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Never See Me Giving In



I yawned and rested my head on Niall’s shoulder as well all stood at the airport saying goodbye to Casey and Paige. It was 9am in the morning and we were all dead tired from clubbing the night before.

“It was great meeting you,” Paige said pulling me into a hug. I reciprocated the action happily.

“We will definitely have to keep in touch,” Casey added pulling me into a hug as well.

“I would love that,” I responded honestly as they moved on to their goodbye’s to Niall. The rest of us stood back afterwards allowing Skye to have a private goodbye with her two best friends. I could already see the tears rolling down her cheeks. Harry stood with us watching them intently, worry written across his face.

“Look after her!” Casey called out glaring at Harry. He nodded once flashing them a small smile. This was enough for Casey as she smiled and pulled Skye into a hug. I looked away as I saw all three girls begin to sob. Harry quickly moved towards them.

“This is what it was like when she left Australia,” Eleanor muttered sympathetically. I glanced towards Niall to see his eyes dull and his face screwed up. I gave him a worried look.

“Are you okay?” I asked him softly so no one else could hear. He looked into my eyes and I could see the pain in them.

“I just realised that tomorrow I’m going to be standing here saying goodbye to you.” My heart dropped at what Niall said, I had forgotten that from tomorrow I wouldn’t be seeing my Irish boyfriend for two months.

“Yes but I’ll be back in two months,” I tried to soothe him and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He buried his head into my neck and placed light kisses across my shoulder making me shudder slightly. I was going to miss him a lot.

We gave Casey and Paige one last goodbye before they boarded their flight. Harry wrapped Skye up in his arms and directed her to the car and through the paparazzi as she sobbed into his chest. I could see the pain written across Harry’s face and I couldn’t help but marvel how in tune they were with each other.

“How about we spend the day just us two,” I suggested to Niall. He brightened up slightly and nodded at me saying that it sounded great.

“Good, now let’s go get some breakfast,” I said earning another large smile from Niall as we made our way to his car saying goodbye to everyone else.


“You’re so cute,” I cooed to the puppy in the window.

“Come on,” Niall whined tugging on my hand and pulling me away from the pet shop window.

“When I get back I’m going to buy a puppy,” I announced to Niall. He laughed at me.

“I’m serious! Better yet I’m going to buy that exact puppy!” I said pointing behind us at the pet shop where the black Pomeranian puppy was living. Niall just rolled his eyes at me and pulled me into the ice cream shop.

After Niall payed for my peppermint flavoured ice cream and his rainbow ice cream we made our way over to the park hand in hand.

“Then I can take the puppy on walks like this,” I explained to Niall all the things I planned on doing with this puppy.

“And what are you going to name this puppy?” He humoured me. I scrunched up my face thinking.

“Knox, like you know, that spell in Harry Potter,” I stated. Niall burst out laughing, I shot him an annoyed look.

“What! I happen to quite like the Harry Potter books!” I said happily before finishing the rest of my ice cream. Niall got a serious look on his face before stopping and moving closer to me.

“What?” I asked.

“You’ve got ice cream on your cheek,” Niall said quietly. I moved my hand to wipe it off but Niall grabbed my hand and pulled it down by my side. Suddenly his lips were on me moving forcefully against my own. I quickly kissed him back opening my mouth almost immediately allowing him to push his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands pressed into my hip bones pulling me closer to him.

After a while he pulled back both of us panting slightly. He leant forward and licked up my cheek. I squealed and pushed him back wiping his saliva off my cheek. I looked at him to see him licking his lips.

“Mmm peppermint,” He laughed at me. I laughed and smacked him across the chest.

“That was gross,” I whined rubbing at my face harder. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him linking our fingers while we finished our walk around the park.

“Have you finished packing?” Niall asked randomly as we walked past a few stalls along the street casually. I nodded to him before picking up a necklace in one stall and quickly handing over the money for it. Niall looked at me curiously.

“My mother likes hand made things,” I explained to him as I quickly put the necklace into my bag. He nodded in acceptance and we eventually found our way back to the car. We decided to just head back to his place to hang out for the rest of the day.


Niall shifted uncomfortably next to me on the couch for the fifth time since we started to watch the movie and it was starting to piss me off. I reached over and grabbed the remote pausing the movie.

“Alright, what’s wrong? You keep shifting!” I turned to stare at Niall angrily; he glanced at me surprised before his face turned slightly red. I watched him panic quietly to himself before his face became determined. I refrained from giggling at the silly faces he was making at himself. He eventually put his hand into his pocket and pulled out something that I couldn’t quite see.

“I uh got you something...” He trailed off. I looked at him in surprise as he grabbed my hand and I felt something drop against my hand. I glanced down to see a gold four leaf clover charm with a leather chain. I stared at it shocked.

“It’s for good luck with the tour. I wasn’t sure if you believed in that stuff, but I uh do and I just wanted to get you something that reminded you of me and would be good luck.” He rambled uneasily as he watched for my reaction.

I stayed still staring at the pretty necklace before a huge smile swept across my face and I jumped on Niall attacking him in kisses.

“I love it!” I yelled at him pressing my lips to his. He laughed into the kiss and pulled me onto his lap to deepen the kiss.


