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Apartment 191 - Comments

aww thank you so much. i do post them on wattpad but i dont update as frequently on there. You'll see Little Misunderstandings on there but it's still on like chapter 13. :P I just feel like it's extremely hard to get notices on Wattpad unless you have a bunch of friends to read and vote and comment. But hey, maybe I'll give it a shot?

haha yeah one of my frinds convinced me to do a louis fic. I told her it was a Harry fic but hopefully when she checked it out she realized it was Louis. :) I've never been great at capturing his real life character, but I thought I might as well give it a chance!

lalaladooo lalaladooo

Oh my god I cannot wait to read more! Seriously I'll never understand how you can be so amazing. Also do you post your stories on wattpad? You should if you don't. Your stories soooo don't get enough credit on this site. They are some of the best I've ever read! Well, let me know if you ever decide to post them on wattpad.
Bye xo

HOOOORAYYYY FOR LOUIS-FICS! I applaude your friend for the push. I'm loving what I just read. Can't wait to see more xo

Ohsugarbitch! Ohsugarbitch!