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The Right Road to Love

Chapter 28

Jenna P.O.V

I felt a rough hand touch my shoulder, and it spun me around. I looked at Lindsay who was smiling me. She took me outside.

"Louis told me to dance and I didn't want too. But he made me dance. He is so frustrating." Lindsay complained throwing a glass bottle to the sidewalk. She picked up the biggest piece and reached for my arm.

"I get angry easily you know." she added and injected the sharp point to my skin, ripping through my flesh. I squealed in pain. She smirked and threw it on the ground. Lindsay cut my wrist. I held onto it roughly and looked at her. I picked up one and she closed my hand, making the glass touch the palm of my hand. I let go in deep pain. The cut on my wrist started having blood marks on it. It didn't take long before my palm was covered in blood too. Lindsay left me out there alone. I sneaked in and got my bag. I hid myself in the crowd of people. I started running home. Such a long distance. Blood started dripping onto the sidewalk and streets the more I ran. Tears were forming in my eyes, it hurt so much. I hurried up to the apartment and shut the door loudly with my other hand. I ran straight to the kitchen and got out a paper towel and wrapped my hand in it.

"Lindsay.." I began. I grabbed another towel to wipe the blood from the kitchen tiles. I ran into Alyssas' room and pulled out a drawer. She was the medical person, but tonight I was the patient treating myself. I unwrapped the paper towel and started applying the bandages over my cuts. I ran in my room to change clothing. I guess I'll be wearing long sleeve for awhile. This is the only way to hide my bandages.

From: Unknown Number
- Louis gave me your number. You can't escape me forever! I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, sharp. L.

To: Unknown Number
- It's obvious I won't. I guess I will. *sigh* J.

I put down my phone. I changed into this outfit and got another text. This time from two people.

From: Alyssa
- Where are you? I'm super worried. I'm searching for you!

From: Zayn Malik
- Are you okay? And where are you? I wanna dance with you.

I didn't bother texting Zayn back. I only wanted my best friend to know what's up.

To: Alyssa
- I'm at the apartment. You don't need to be! I felt sick and went home.

From: Alyssa
- You're there? You didn't even tell me!

To: Alyssa
- I'm so sorry for not telling you. It was an emergency! Jenna x

It felt terrible lying to my one and only best friend. I cried into my sleeves. I'm such a coward.

I laid in bed wide-eyed looking at the clock. It was ten. I wasn't sleepy at all. Thoughts were racing through my head, the one thing in the lead was Lindsay. I didn't want to admit I was afraid of her. Maybe I wasn't. But the thought of Zayn, or possibly Alyssa getting hurt. I shivered and heard noises outside in the hall.

"Thank you Harry. Bye!" Alyssa said and shut the door quietly. Alyssa opened my door quietly and I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Stop pretending." she replied. I sighed. I opened my eyes and sat up. She opened the lights and came closer to me.

"Why are you wearing that? It's very stuffy in here." she asked looking at me.

"I felt cold. I think I might have a fever or something." I told her. She gasped. Alyssa put her hand on my forehead.

"You're very hot. The other way." Alyssa replied. Well, laying in the covers all day worked!

"We'll check your temperature tomorrow. Don't run off like that again! At least tell me." she said and stood up. She walked out of the door.

"Get a good nights sleep." she said through the door. I closed my eyes. Gotta drink some hot coffee tomorrow.I looked at my injured arm and sighed.

I can't pull this off forever.



- xStylish

I love this fandom. We broke the record for most views in 24 hours [vevo]. <3 Love you all!


Update please
mickaluna26 mickaluna26
oh yeah thanks jenna. that comment was from days ago and I haven't asked for an update for almost a week now! total..you know what im not gonna say anything else.
MrsMalikRealz MrsMalikRealz
you know i was about to do it.. but now let's keep the suspense shall we since you said that
xStylishStyles xStylishStyles
Yeah, I will put it that way. You don't feel the need to make the next chapter cause you just wrote a filler!
MrsMalikRealz MrsMalikRealz