My phone alarm started to beep and I groaned rolling over to stop the annoying intrusion into my sleep. I rolled back over to be pulled into a very warm and naked chest. I smiled largely and snuggled into Niall’s chest happily. His arms squeezed around my waist tighter.

After a few moments there was a knock at the door.

“Come on Tate, time to get up we have to be at the airport in an hour.” I groaned and buried my head into Niall’s chest.

“TATE!” Jacob called again, he was getting angry.

“OKAY OKAY!” I called out grumpily. “I’M GETTING UP!”

Niall groaned at the fact that I pretty much yelled in his ear. I pecked his cheek before wriggling out of his grip and headed into the bathroom for a shower and I quickly got changed. I walked back into my room to see Niall sprawled out across my bed with nothing but boxers on. He was staring at his phone.

I jumped on the bed which caused him to drop his phone right on his face.

“OW!” He yelled rubbing his nose furiously and glaring at me. I burst into laughter before leaning over and pressing a kiss to his nose. He quickly pulled my face down so my lips met with his. We made out for a bit until Jacob knocked on the door again!

“Oh bloody Jesus Christ! We’re coming!” I cried out grabbing Niall’s hand and pulling him off my bed. I didn’t bother fixing my sheets up since I knew my mother would probably come during the time we were gone to clean the house up.

I watched Niall quickly throw some clothes on before he walked over and wrapped me up in his arms and nuzzled his nose into my neck.

“I like you better without a shirt on,” I mumbled into his ear. He snorted and I could feel him shaking with laughter.

“I would like to say the same thing but I have yet to have the pleasure of seeing you without a shirt on,” He whispered into my ear sending tingles all through my body. I pushed him away laughing and grabbed his hand dragging him out into the living room.

“Finally!” Jacob exclaimed. I flipped him off. I reached for my suitcase but Niall beat me to it and grabbed my other bag and started to carry them to the door. Jacob followed him. I grabbed my carryon bag and glanced around my flat before flicking the light off and locking the door behind me.

We made it to the air port in a half hour and my luggage was checked in and my flight had been called. I sighed and stood up holding onto Niall’s hand tightly. I had already said goodbye to everyone for two months last night but they had come this morning to say goodbye again.

I turned to everyone and gave them all one last quick goodbye hug. Before turning to my parents, they pulled both Jacob and I into tight hugs telling us to be safe and have fun and that they love us. I laughed and promised to behave and told them I loved them back.

The final call for my plane was made and I took a deep breath and turned to Niall. He smiled at me sadly. I walked towards him and threw my arms around his neck and lifted myself up wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughed and grabbed onto my thighs to keep me up.

“I’m going to miss you so much!” I murmured into his neck as I hugged him as tight as I could.

“I’ll miss you too,” He whispered setting my feet back on the ground. “I know we haven’t known each other long or even been together long but these next two months are going to be hard,” Niall frowned at me.

“I know,” I said softly before reaching up the couple of centimetres of height difference between us and placing my lips against his soft ones. His arms instantly wrapped around my waist pulling me tight against him his tongue pushed into my mouth angling my head so he could deepen the kiss. My arms wrapped around his waist and I stood on my tippy toes pulling him as close as I could as his tongue explored every inch of my mouth as if it was trying to memorise it all. I held back the moan threatening to come out as his tongue played with mine. He had never kissed me like this and when it ended I was left standing there weak kneed and gasping for air.

He smirked down at me and pressed his lips to mine briefly before pulling me into a hug. I was still breathing deeply as he pushed his nose into the hollow of my neck and placed a light kiss there. He finally released me and bent down picking up my bag and hooking it on my shoulder.

“Now go, and have fun. I know you’ll be awesome,” He said his hand reaching for the necklace he gave me that was safely on my neck. His smiled widened and his eyes brightened as he played with it before he looked up and pressed his lips to mine again. This kiss was much shorter and sweeter than the last and it made me want to stay.

“Tate!” Jacob called. I glanced away from beautiful blue eyes to Jacob, this snapped me out of my trance as I noticed he was about to board. I sighed and pecked Niall’s lips.

“I’ll see you in two months okay?” I whispered to him. He nodded and pecked my cheek before pushing me in the direction of the line. I quickly turned to wave at everyone. I glanced guiltily between my parents and Niall as I saw my Dad glaring at Niall. Our little show of affection was obviously a bit far for my dad’s liking.

I winked at Niall and blew him a kiss before handing over my ticket and proceeding onto the plane. My stomach dropped slightly as I could no longer see Niall.

I was excited for this tour, definitely. But I was going to miss that boy and I just hoped we would last those two months.

“Come on Tate. Get pumped!” Ander said with a large smile, walking over and wrapping an arm around my waist.


Fight For You

Fight For You

R Romance Drama Teen

Harry Styles and the rest of One Direction


Completed ✓
9.9 137 Votes


Thank you so much love. I feel like this story might have the most drama, sometimes. But thank you! :D x

Some how I totally skipped over Never See Me Giving In! Anyway its really good so far, I'm hoping to finish it before UNI starts back up again this weekend. You never seem to disappoint. :)

ohhboybands ohhboybands

I'm half attempting too! I've just started posting one of my latest stories on there and I will eventually transfer all my stories over! Just take a bit of time :P - my username on there is the same as it is here - impulsive freedom :)

Are you ever gonna post your stories on wattpad?


Jacqui Jacqui