooo good!

CrazyM0F0 CrazyM0F0

@Nialls Girl_25_10 @princesslingley @mrs j horan 4everxx @blonde rocks @Katie_Horan_01

I will think about a sequel lovlies no promises on that though, I am thinking of writing a new story but I will have to work on that in 3 months or more because university is just hectic right now. If anything changes I will let you all know in this story thank you so much for your support I love you all xoxo